
Created:      2013-09-01
Home page:    <https://metacpan.org/release/Switcheroo>
Bug tracker:  <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Switcheroo>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster (TOBYINK) <tobyink@cpan.org>

0.005	2013-10-10

 [ Packaging ]
 - Rename PerlX::Switch -> Switcheroo.

0.004	2013-09-22

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Minor pod syntax fix.

 [ Packaging ]
 - Use a newer version of Dist::Inkt.

0.003	2013-09-22

 [ Documentation ]
 - Document `$a` and `$b` better.
 - Document the status of this distribution.

 [ Other ]
 - Prevent warnings from `$a` and `$b` using a little trick in `import`.
 - The `if` option is now called `mode`.

0.002	2013-09-22

 [ Documentation ]
 - Document Perl 5.14 requirement.
 - Document that the module re-exports `match`.

 [ Test Suite ]
 - Include some test cases for @_ within switch blocks.

 [ Other ]
 - Some improvements accessing @_ within switch blocks, but still... caveat
 - switch now internally uses tail calls (`goto`) when possible.

0.001	2013-09-21	Initial release