Revision history for Perl module Amon2
6.11 2014-12-15T11:21:26Z
commit 29179a2b7dd9c5fac6bc293d486256fd5ce39838
Author: karupanerura <>
Date: Mon Dec 15 17:00:02 2014 +0900
Amon2::Web::Dispatcher::RouterBoom allows PUT method.
6.10 2014-10-06T05:14:23Z
- Update static library deps
6.09 2014-08-06T05:35:15Z
- Do not allow invalid charracter in Plugin::Web::Streaming.
6.08 2014-08-04T03:54:13Z
- Fixed test case
6.07 2014-08-01T19:32:01Z
- Use Digest::SHA::sha1_base64() instead of sha1_hex.
- Show warnings if the required $length is too short.
- t/100_core/011_random_string.t was fixed.
broken at 6.04.
6.06 2014-08-01T14:10:26Z
- Amon2::Util::random_string() doesn't works on the system doesn't
have a /dev/urandom.
This issue was introduced at 6.04 release.
6.05 2014-08-01T11:15:02Z
- Flavor uses HTTP::Session2::ClientStore2 by default.
6.04 2014-07-31T21:40:18Z
- Make Amon2::Util::random_string() secure.
6.03 2014-07-30T07:39:34Z
- Remove Amon2::Plugin::CSRFDefender from core dist.
If you still use it, you need to write following line in your cpanfile.
require 'Amon2::Plugin::CSRFDefender', 7.00;
6.02 2014-02-14T01:45:48Z
- jquery 2.0.3 -> 2.1.0, bootstrap 3.0.2 -> 3.1.1
- Added "use warnings" to "script/".
6.01 2014-01-27T22:15:13Z
commit afa47f5604e7ee9585d9420bd755ff3728cfc736
Author: wata <>
Date: Sun Jan 26 18:00:11 2014 +0900
Fix server option max-workers
commit 3d37aa9fa45ab1674099d09704f9b356982a1c7b
Author: moznion <>
Date: Tue Jan 7 13:10:44 2014 +0900
Fix the usage of `make_instance`
commit 9417ef4c29627302f2168455c6451ef8d5d8c2e8
Author: Kazuhiro Osawa <>
Date: Wed Nov 20 13:49:41 2013 +0900
rename X-JSON-Status to X-API-status
It was considered at the time to provide an API at the same time the format of the other.
6.00 2013-11-12T03:50:56Z
- Default session library is HTTP::Session2.
- Split some deprecated modules from core dist.
5.16 2013-10-31T23:20:48Z
- Fixed pager.tx bug. It's broken from 5.00.
(Katsuhiro Konishi)
5.15 2013-10-30T23:44:03Z
- Upgrade Twitter bootstrap 3.0.0 to 3.0.1.
5.14 2013-10-30T11:15:10Z
- CSRFDefender: Added `no_html_filter` parameter.
5.13 2013-10-29T02:10:40Z
- Web::Disptacher::RouterBoom supports DELETE method.
5.12 2013-10-28T06:55:00Z
- Trivial setup script changes.
- POD fix
5.11 2013-10-22T03:25:03Z
- Remove Safari UTF-8 BOM hack.
- Fixed testing deps
5.10 2013-10-20T10:01:00Z
- Fixed testing issue
5.09 2013-10-19T01:45:17Z
- WebSocket: Fixed connection leaks after EOF.
(Reported by Yoshio Suzuki++)
5.08 2013-10-18T06:31:43Z
- CSRFDefender: Take CSRF token from X-CSRF-Token header.
(Suggested by @yappo++)
5.07 2013-10-18T05:31:19Z
- Fixed dependency issues and minor tweaks.
5.06 2013-10-16T05:44:39Z
- Fixed dependency issue
5.05 2013-10-16T02:14:53Z
- RouterBoom: The path declared with get() function accepts 'HEAD' method.
5.04 2013-10-15T23:50:37Z
- Make Router::Boom as a default routing engine.
- Removed Amon2::Plugin::Web::HTTPSession from core dist.
