Revision history for Perl extension HTTP-Session2
1.05 2014-08-01T11:20:13Z
- Show warnings if the secret string is too short.
1.04 2014-08-01T11:09:52Z
- Documentation updated.
1.03 2014-08-01T11:03:19Z
- Added HTTP::Session2::ClientStore2
1.02 2014-07-31T21:14:50Z
- Better session id generation using /dev/urandom.
1.01 2014-07-28T11:43:10Z
- Revert HMAC strategy...
It breaks our code...
1.00 2014-07-28T04:09:47Z
- I changed HMAC strategy on ServerSide mode.
Previous version uses
hmac_hex(data: $session_id, key: $secret)
New version is:
hmac_hex(data: $secret, key: $session)
This version is even secure. But, it's not a critical issue.
I think this change won't break your code.
0.05 2014-03-18T18:52:37Z
- use Cookie::Baker for generating cookie string for Plack response object.
Because the document says HTTP::Session supports Cookie::Baker's expiration format like "-1d".
But it's not supported in previous version!!
0.04 2013-11-01T01:00:09Z
- Revert validate_empty_session flag introduced at 0.03.
0.03 2013-10-31T01:19:19Z
- Validate empty session option for P3P cookies.
- Non callback style storage settings.
0.02 2013-10-30T00:16:10Z
- Documentation fix
0.01 2013-10-28T03:18:35Z
- original version