Revision history for Perl extension Minilla
v0.0.54 2013-04-22T23:27:19Z
- Enable xt/spelling.t by ~/spellunker.en, instead of ~/.aspell.en.pws
- Better zsh completion
(Syohei YOSHIDA, Yuji Shimada)
- Better spelling checking with Spellunker.
- Better version number incrementation with Version::Next
- Disabled ACTION_distmeta and ACTION_installdeps in Build.PL
- Added new configuration parameter: readme_from
- Support 'share/' directiory(Distribution share directiory only)
- Remove dupilicate entry in manifest file
(Masayuki Matsuki)
- force add LICENSE in migration
- add MYMETA.* and <% $dist %>-* to default .gitignore
v0.0.53 2013-04-09T05:57:07Z
- Exclude extlib/ directory from tar ball.
(Reported by kazeburo++)
v0.0.52 2013-04-08T03:11:44Z
- Tiny tweaks for CPAN testers.
v0.0.51 2013-04-07T04:09:37Z
- Remove M::I related files while migration.
- Added '=encoding utf-8' in skelton
- Do not run test cases without git command.
v0.0.50 2013-04-04T06:03:31Z
- first release on CPAN!
0.0.1 2013-03-18T19:11:49
- original version