## Changes #################################################################
Created: 2009-12-08
Home page: <http://search.cpan.org/dist/WWW-Finger/>
Bug tracker: <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=WWW-Finger>
Maintainer: Toby Inkster <mailto:tobyink@cpan.org>
0.09 [2010-04-26]
- (Update) Switch Changes file from Aaron Cope's changefile vocab to my
own DOAP Change Sets vocab.
- Various cleanups.
0.08 [2010-01-06]
- (Bugfix) Documentation improvements.
0.07 [2009-01-06]
- (Bugfix) Include BitworkingFingerProtocol.pm in MANIFEST.
- (Update) Update copyright noticed to 2010.
0.06 [2009-01-06]
- (Update) Improve fingerw's debugging (verbose) messages.
- (Addition) Follow rdf:seeAlso and ianalink:describedby links found in
Webfinger account profiles.
- Refactor some code from WWW::Finger::Webfinger to allow it to be used
- (Addition) Support semantics of foaf:account and foaf:holdsAccount.
- (Update) Use Turtle for Changes file.
- (Addition) Support Joe Gregorio's alternative to current Webfinger
- (Bugfix) Fix duplicated mbox in WWW::Finger::CPAN.
- (Addition) Allow fingerw command-line client to load additional modules.
0.05 [2009-12-16]
- (Bugfix) Mini bug-fixes.
- (Update) use XRD::Parser 0.04.
0.04 [2009-12-16]
- (Addition) Bundle a command-line query tool.
- (Bugfix) Fingerpoint bugfix in ->graph().
- Change default scheme for Webfinger from 'acct://' to 'acct:'.
- (Bugfix) Unimplemented methods return empty arrays properly.
0.03 [2009-12-15]
- (Bugfix) Fixed package signature.
- (Addition) WWW::Finger::Webfinger now provides an ->endpoint method.
0.02 [2009-12-14]
- (Bugfix) Fixed problems with build.
0.01 [2009-12-14]