Revision history for Perl extension B-Tap
0.10 2014-03-10T01:13:04Z
- Added Devel::CodeObserver(formely known as Test::Power::Core)
0.08 2013-11-05T07:54:43Z
- Fixed infinite loop bug.
0.07 2013-11-05T04:11:43Z
- 0.06 does not works with ithreads.
0.06 2013-11-02T02:50:45Z
- Care extended ops.
0.05 2013-09-18T04:54:19Z
- Apply OPf_KIDS for b_tap_tap.
0.04 2013-09-15T01:24:08Z
- oops.
0.03 2013-09-15T01:15:30Z
- restore MARK on b_tap_tap
0.02 2013-09-14T06:59:09Z
- Oops. I forgot to restore MARK.
It fixed segmentation fault on 32bit machines.
(Reported by syohex++)
0.01 2013-09-14T03:37:15Z
- original version