Revision history for Perl module Router::Simple

0.16 2014-10-27T01:39:47Z

    commit 4cce76f681517d9ae10d2509899bf0e9abd4db5d
    commit 47ca5b5141b2ae863b62989755e5f3a17edf37df
    Author: Fayland Lam <>
    Date:   Sun Oct 26 17:44:51 2014 +0800

        Added directory_slash option.

    commit 379502c868db3bd37c3518e288d64223d4012417
    Author: Neil Bowers <>
    Date:   Wed Oct 2 23:35:04 2013 +0100

        Reformatted as per CPAN::Changes::Spec

0.15 2013-09-29T02:29:15Z

    - minil migrate.
    - typo fix
      (David Steinbrunner)

0.14 2012-12-05

    - added 'routes' acecessor for Router::Simple class.
      And switch to Class::Accessor::Lite.

0.13 2012-10-26

    - Added ->method_not_allowed()

0.12 2012-10-25

    - minor pod fix

0.11 2012-10-23

    - Added warnings when regexp contains parens.
      i.e. following code does not works.

    Q. Why don't you croak?
    A. I don't want to break existed code.
       But I may change this feature in future version.

       (reported by ktat++)

0.10 2012-10-10

    - handle empty PATH_INFO as root

0.09 2011-05-14

    - modernize package (no feature changes)

0.08 2011-02-16

    - fix "Can't use an undefined value as a HASH reference" error
      for $route->{dest}

0.07 2010-09-02

    - modified to allow to use extended regexp (?:including ":" - colon)
      as pattern

0.06 2010-06-14

    - require Test::More 0.88 or later for using done_testing.
      (reported by kazeburo++)

0.05 2010-03-21

    - added Router::Simple::Route->match($env) method.
    - added $route->routematch() method.

    - remove url_for().

0.04 2010-03-20

    (no feature changes)
    - some doc fixed(miyagawa++)
    - added test case(miyagawa++)

0.03 2010-03-19

    - make 'submapper' as more consistent.
    - ->match() returns flat hashref(suggested by miyagawa++)
    - added 'on_match' callback function(suggested by miyagawa++)
    - ->connect() does not treat any keys in $destination.

0.02 2010-03-19

    - fixed english docs(Sartak++)

0.01 2010-03-19

    - original version