
Created:      2012-04-26
Home page:    <https://metacpan.org/release/Web-ID>
Bug tracker:  <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Web-ID>

1.923  2013-05-21

 - Do a better job searching for OpenSSL binary; use Alien::OpenSSL if it
   can't be found.
 - Switched from MooseX::Types to Types::Standard.
 - Switched from Path::Class to Path::Tiny.
 - Switched from Sub::Exporter to Exporter::TypeTiny.
 - Switched from smartmatch to match::smart.

1.922  2012-12-15

 - (Documentation) Documented test suite.
 - (Update) RDF::Trine now uses Moose, so there's no reason for Web::ID to
   continue using Any::Moose. All the old Any::Moose/Mouse stuff is now
   gone, and Web::ID now uses Moose and MooseX::Types.
 - (Update) Switched from namespace::clean to namespace::sweep.
 - Make test suite output cleaner (no openssl junk) if Capture::Tiny is

1.921  2012-05-20

 - (Packaging) Add version number (0.06) to MouseX::Types dependency.

1.920  2012-05-10

 - (Documentation) Minor documentation changes.
 - (Packaging) Mark as non-development release.

1.910_04  2012-05-09

 - Drop dependency on Class::Load; use load_class from Plack::Util instead.
 - Use File::Temp and Path::Class in t/04webid.t - they're already
   dependencies, so might as well.
   ++"Kjetil Kjernsmo"

1.910_03  2012-05-09

 - Better hooks for subclassing Plack::Middleware::Auth::WebID.

1.910_02  2012-05-08

 - (Documentation) Add Any::Moose stuff to Web::ID BUGS section.
   ++"Florian Ragwitz"
 - (Documentation) Improve Web::ID DESCRIPTION.
   ++"Jonas Smedegaard"
 - (Update) Replace deprecated Digest::SHA1 with Digest::SHA.
   ++"Jonas Smedegaard"

1.910_01  2012-05-07

 - Almost complete rewrite of CGI::Auth::FOAF_SSL. Very different (and much
   cleaner) API.