- Fixed version number in flavor files
- Make Basic flavor as minil migratable
5.03 2013-10-10T04:27:45Z
- Fixed dependencies
5.01 2013-10-09T04:11:26Z
- Fixed indexing issue.
5.00 2013-10-09T03:44:43Z
- Default jQuery version is updated to 2.0
- Default template engine syntax was switched to Kolon!!!
- Every flavores are CPAN upload ready.
- Flavores no longer create app.psgi.
Create script/${app}-server instead.
4.06 2013-10-04T05:40:15Z
- Make Starlet a dependency for the Standalone flavor.
- Flavor::Standalone: Show start up banner.
- Flavor::Standalone: Enabled AccessLog middleware by default.
4.05 2013-10-03T22:26:32Z
- Fixed @INC settings created by Standalone flavor.
4.04 2013-10-03T06:39:40Z
- Added EXPERIMENTAL Standalone flavor.
It makes easier to create CPAN uploadable web application.
4.03 2013-09-17T03:21:53Z
- Show banner after run setup script.
(Suggested by zakame)
4.02 2013-09-17T03:12:00Z
- Add Amon2::Web->create_simple_status_page().
- Recommend to install Teng.
(Suggested by zakame)
4.01 2013-08-22T03:23:21Z
- Fixed utf8 flag issue in uri_with().
Before this version, if the key was flagged, it makes MOJIBAKE.
(Reported by ichigotake++)
4.00 2013-08-21T03:44:49Z
- Bump to 4.00!
3.99_01 2013-08-20T04:59:03Z
- Switch to bootstrap 3
- Switch to Teng.
3.87 2013-08-14T05:34:45Z
- re-packaging
0 2013-08-14T03:05:37Z
- fixed circular deps introduced at 3.86
(reported by syohex++)
3.86 2013-08-14T01:29:12Z
- fix a test checking whether jshint(1) exists or not
3.85 2013-06-13T00:17:18Z
- Fixed testing deps, again.
3.84 2013-06-12T21:42:58Z
- Fixed testing deps
3.83 2013-06-01T05:14:35Z
- fixed deps
3.82 2013-05-28T08:52:23Z
- cpanfile uses comma instead of fat comma
3.81 2013-05-27T22:46:13Z
- miyagawa-san suggests ',' instead of fat comma in cpanfile.
- Use latest bootstrap, es5shim
- Minor English corrections.
3.80 2013-04-21T16:08:07
- re-packaging
3.79 2013-04-18T18:08:44
- Write asset files with :raw.
Older version of Amon2 write png files in ":encoding(utf-8)". orz.
(Reported by geraud++)
- Upgrade es5shim.js to latest.
3.78 2013-03-29T09:49:24
- Test case fixes
(by hisaichi5518++)
3.77 2013-03-14T17:27:50
- [Plugin::ShareDir] was split to another dist
3.76 2013-03-14T16:58:17
- [Plugin::ShareDir] (EXPERIMENTAL) Added
3.75 2013-03-07T11:01:59
- [Dispatcher::Lite] Supported 405 Method Not Allowed
3.74 2013-03-02T10:16:26
- [Setup] use cpanfile to support Carton.
3.73 2013-03-02T09:21:45
- [Setup] Set post_only attr for CSRFDefender, by default.
- [Setup] upgrade jquery and twitter bootstrap
3.72 2013-02-13T08:51:52
- Added Amon2#make_local_context() method.
- Removed EXPERIMENTAL Amon2::LocalContext class.
Introduced in 3.71.
3.71 2013-02-12T18:04:33
- Added Amon2::ContextGuard class.
- Added Amon2::LocalContext class
3.70 2013-02-12T09:03:28
- is no longer call `Amon2->context`.
You can make Amon2 application does not depend to $Amon2::CONTEXT,
3.69-TRIAL 2013-02-09T13:00:45
[Large flavor]
- use Module::Find instead of Module::Pluggable::Object.
M::F can detects compilation error in controller.
[All flavors]
- added ViewFunctions class for more clean code
3.68 2013-02-04
- upgrade to jQuery 1.9.1
[3.67 not released]
- eg/realtime-chat/chat.psgi: fix a destination to connect via web socket.
