package Amon2::Lite; use strict; use warnings; use 5.008008; our $VERSION = '0.05'; use parent qw/Amon2 Amon2::Web/; use Router::Simple 0.04; use Text::Xslate; use Text::Xslate::Bridge::TT2Like; use File::Spec; use File::Basename qw(dirname); use Data::Section::Simple (); use Amon2::Config::Simple; my $COUNTER; sub import { my $class = shift; no strict 'refs'; my $router = Router::Simple->new(); my $caller = caller(0); my $base_class = 'Amon2::Lite::_child_' . $COUNTER++; { no warnings; unshift @{"$base_class\::ISA"}, qw/Amon2 Amon2::Web/; unshift @{"$caller\::ISA"}, $base_class; } *{"$caller\::to_app"} = sub { my ($class, %opts) = @_; my $app = $class->Amon2::Web::to_app(); if (delete $opts{handle_static}) { require Plack::Middleware::Static; $app = Plack::Middleware::Static->wrap( $app, path => qr{^(?:/static/)}, root => File::Spec->catdir( dirname((caller(0))[1]) ), ); $app = Plack::Middleware::Static->wrap( $app, path => qr{^(?:/robots\.txt|/favicon\.ico)$}, root => File::Spec->catdir( dirname((caller(0))[1]), 'static' ), ); } return $app; }; *{"$caller\::router"} = sub { $router }; # any [qw/get post delete/] => '/bye' => sub { ... }; # any '/bye' => sub { ... }; *{"$caller\::any"} = sub ($$;$) { my $pkg = caller(0); if (@_==3) { my ($methods, $pattern, $code) = @_; $router->connect( $pattern, {code => $code}, { method => [ map { uc $_ } @$methods ] } ); } else { my ($pattern, $code) = @_; $router->connect( $pattern, {code => $code}, ); } }; *{"$caller\::get"} = sub { $router->connect($_[0], {code => $_[1]}, {method => ['GET', 'HEAD']}); }; *{"$caller\::post"} = sub { $router->connect($_[0], {code => $_[1]}, {method => ['POST']}); }; *{"${base_class}\::dispatch"} = sub { my ($c) = @_; if (my $p = $router->match($c->request->env)) { return $p->{code}->($c, $p); } else { return $c->res_404(); } }; my $tmpl_dir = File::Spec->catdir(dirname((caller(0))[1]), 'tmpl'); *{"${base_class}::create_view"} = sub { $base_class->template_options(); }; *{"${base_class}::template_options"} = sub { my ($class, %options) = @_; # using lazy loading to read __DATA__ section. my $vpath = Data::Section::Simple->new($caller)->get_data_section(); my %params = ( 'syntax' => 'TTerse', 'module' => [ 'Text::Xslate::Bridge::TT2Like' ], 'path' => [ $vpath, $tmpl_dir ], 'function' => { c => sub { Amon2->context() }, uri_with => sub { Amon2->context()->req->uri_with(@_) }, uri_for => sub { Amon2->context()->uri_for(@_) }, }, ); my $merge = sub { my ($stuff) = @_; for (qw(module path)) { if ($stuff->{$_}) { unshift @{$params{$_}}, @{delete $stuff->{$_}}; } } for (qw(function)) { if ($stuff->{$_}) { $params{$_} = +{ %{$params{$_}}, %{delete $stuff->{$_}} }; } } while (my ($k, $v) = each %$stuff) { $params{$k} = $v; } }; if (my $config = $caller->config->{'Text::Xslate'}) { $merge->($config); } if (%options) { $merge->(\%options); } my $xslate = Text::Xslate->new(%params); no warnings 'redefine'; *{"${caller}::create_view"} = sub { $xslate }; $xslate; }; if (-d File::Spec->catdir($caller->base_dir, 'config')) { *{"${base_class}::load_config"} = sub { Amon2::Config::Simple->load(shift) }; } else { *{"${base_class}::load_config"} = sub { +{ } }; } } 1; __END__ =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Amon2::Lite - Sinatra-ish =head1 SYNOPSIS use Amon2::Lite; get '/' => sub { my ($c) = @_; return $c->render(''); }; __PACKAGE__->to_app(); __DATA__ @@ <!doctype html> <html> <body>Hello</body> </html> =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a Sinatra-ish wrapper for Amon2. B<THIS MODULE IS BETA STATE. API MAY CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE>. =head1 FUNCTIONS =over 4 =item any(\@methods, $path, \&code) =item any($path, \&code) Register new route for router. =item get($path, $code->($c)) Register new route for router. =item post($path, $code->($c)) Register new route for router. =item __PACKAGE__->load_plugin($name, \%opts) Load a plugin to the context object. =item __PACKAGE__->to_app() Create new PSGI application instance. =back =head1 FAQ =over 4 =item How can I configure the options for Xslate? You can provide a constructor arguments by configuration. Write following lines on your app.psgi. __PACKAGE__->template_options( syntax => 'Kolon', ); =item How can I use other template engines instead of Text::Xslate? You can use any template engine with Amon2::Lite. You can overwrite create_view method same as normal Amon2. This is a example to use L<Text::MicroTemplate::File>. use Tiffany::Text::MicroTemplate::File; sub create_view { Tiffany::Text::MicroTemplate::File->new(+{ include_path => ['./tmpl/'] }) } =item How can I handle static files? If you pass the 'handle_static' option to 'to_app' method, Amon2::Lite handles /static/ path to ./static/ directory. use Amon2::Lite; __PACKAGE__->to_app(handle_static => 1); =item Where is a example codes? There is a tiny TinyURL example: L<>. =back =head1 AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno E<lt>tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF@ GMAIL COME<gt> =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut