package Imager::Matrix2d; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); use Scalar::Util qw(reftype looks_like_number); use Carp qw(croak); $VERSION = "1.0010"; =head1 NAME Imager::Matrix2d - simple wrapper for matrix construction =head1 SYNOPSIS use Imager::Matrix2d; $m1 = Imager::Matrix2d->identity; $m2 = Imager::Matrix2d->rotate(radians=>$angle, x=>$cx, y=>$cy); $m3 = Imager::Matrix2d->translate(x=>$dx, y=>$dy); $m4 = Imager::Matrix2d->shear(x=>$sx, y=>$sy); $m5 = Imager::Matrix2d->reflect(axis=>$axis); $m6 = Imager::Matrix2d->scale(x=>$xratio, y=>$yratio); $m8 = Imager::Matric2d->matrix($v11, $v12, $v13, $v21, $v22, $v23, $v31, $v32, $v33); $m6 = $m1 * $m2; $m7 = $m1 + $m2; use Imager::Matrix2d qw(:handy); # various m2d_* functions imported # where m2d_(.*) calls Imager::Matrix2d->$1() =head1 DESCRIPTION This class provides a simple wrapper around a reference to an array of 9 co-efficients, treated as a matrix: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ] Most of the methods in this class are constructors. The others are overloaded operators. Note that since Imager represents images with y increasing from top to bottom, rotation angles are clockwise, rather than counter-clockwise. =over =cut use vars qw(@EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS @ISA); @ISA = 'Exporter'; require ''; @EXPORT_OK = qw(m2d_rotate m2d_identity m2d_translate m2d_shear m2d_reflect m2d_scale); %EXPORT_TAGS = ( handy=> [ qw(m2d_rotate m2d_identity m2d_translate m2d_shear m2d_reflect m2d_scale) ], ); use overload '*' => \&_mult, '+' => \&_add, '""'=>\&_string, "eq" => \&_eq; =item identity() Returns the identity matrix. =cut sub identity { return bless [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], $_[0]; } =item rotate(radians=>$angle) =item rotate(degrees=>$angle) Creates a matrix that rotates around the origin, or around the point (x,y) if the 'x' and 'y' parameters are provided. =cut sub rotate { my ($class, %opts) = @_; my $angle; if (defined $opts{radians}) { $angle = $opts{radians}; } elsif (defined $opts{degrees}) { $angle = $opts{degrees} * 3.1415926535 / 180; } else { $Imager::ERRSTR = "degrees or radians parameter required"; return undef; } if ($opts{'x'} || $opts{'y'}) { $opts{'x'} ||= 0; $opts{'y'} ||= 0; return $class->translate('x'=>-$opts{'x'}, 'y'=>-$opts{'y'}) * $class->rotate(radians=>$angle) * $class->translate('x'=>$opts{'x'}, 'y'=>$opts{'y'}); } else { my $sin = sin($angle); my $cos = cos($angle); return bless [ $cos, -$sin, 0, $sin, $cos, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], $class; } } =item translate(x=>$dx, y=>$dy) =item translate(x=>$dx) =item translate(y=>$dy) Translates by the specify amounts. =cut sub translate { my ($class, %opts) = @_; if (defined $opts{'x'} || defined $opts{'y'}) { my $x = $opts{'x'} || 0; my $y = $opts{'y'} || 0; return bless [ 1, 0, $x, 0, 1, $y, 0, 0, 1 ], $class; } $Imager::ERRSTR = 'x or y parameter required'; return undef; } =item shear(x=>$sx, y=>$sy) =item shear(x=>$sx) =item shear(y=>$sy) Shear by the given amounts. =cut sub shear { my ($class, %opts) = @_; if (defined $opts{'x'} || defined $opts{'y'}) { return bless [ 1, $opts{'x'}||0, 0, $opts{'y'}||0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], $class; } $Imager::ERRSTR = 'x and y parameters required'; return undef; } =item reflect(axis=>$axis) Reflect around the given axis, either 'x' or 'y'. =item reflect(radians=>$angle) =item reflect(degrees=>$angle) Reflect around a line drawn at the given angle from the origin. =cut sub reflect { my ($class, %opts) = @_; if (defined $opts{axis}) { my $result = $class->identity; if ($opts{axis} eq "y") { $result->[0] = -$result->[0]; } elsif ($opts{axis} eq "x") { $result->[4] = -$result->[4]; } else { $Imager::ERRSTR = 'axis must be x or y'; return undef; } return $result; } my $angle; if (defined $opts{radians}) { $angle = $opts{radians}; } elsif (defined $opts{degrees}) { $angle = $opts{degrees} * 3.1415926535 / 180; } else { $Imager::ERRSTR = 'axis, degrees or