Revision history for Perl module Ukigumo::Client

0.19 2014-01-16T06:48:30Z

    - Load Ukigumo::Client::Executor::Command expressly.

0.18 2013-07-25T17:35:35Z

    - fix dependencies
    - fix spelling errors
    - adjust Formatting of Changes for CPAN::Changes::Spec (neilbowers)

0.17 2013-04-15T14:45:26Z

    - fix packaging only

0.16 2013-04-13T10:16:34Z

    - Add Notify::Growl
    - Switch to Minilla from M::B

0.15 2013-03-11T19:01:27

    - Switch to Module::Build

0.14 2013-03-11T15:57:55

    - [Experimental] Added .ukigumo.yml support

0.13 2013-03-06 11:32:13

    - Notify::Callback
    - Executor::Command
    - add `skip_if_unmodified` option to Role::VC and
    - add `command` option to

0.12 2011-11-15

    - skip notification if $status is success and last status was skipped.

0.11 2011-11-11

    - 8a6f9d8 better diag on http response error
    - b9febd1 Notify::Ikachan: ignore STATUS_SKIP by default.
    - depend to Ukigumo::Common 0.03

0.10 2011-11-08

    - no feature changes
    - 0.09 wasn't released to CPAN. Changes of 0.09 bellow.
    - VC::SVN(xaicron)
    - d6c85db reset revision after update
    - e9c930f maybe better for tee_merged
    - 4852ef8 forgotten substituting

0.08 2011-10-20

    - fixed packaging issue

0.07 2011-10-19

    - better packaging

0.06 2011-10-11

    - fixed packaging issue

0.05 2011-10-04

    - [Notify::Ikachan] make ignore_success option as '1' by default.

0.04 2011-10-04

    - allow '/' character in branch name

0.03 2011-10-02

    - better error message on
    - doc fix

0.02 2011-10-02

    - win32 fix(mattn++)
    - added Executor::Callback
    - added VC::Callback

0.01 2011-09-03 19:14:47

    - original version