
Created:      2010-07-14
Home page:    <https://metacpan.org/release/XML-Saxon-XSLT2>
Bug tracker:  <http://rt.cpan.org/Dist/Display.html?Queue=XML-Saxon-XSLT2>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster <mailto:tobyink@cpan.org>

0.005  2011-10-03

 - (Bugfix) Change how $classpath is constructed.

0.004  2011-02-18

 - (Addition) Allow parameters to be passed through to Inline::Java from
   the 'use' line.

0.003  2010-07-19

 - (Addition) Can determine <xsl:output> media-type, doctype-public,
   doctype-system, encoding and version attributes.

0.002  2010-07-15

 - No longer default to 'xml' output method, but respect XSLT's specified
   output method.
 - (Addition) Can capture output from <xsl:message>.
 - (Addition) Can specify a base URI in the constructor.

0.001  2010-07-15
# Original version