(reported by shoutm)
- upgrade to jQuery 1.9.0
3.66 2012-12-14
- fixed testing issue
3.65 2012-12-11
- [Setup] include all files from twitter-bootstrap. closed #53
- [Setup] move view class generator to ::View class.
3.64 2012-12-04
- upgrade es5shim to latest
- upgrade deps for fine version of HTML::FillInForm::Lite and Xslate
- Merge branch 'master' of
- testing memory leaks
- support method not allowed on Flavor::Large
- added Amon2->debug_mode()
- added warn_handler for default flavor
- upgrade assets. jquery 1.8.3, and latest bootstrap.
- support method not allowed on Flavor::Large
- added Amon2->debug_mode()
- added warn_handler for default flavor
[from Keiji, Yoshimi <>]
- Update lib/Amon2/Plugin/Web/
- fix hijacking message.
3.63 2012-11-20
- Plugin::Web::JSON: micro optimization(cache user_agent value)
3.62 2012-11-12
- switch to Module::Build.
3.61 2012-10-23
- doc enhancements.
3.60 2012-10-20
- depend to latest Amon2::DBI
(latest Amon2::DBI have incompatible change. check it first.)
- Dropped dotcloud support in setup script.
3.57 2012-10-16
- upgrade es5shim.js to HEAD
- [Plugin::Web::HTTPSession] do not use '__PACKAGE__' as a capsuling key.
use +__PACKAGE__!
(reported by anazawa++)
[3.56 not released]
- minor test fix(tokuhirom)
- restrict return stmt in setup flavor(tokuhirom)
- better startup page(tokuhirom)
3.55 2012-10-06
- use jshint instead of jsl, for testing application.
in setup script.
3.54 2012-10-05
- jquery 1.8.0 => 1.8.2
- bootstrap v2.0.4 => v2.1.1
- add a context parameter ($c) to A::W::WebSocket::{on_error, on_eof}
3.53 2012-08-19
- fixed testing issue
- added micro-location.js
3.52 2012-08-09
- upgrade jQuery 1.7.2 to 1.8.0
3.51 2012-08-08
- streaming support
3.50 2012-08-06
- websocket support
3.39 2012-08-05
- Bundled es5shim.js, sprintf.js, strftime.js, micro_template.js
3.38 2012-08-01
- generate a token only when needed
(Masahiro Nagano <>)
3.37 2012-06-28
- fixed typo(syohex++)
3.36 2012-06-25
- upgrade bootstrap to 2.0.4
- added AFTER_VC hook for flavors
3.35 2012-04-04
- fixed error handler
3.34 2012-03-26
- upgrade jquery 1.7.2 to 1.7.3
- upgrade bootstrap 1.4.0 to 2.0.2
3.33 2012-03-23
- fixed typo
3.32 2011-12-12
- lib/Amon2/Setup/Flavor/ fixed typo (reported by pochy++)
3.31 2011-11-29
- fixed testing deps
3.30 2011-11-27
* Setup::Flavor::Large: added new show_error method.
3.29 2011-11-24
* added JSON hijacking detection.
I hope this detector does not have a false positive issue.
If you got a issue, you should send a X-Requested-With header.
(Thanks to hasegawayosuke)
* upgrade to jQuery 1.7.1 from jQuery 1.7
* Plugin::Web::JSON: Remove workaround to set 'Content-Type: text/html'
on Chrome. This workaround is no longer needed.
3.28 2011-11-20
* Setup::Basic, Setup::Large: fixed broken links to jQuery(broken at 3.26)
3.27 2011-11-16
* e2567f4 remove deps for File::Copy::Recursive
* 39a846d Setup::Flavor::Large: use Module::Pluggable::Object
instead of Module::Find, for few deps.
* 2d899ec Flavor::Basic: doesn't using String::CamelCase.
3.26 2011-11-16
* 5e8f1eb There is no reason to depended on Log::Minimal
* 6fe10a5 Flavor::Large: fixed broken links to jQuery
* 481bc53 Setup::Large: Do not create lib/My/App/,
lib/My/App/Web/ in Large flavor.
* 2d10c86 Setup::Basic, Setup::Large: mysql throws exception
with empty statements.
