
Created:      2010-07-02
Home page:    <https://metacpan.org/release/RDF-TriN3>
Bug tracker:  <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=RDF-TriN3>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster <mailto:tobyink@cpan.org>

0.205  2013-09-03

 - (Update) Add the 'deps' prefix, and 'BackCompat' and 'Tests' keywords to

0.204  2013-07-17

 - (Bugfix) Eliminate uninitialized warnings from
 - (Bugfix) Fix spelling of 'Regression' data type in Pretdsl profile.

0.203  2012-12-12

 - (Bugfix) Drop last dependency on obsolete version of

0.202  2012-07-06

 - (Bugfix Packaging) Note the Module::Runtime and namespace::clean

0.201  2012-07-05

 - (Bugfix Packaging) Note the RDF::NS::Trine dependency.

0.200  2012-07-04

 - (Addition) RDF::TrineX::Parser::Pretdsl
 - (Documentation) Copyright 2012.

0.136  2011-10-24  Happy Birthday

 - (Addition) N3 Parser now supports 'has' keyword (essentially a no-op).
 - (Addition) ShorthandRDF how has @import and @profile directives.
 - (Documentation) Copyright 2011.
 - (Packaging) Module::Package::RDF
 - (Update) Add file extensions to ShorthandRDF and N3 parsers.
 - (Update) Add format URIs to ShorthandRDF and N3 parsers.
 - (Update) use 5.010

0.129  2010-10-04

 - Changed ShorthandRDF syntax.

0.128  2010-09-29

 - (Addition) RDF::Trine::Parser::ShorthandRDF
 - (Bugfix) RDF::Trine::Parser::Notation3::parse_formula works.
 - (Bugfix) RDF::Trine::Store::DBI compatibility note.
 - Added more test cases.

0.126  2010-08-17