Revision history for Net-Jabber-Bot

Creation of Mock Client to allow automation of testing.

Added Log::Log4Perl as dependancy. This should be in everyone's CPAN so it shouldn't be a big deal that people need to install it even though it's not necessary for people to use the module...

Oops! Guess I need to make this module dependant on Net::Jabber if it's ever going to make test.

Move to 3 digit version (see FAQ about starting with 2 digit version and going to 3)
internal callback maker created to reduce code.

1.2.1 Call back functions how call self funcion via anonymous subs.
Minor bug fixes and cleanup.

1.2.0 Re-enabled config test, plus fixed some docs. Versioning changes from here out to be 3 digit. 
Bot will respond to different addressings per forum (all messages, jbot:, etc.)

1.1 Initial CPAN release - Basic tests built. Still more needed. Some of the limits are hard 
coded. Arguably, these should be more in a child module, not the base class? 

1.0 Initial pre-CPAN release -- Does basic stuff but no tests yet. not CPAN ready