3.25 2011-11-13
- remove Amon2::Lite from core dist. Amon2::Lite is now standalone dist.
If you are using Amon2::Lite, please write it to Makefile.PL immidiately.
- do not use File::which for less deps
- do not depend to Exporter
3.24 2011-11-13
* ef0ffbc load_plugins handles arguments manually without Data::OptList.
* 472ae1b Module::Find is no longer required by Amon2 core
* 5a82099 remove deps for MRO::Compat on perl 5.10+
[3.23 not released]
- Text::Xslate::Bridge::TT2Like is no longer needed
(switch to Text::Xslate::Bridge::Star)
- HTTP::Date is no longer needed
3.22 2011-11-09
- set Cache-Control: private header by default.
3.21 2011-11-09
- Setup::Flavor: set HttpOnly attribute for cookies by default for
security reason.
3.20 2011-11-09
- Amon2::Setup::Flavor::DotCloud:
[ #72301] dotcloud.yml error.
(reported by hsksyusk)
3.19 2011-11-08
- Setup::Flavor: Amon2 don't use Plugin::Web::NoCache by default.
3.18 2011-11-05
- Setup::Flavor::Basic: s/Back/Next/ in html template... orz.
3.17 2011-11-05
- upgrade binding libraries.
jQuery 1.6.4 => 1.7.0
Bootstrap 1.3.0 => 1.4.0
3.16 2011-11-03
- Setup::Flavor::Basic: added tmpl/include/
3.15 2011-11-02
- 97626d1 favicon.ico -> favicon\.ico (in regex literals)(yibe)
- 089c3c3 Fix fat comma alignment(yibe)
- aaaa36e Fix indentation in flavor files(yibe)
3.14 2011-10-29
- Amon2::Web::Request decodes parameter automatically,
but it breaks Amon2::Plugin::Web::HTTPSession
(This is not a critical, but P::M::Lint warns.)
3.13 2011-10-23
- Config::Simple: better diag for loading configuration file
3.12 2011-10-18
- fixed some testing issue(antipop)
- tiny doc fix in by sugyan++)
3.11 2011-10-17
- Win32 fix(mattn)
3.10 2011-10-16
- Setup::VC::Git: initialize git repository automatically by default
3.09 2011-10-16
- set "X-Frame-Options: DENY" by default
[3.08 not released]
- Bug fix: Flavor: Added 'use utf8' to some of *.pm .
3.07 2011-10-14
- fixed testing issue
3.06 2011-10-13
- fixed dependencies
3.05 2011-10-13
- Flavor::Minimum: more minimalistic
- Flavor::Basic: logout endpoint should be only accept post
3.04 2011-10-11
* Flavor::Large: better div structure on admin page
* a44b06f Flavor::Basic: added test case for jslint
* 5334ef7 Asset::Bootstrap: generate bootstrap/bootstrap-twipsy.js.
3.03 2011-10-10
- Flavor::Lite: Do not require HTTP::Session
3.02 2011-10-10
- jquery assets was broken in 3.00
- main.js is invalid from bootstrap support
3.01 2011-10-09
- Flavor::Large: make app.psgi as a router for *.psgi
- Flavor::Large: better auto route generation
3.00 2011-10-08
- use Plack::Session by default
- use Amon2::DBI on Large/Basic flavor
- default database path is now db/
- load t/ automatically in .proverc
- depended on latest Text::Xslate::Bridge::TT2Like
2.56 2011-10-07
- f895c31 use TTerse in setup script
(This chanage does not break your application)
- 2b2bcf4 make defaul admin page's top bar as green
2.55 2011-10-07
- flavor asset apis
(This chanage does not break your application)
- added static_file() helper method
- added EXPERIMENTAL Large flavor
2.54 2011-09-22
- switch to twitter's bootstrap
- rewrite Asset's architecture
2.53 2011-09-21
- win32 fix on Amon2->base_dir(mattn)
2.52 2011-09-19
- use jquery-1.6.4.min.js.
- [BUG] fixed routing rule for robots.txt, favicon.ico
[2.51 not released]
- updated dependencies to fix issues from depended libraries.
