Revision history for Perl extension App-scan_prereqs_cpanfile

0.06 2013-04-26T10:50:13Z

    - Document --ignore option.
    - Ignore `local` directory by default.

0.05 2013-04-16T12:30:30Z

    - add 'ignore' option (append ignore dirs)
      (Kan Fushihara)

0.04 2013-04-04T05:48:20Z

    - Ignore fatlib/ and ignore fatpacked files.

0.03 2013-04-04T03:07:39Z

    - Fixed deps: Module::CPANfile 0.9020
      (Syohei YOSHIDA)
    - Do not include prereqs determined by 'recommends'
    - Ignore build dir like Dist-Name-0.01/.

0.02 2013-04-03T21:03:10Z

    - Documentation enhancements
    - Added `--include-empty` option
    - Move `xt/` deps to 'develop' deps instead of 'test' deps.
    - Ignore eg/, examples/ and share/

0.01 2013-04-03T20:38:35Z

    - original version