
Created:      2011-11-28
Home page:    <https://metacpan.org/release/Web-Magic>
Bug tracker:  <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=Web-Magic>

0.008  2012-02-29

 - (Addition Documentation) Web::Magic::Examples.
 - Add '~resources' shortcut to findnodes.
 - Allow various blessed objects to be passed to the constructor instead of
   a string URI.
 - Support XML::LibXML::Node objects as request bodies.
   (XML::LibXML::Document was already supported.)
 - Support multipart/form-data.

0.007  2012-01-26  # Happy Australia Day!

 - $Web::Magic::user_agent is the default user agent.
 - (Addition Documentation) Added NOTES section.
 - (Addition) %Web::Magic::XPaths
 - (Addition) assert_content_type method
 - (Addition) make_absolute_urls method
 - (Addition) new_from_data constructor
 - (Addition) opengraph method
 - (Addition) save_as method
 - (Addition) set_user_agent method
 - (Addition) tap method
 - Make findnodes (the XML one) cooler.
 - Make user_agent into a setter (not just a getter).
 - When parsing response body as a DOM, call $document->setURI to set the
   document URI.
 - rename findNodes method to json_findnodes, and document it.

0.006  2012-01-12

 - (Bugfix) Default request body to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
 - (Bugfix) Remove spurious warning that was added for debugging purposes
   some time ago.

0.005  2012-01-12

 - (Addition) 'querySelector' and 'querySelectorAll' methods.
 - (Addition) Web::Magic::Async
 - (Bugfix) Escape URIs properly.
 - (Documentation) Improved documentation - especially of exceptions.
 - (Packaging) Include a fairly extensive test suite.
 - Throw blessed objects as exceptions.

0.004  2012-01-02

 - (Addition) 'headers' and 'header' methods.
 - (Update) use PerlX::QuoteOperator 0.04
 - Change calling convention for assert_response callbacks.
 - Preparation for an asynchronous implementation of Web::Magic. The
   current implementation is synchronous and likely to remain so - any
   async version will be a subclass.

0.003  2011-12-03

 - (Packaging) Use newer Module::Package::RDF.

0.002  2011-11-30

 - (Documentation) Document the quote-like operator feature.
 - (Documentation) Explain how to get back the URI as a string.
 - Overload stringification to return HTTP response body.

0.001  2011-11-30  # Initial release