Created: 2014-03-24
Home page: <https://metacpan.org/release/Types-URI>
Bug tracker: <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Types-URI>
Maintainer: Toby Inkster (TOBYINK) <tobyink@cpan.org>
0.006 2014-09-28
[ Bug Fixes ]
- Coercion to_Iri should load IRI.pm at run time, not compile time.
0.005 2014-09-27
[ Packaging ]
- Bump dependency on Type::Library to version 1.000000.
0.004 2014-09-27
[ Packaging ]
- Add dependency on Perl 5.8.
[ Other ]
- Added: Add a new Iri type, like Uri but using GWILLIAMS' IRI class.
There are coercions between Uri and Iri.
- Coercions are now made immutable.
0.003 2014-05-20
- Added: Coercion from RDF::Trine::Namespace.
- Added: Coercion from XML::Namespace.
0.002 2014-05-20
[ Packaging ]
- Repo metadata should not have been commented out.
[ Other ]
- Added: Coercion from RDF::Trine::Node::Resource.
- Coercion from HashRef now also applies to DataUri and FileUri.
0.001 2014-04-13 Initial release