Created: 2013-03-23
Home page: <https://metacpan.org/release/Type-Tiny>
Bug tracker: <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Type-Tiny>
Maintainer: Toby Inkster <mailto:tobyink@cpan.org>
0.000_04 2013-04-03
- (Addition) Finally implement Type::Coercion's has_coercion_for_type
- (Addition) Type::Tiny equals/is_subtype_of/is_supertype_of/is_a_type_of
methods for type constraint comparisons.
- (Addition) Type::Tiny plus_coercions/minus_coercions/no_coercions
methods for creating subtypes with different sets of coercions.
- Allow coercion code to be expressed as a string; quite a bit faster.
- Create and use compiled coercions; somewhat faster.
0.000_03 2013-04-03
- (Addition) Inlined type constraints for all of Type::Standard.
- (Addition) Test cases for ScalarRef[`a].
- (Bugfix) Fix the crashing t/moo-inflation.t test case.
- (Documentation) Document Type::Coercion's overloading.
- Create and use compiled type constraint checks; much faster!
- Make sure Type::Standard's Moose-like built-ins get inflated to real
Moose built-in types.
- Use more unique stringification for %Moo::HandleMoose::TYPE_MAP keys.
0.000_02 2013-04-02
- (Addition) StrMatch added to Type::Standard.
- (Addition) use Type::Library -base
- (Addition) use Type::Library -declare
- (Bugfix) Anchor enum regexps to beginning and end of string.
- (Documentation) Beginnings of Type::Tiny::Manual.
0.000_01 2013-04-02 # Developer preview