2.50 2011-09-02
- depend on Test::More 0.98
(fixes $? issue on subtest)
- bundle jquery 1.3.6
- bundle blueprint 1.0.1
2.49 2011-07-26
- revert 2.48 changes. and Do not load config/$ENV{PLACK_ENV}.pl
if the config/ directory does not exists.
2.48 2011-07-26
- fixed testing issue(reported by sugyan++)
2.47 2011-07-26
- Template engine is now customizalbe on Amon2::Lite.
2.46 2011-07-21
- fixed testing issue
- etc.
2.45 2011-07-11
- ->init() method was deprecated on Setup::Flavor.
- test fix
- minor tweaks around pod.
2.44 2011-07-10
- doc fix(tokuhirom)
2.43 2011-07-10
- documentation enhancements(tokuhirom).
2.42 2011-07-10
- added configuration feature for Amon2::Lite
- fixed testing issue on Amon2::Lite(reported by syohex++)
- added docs for CSRFDefender
2.41 2011-07-10
- fixed testing issue(maybe cpan-tester's issue)
- added EXPERIMENTAL Amon2::Lite module for small web site.
2.40 2011-07-08
- fix xslate related issue in setup script(reported by gfx++)
- doc fix
2.39 2011-07-07
- upgrade jquery to 1.6.2(tokuhirom)
2.38 2011-06-14
- optimize directory structure for dotcloud(tokuhirom).
2.37 2011-06-06
- escape JSON data for IE7's Content-Type vulnerability.
2.36 2011-05-30
- generate (404|50[023]).html for dotcloud.
- auto_include considered harmful
- Text::MicroTemplate is no longer required by Amon2 core.
2.35 2011-05-14
- fixed deps: JSON 2 is required.
- suppress warnings on t/100_core/010_add_config.t
2.34 2011-05-13
- Switch to EU::MM from M::I at setup script.
This is required for more easy installing.
2.33 2011-05-13
- split Plugin::LogDispatch, Plugin::Web::MobileAgent and
Plugin::Web::MobileCharset to independent dist.
Since these modules are no longer used by maintainer.
2.32 2011-05-01
- Setup::Flavor::Basic: - specify the correct Amon2 version
for better deployment.
2.31 2011-04-30
[Setup::Flavor::Basic - tweaks to be more dotcloud friendly]
- generate default deployment.yml
- configuration for Xslate is no longer required.
- default .psgi file name is app.psgi
2.30 2011-03-08
- Amon2->add_config() was now deprecated.
- Implement default load_config()
- ConfigLoader is no longer needed
- Depend to latest Xslate.
- fixed testing issue
2.29 2011-03-06
- better 404 page
2.28 2011-03-05
- added Amon2::Setup::Asset::Blueprint
- remove Plugin::Web::FillinForm from core. It will release as other dist.
2.27 2011-03-02
- do not create MyApp/Web/(Request|Response).pm by default.
It's makes shourter skelton code.
2.26 2011-03-02
- rewrite setup script
2.25 2011-02-27
- fixed testing issues related Tiffany
2.24 2011-02-27
- added Plugin::Web::PlackSession
- remove spelling test case from
2.23 2011-02-26
- remove Tiffany dependencies from core.
It may break your application created by < 2.23.
You would write 'requires "Tiffany"' in your Makefile.PL manually.
- remove DBI dependencies from core
- BEFORE_DISPATCH does not dies if the callback function returns true
2.22 2011-02-25
- make HTML5 template as default
2.21 2011-02-23
- Plugin::JSON: remove Opera special casing
2.20 2011-02-22
- fixed fucking missing deps on Carp::Clan.
2.19 2011-02-22
- script/ now provides more better perlcritic templates.
It's more safe.
2.18 2011-02-22
- call ancestor's trigger code like Class::Trigger(tokuhirom)
2.17 2011-02-21
- fixed broken deps for String::Random(reported by miyagawa++)
Now Amon2::Util provides random_string() method.
