Revision history for Perl extension OrePAN2
0.21 2014-02-26T09:47:32Z
- OrePAN2::Indexer: Make temporary file in the same parition.
It's required by atomic operation.
0.20 2014-02-26T02:34:49Z
- OrePAN2::Index: add_index does not index the package by default. Added 'replace' option.
- OrePAN2::Index: Use hash as internal representation for OrePAN2::Index.
- OrePAN2::Index: Fixed gunzip.
- OrePAN2::Index: Added delete_index method.
0.19 2014-02-26T01:30:14Z
- OrePAN2::Index: Added methods for parsing
0.18 2014-02-26T00:30:30Z
- OrePAN2::Inject#inject_from_* returns the tar ball path from darkpan root.
0.17 2014-02-26T00:19:04Z
- OrePAN2::Inject#inject_from_* returns the tar ball path.
Previous version prints the tar ball path in the module.
0.16 2013-11-03T10:17:24Z
- Support cpanm compatible git schemas.
0.15 2013-09-26T02:51:42Z
- Change logging level
(Suggested by miyagwa)
0.14 2013-09-26T02:00:42Z
- Fixed bad error message
(reported by miyagwa)
0.13 2013-08-27T04:40:32Z
- Better fall-through for missing or broken META
(Chad Granum)
0.12 2013-08-05T03:40:31Z
- Document about differentiation from OrePAN1
(pointed by Mike Doherty)
0.11 2013-08-05T00:34:24Z
- Inject from CPAN by module name
0.10 2013-08-01T04:23:57Z
- Switched to Parse::LocalDistribution instead of Module::Metadata.
Module::Metadata can't parse localt distribution correctly.
0.09 2013-08-01T03:10:02Z
- Older version fails to create index on the dist does not contains META file.
(reported by exodist++)
- Bump up CPAN::Meta deps on 2.131560.
0.08 2013-07-09T04:37:34Z
- Put tar file to the right path.
0.07 2013-07-05T01:35:47Z
- Added `orepan2-inject --author` option
(Suggested by ranguard++)
0.06 2013-07-04T05:00:05Z
- Switch to Module::Metadata instead of Parse::PMFile.
- set prefix => '' to Module::Metadata->provides(); otherwise defalut 'lib' prefix will be used.
(Shoichi Kaji)
0.05 2013-05-25T00:03:26Z
- fixed deps
0.04 2013-05-23T04:55:27Z
- orepan2-indexer supports --text option for non-gzip-ed index file.
0.03 2013-05-19T22:30:11Z
- Support plain text index generation on library interface.
0.02 2013-05-10T03:21:53Z
- Support no_index
(Reported by songmu)
0.01 2013-05-10T01:48:01Z
- original version