Revision history for Perl extension Net::Socket::NonBlock.
0.06 Tue Sep 24 19:00:00 2002
- Close($SocketID [, $Flush [, $Timeout]]) syntax introduced
- IO([$Errors]) syntax introduced
- SafeStr function removed from the module.
You can obtain the sources for this function
from the SYNOPSIS section of documentation.
- The way how the SilenceT working is changed.
It is necessary now to call the Close function
for the sockets which become unavailable
because of silence timeout.
- Minor bugfixes
- Minor changes in debug messages printing
- Minor documentation changes
- Minor changess in
0.05 Fri Jul 19 17:00:00 2002
- Minor bugfixes
- 'NestProperties' method introduced
0.04 Sat Jul 6 23:00:00 2002
- Serious bugfixes
- 'InstantDeth' parameter removed
- 'debug' parameter introduced
- The example updated
0.03 Wed Jun 24 23:40:00 2002
- SafeStr not exported by default any more
- 'MaxClients' parameter for 'Listen' method introduced
0.02 Tue Jun 19 10:00:00 2002
- first public release
0.01 Fri Apr 26 17:43:45 2002
- original version; created by h2xs 1.21 with options
-AXcfn Net::Socket::NonBlock
"friends and family release"