- fixed broken
2.16 2011-02-21
- remove skinny support
- added DBI base class
- link to in skelton
- remove experimental blueprint support
2.15 2011-02-16
- setup session(store it to file) by default
- enable fillinform by default
- enable nocache plugin by default
- fill the absolute template path by default
- enable CSRFDefender plugin by default
- cluck the deprecated warnings
- perl 5.008001+ is required by Amon2
2.14 2011-01-31
[script/ enhancements]
- handle robots.txt and favicon.ico in .psgi
- make Middleware::Static's path as absolute
(reported by @makotoworld)
- added experimental blueprint support for
2.13 2011-01-27
- fixed code depended on perl5.10
2.12 2011-01-02
- Amon2::Web::Request: added accessor for raw value
- removed dependency for local::lib.
2.11 2010-12-17
- fix encoding mime_name is lower case, Safari add BOM bug,
Chrome text/html(s-aska)
2.10 2010-12-16
- fixed test case
2.09 2010-12-13
- first release for CPAN
2.08 not released
- Web::Dispatcher::RouterSimple: export 'router' method
2.07 not released
- Plugin::Web::CSRFDefender: added get_csrf_defender_token method.
2.06 not released
- fixed csrfdefender for amon2 style(before this commit,
it still amon1 style!)
2.05 not released
- Plugin::Web::CSRFDefender: oops. older version does not work
without Amon1
- Plugin::Web::JSON: fix Encode::Encoding object to mime-name
- switch to DBIx::Inspector
from DBIx::Skinny::Schema::Loader.
- doc enhancement
2.04 not released
- docs
- rewrote tutorial
2.03 not released
- new hook point: encode_html.
2.02 not released
- Amon::add_config will be deprecate
- Log::Dispatch is no longer default component
- docs(hiratara)
2.01 not released
- fixed test case
- added second argument for: $c->redirect($location, \%params)
- added second argument for: $c->redirect($location, \@params)
- added $c->fillin_form() method to Amon2;:Plugin::Web:FillInForm and
2.00 not released
- refactored
- bug fixed
- rewrote docs
1.99_01 not released
- Full rewrote Amon.
- This is RC of Amon 2.0
1.03 not released
- added 'router' attribute for Dispatcher::Lite.
1.02 not released
- bump up version
1.01 not released
- more flexible interface for Plugin::CSRFDefender
1.00 not released
- bump up version
0.44 not released
- added Amon2::Plugin::FillInFormLite.
0.43 not released
- e657339 [BUG] Amon2::Util must not returns undef
at 2nd time function call.
- 7cfef62 Plugin::FillInForm: adjust content-length after fill-in.
- updated docs
0.42 not released
- added Text::Xslate support
- fixed some issues
0.41 not released
- added $req->uri_with() method.
- added new option 'open_layer' to Amon2::V::MT.
0.40 not released
- Amon2::Web::Dispatcher::HTTPxDispatcher was removed.
- Amon2::Web::C was removed.
use Amon2::Web::Declare instead.
0.32 not released
- M::P::Object is no longer needed
- ConfigLoader is enabled by default.
- depend to latest Plack
- Plugin::HTTPSesssion: pass $c to callback
0.31 not released
- Amon2::Web::Dispatcher::HTTPxDispatcher will remove on 0.40
- do not depend to Module::Pluggable::Object.
New loader will die if one of controller has a syntax error.
0.30 not released
- added Amon2::ConfigLoader
- make container as more simple
- use class-data-inheritable in container
- $c->view method move to Amon2::Web
- added Amon2::Web->render()
- added Amon2::Web->render_partial()
0.22 not released
- Factory class was deprecated.
- DBIx::Skinny is no longer default ORM.
(Amon2 should not select any ORM as default)
- move uri_for to Amon2::Web
0.21 not released
- fixed tests
- Amon2::Sense::add_trigger should take multiple triggers.
- [bug fixed] hook with instance should work
- fixed deps
- move redirect method to Amon2::Web.
0.20 not released
- added Web::Dispatcher::Lite
- Web::Dispatcher::RouterSimple:
enable stricture automatically
0.19 not released
- make DBIx::Skinny as default
- use Router::Simple.
- fixed dependencies
0.18 not released
- added logger support
0.01 not released
- initial release