Revision history for FindApp
0.0.7 2025-02-12 12:26:47 -0700 (MST)
- Compensate for bugs and splitting on an undefined MANPATH.
- Compensate for use v5.10 no longer leading for us.
0.0.6 2021-11-01 09:46:40 -0600 (MDT)
- Quote the $VERSION v-string so it can be indexed
properly by the toolchain and placed on metacpan &c.
- Don't return lists in random hash traversal order that
changes between test runs.
- Fiddle with the tests to get them to run more modernly,
including without dot in libpath
0.0.5 Fri Nov 11 13:49:36 MST 2016
- Remove the Carp::Always import accidentally
left in FindApp::Vars that was being used for
temporary debugging.
0.0.4 Sun Nov 6 14:09:51 MST 2016
- Add work-arounds for bugs triggering warnings when
expanding @WHATEVER variables that are originally undefined
in %ENV.
0.0.3 Sat Nov 5 19:23:47 MDT 2016
- Remove dependency on manpath program.
0.0.2 Wed Aug 3 22:07:35 MDT 2016
- Corrected prototype clobbering of foreign utils.