Fri Sep 5 22:02:29 PDT 2014 Alex Tokarev <>
Version 0.50
Windows compatibility! Tested with ActiveState and Strawberry
Perls 5.18.2.
ok() method exported by CGI::Test was deprecated and removed.
All tests rebased to Test::More, somewhat improved, and made
compatible with Windows environment.
Fri May 16 20:03:11 PSD 2014 Alex Tokarev <>
Version 0.32
Makefile.PL will now bail out in Windows with CPAN Testers
friendly message to avoid bogus FAIL reports.
Fri Apr 11 21:58:37 PSD 2014 Alex Tokarev <>
Version 0.31
Added methods that return base URI to CGI::Test.
An error page is now returned if the script failed with 5xx
HTTP status; an ordinary page was returned previously.
Besides PERL5LIB, a new environment variable PERL will be
populated now for CGI scripts, containing the path to perl
binary. CGI scripts can use it to ensure they are running
under the same Perl version as CGI::Test itself.
It is now possible to set raw POST data and MIME type in
the Input field objects.
Mon May 28 18:37:24 PSD 2012 Alex Tokarev <>
Version 0.3
Completely removed all traces of dependency on Log::Agent and
Getargs::Long. Both are long obsolete, hardly maintained
anymore and at least one of these (Log::Agent) is failing its
Changed bugtracker attribute in Makefile.PL to point to
Git tracker.
Sun Mar 25 15:49:33 PSD 2012 Alex Tokarev <>
Version 0.2.4
Fixed a bug in test CGI scripts that cause them to be executed
with perl from $PATH rather than the one used to test the
module itself. This sometimes resulted in weird errors deep
within Carp module.
Mon Nov 21 00:17:38 MSD 2011 Alex Tokarev <>
Version 0.2.3
Made an attempt to fix a nasty bug that manifests itself
with custom Perl builds: test suite fails saying that it
can't load Fcntl shared object. I don't think this is
exactly *my* problem but it seems that majority of CPAN
testers are using customized Perl builds so FAIL to PASS
rate is like 2:1, which is clearly not good.
The fix is quite simple: I'm adding path to Perl executable
to PATH environment variable before anything else. This
seems to fix the problem on my machine, will see how it
fares with CPAN testers.
No other changes were made.
Sun Oct 16 23:46:11 MSD 2011 Alex Tokarev <>
Version 0.2.2
Bumping version up a notch to have CPAN indexer accept this
module. No other changes were made.
Wed Oct 5 22:21:38 MSD 2011 Alex Tokarev <>
Version 0.2.1
I am new maintainer of this module as of today; this little
bump of a release deals with changes in documentation
following ownership changes.
Fri Sep 30 14:22:14 MSD 2011 Alex Tokarev <>
Version 0.2.0
Forked from unauthorized 0.1.4 version, using Github as
Removed all dependencies on Carp::Datum as it is long outdated
and unsupported.
Updated Makefile.PL to new format, with modules in lib/ and
ChangeLog renamed to Changes.
Updated dependencies to reflect the changes in CPAN module
distribution. For one, HTTP::Status module was split from LWP
along with several others in HTTP::Message bundle which
requires Perl 5.8.8+ to build and it breaks CGI::Test build
pattern. Now Makefile.PL will choose either LWP or HTTP::Message
depending on Perl version.
Added small feature: HTTP response headers are now stored in
CGI::Test object and can be read with headers() method. Maybe
it would be better to place them in CGI::Test::Page object but
by CGI::Test logic Page represents an actual page not HTTP
Updated code to be compatible with Perl 5.14.
Added Pod testing script and fixed Pod errors it discovered.
Test suite now runs successfully under Linux, Solaris and Darwin
platforms; Perls 5.6.1 to 5.14.1 were used to run tests.
Bumped version to clearly reflect changes.
Sat Oct 4 12:26:30 EDT 2003 Steven Hilton <>
. Description:
Version 0.1.4.
CGI::Test has changed ownership. The new owner is Steven Hilton
<>. Many thanks to Raphael Manfredi
and Steve Fink.
CGI::Test is now hosted as a SourceForge project. It is located
POD updated to reflect the above.
make() method on various objects has been deprecated, and has been
replaced by more conventional (for me, at least) new() method.
Support for make() may be removed in a later release.
Entire codebase reformatted using perltidy
Self-referential object variable name standardized to '$this'
throughout code.
Tue Apr 17 13:27:06 MEST 2001 Raphael Manfredi <>
. Description:
Version 0.1.3.
Changed test 22 in t/ to perform explicit sorting
of the month parameter string, so that the string comparison
is reliable.
Tue Apr 17 12:44:16 MEST 2001 Raphael Manfredi <>
. Description:
Version 0.1.2.
Discard parameters when figuring out content-type, so that
we build proper Page objects.
Added note about possible parameters in content_type in
the man page for CGI::Test::Page.
Fixed t/parsing regression test so that it works even when there
are parameters in the returned content-type field.
Sat Apr 14 10:52:17 MEST 2001 Raphael Manfredi <>
. Description:
Version 0.1.1.
Set PERL5LIB in child to mirror parent's @INC, so that the CGI
program, if written in Perl, can get the same include path.
Sat Mar 31 12:39:37 MEST 2001 Raphael Manfredi <>
Version 0.1.0.
Initial public alpha relase.