radians parameter required'; return undef; } # fun with matrices return $class->rotate(radians=>-$angle) * $class->reflect(axis=>'x') * $class->rotate(radians=>$angle); } =item scale(x=>$xratio, y=>$yratio) Scales at the given ratios. You can also specify a center for the scaling with the C<cx> and C<cy> parameters. =cut sub scale { my ($class, %opts) = @_; if (defined $opts{'x'} || defined $opts{'y'}) { $opts{'x'} = 1 unless defined $opts{'x'}; $opts{'y'} = 1 unless defined $opts{'y'}; if ($opts{cx} || $opts{cy}) { return $class->translate('x'=>-$opts{cx}, 'y'=>-$opts{cy}) * $class->scale('x'=>$opts{'x'}, 'y'=>$opts{'y'}) * $class->translate('x'=>$opts{cx}, 'y'=>$opts{cy}); } else { return bless [ $opts{'x'}, 0, 0, 0, $opts{'y'}, 0, 0, 0, 1 ], $class; } } else { $Imager::ERRSTR = 'x or y parameter required'; return undef; } } =item matrix($v11, $v12, $v13, $v21, $v22, $v23, $v31, $v32, $v33) Create a matrix with custom co-efficients. =cut sub matrix { my ($class, @self) = @_; if (@self == 9) { return bless \@self, $class; } else { $Imager::ERRSTR = "9 co-efficients required"; return; } } =item _mult() Implements the overloaded '*' operator. Internal use. Currently both the left and right-hand sides of the operator must be an Imager::Matrix2d. =cut sub _mult { my ($left, $right, $order) = @_; if (ref($right)) { if (reftype($right) eq "ARRAY") { @$right == 9 or croak "9 elements required in array ref"; if ($order) { ($left, $right) = ($right, $left); } my @result; for my $i (0..2) { for my $j (0..2) { my $accum = 0; for my $k (0..2) { $accum += $left->[3*$i + $k] * $right->[3*$k + $j]; } $result[3*$i+$j] = $accum; } } return bless \@result, __PACKAGE__; } else { croak "multiply by array ref or number"; } } elsif (defined $right && looks_like_number($right)) { my @result = map $_ * $right, @$left; return bless \@result, __PACKAGE__; } else { # something we don't handle croak "multiply by array ref or number"; } } =item _add() Implements the overloaded binary '+' operator. Currently both the left and right sides of the operator must be Imager::Matrix2d objects. =cut sub _add { my ($left, $right, $order) = @_; if (ref($right) && UNIVERSAL::isa($right, __PACKAGE__)) { my @result; for (0..8) { push @result, $left->[$_] + $right->[$_]; } return bless \@result, __PACKAGE__; } else { return undef; } } =item _string() Implements the overloaded stringification operator. This returns a string containing 3 lines of text with no terminating newline. I tried to make it fairly nicely formatted. You might disagree :) =cut sub _string { my ($m) = @_; my $maxlen = 0; for (@$m[0..8]) { if (length() > $maxlen) { $maxlen = length; } } $maxlen <= 9 or $maxlen = 9; my @left = ('[ ', ' ', ' '); my @right = ("\n", "\n", ']'); my $out; my $width = $maxlen+2; for my $i (0..2) { $out .= $left[$i]; for my $j (0..2) { my $val = $m->[$i*3+$j]; if (length $val > 9) { $val = sprintf("%9f", $val); if ($val =~ /\./ && $val !~ /e/i) { $val =~ s/0+$//; $val =~ s/\.$//; } $val =~ s/^\s//; } $out .= sprintf("%-${width}s", "$val, "); } $out =~ s/ +\Z/ /; $out .= $right[$i]; } $out; } =item _eq Implement the overloaded equality operator. Provided for older perls that don't handle magic auto generation of eq from "". =cut sub _eq { my ($left, $right) = @_; return $left . "" eq $right . ""; } =back The following functions are shortcuts to the various constructors. These are not methods. You can import these methods with: use Imager::Matrix2d ':handy'; =over =item m2d_identity =item m2d_rotate() =item m2d_translate() =item m2d_shear() =item m2d_reflect() =item m2d_scale() =back =cut sub m2d_identity { return __PACKAGE__->identity; } sub m2d_rotate { return __PACKAGE__->rotate(@_); } sub m2d_translate { return __PACKAGE__->translate(@_); } sub m2d_shear { return __PACKAGE__->shear(@_); } sub m2d_reflect { return __PACKAGE__->reflect(@_); } sub m2d_scale { return __PACKAGE__->scale(@_); } 1; =head1 AUTHOR Tony Cook <> =head1 BUGS Needs a way to invert a matrix. =head1 SEE ALSO Imager(3), Imager::Font(3) =cut