Changes from NSP version 0.61 to 0.63
Ted Pedersen,
University of Minnesota, Duluth
December 2003
1) Converted README.txt to README.pod
To create plain text: pod2text README.pod > README.txt
To create html: pod2html README.pod > README.html
2) Converted FAQ.txt to FAQ.pod
3) removed README.txt and FAQ.txt (now replaced by pod).
4) moved /Measures/README.measures.txt to /Docs and converted
to Measures.pod
5) Converted NewStats.txt to NewStats.pod
6) Converted Todo.txt to Todo.pod
7) Converted Usage.txt to Usage.pod
8) renamed Docs as docs
1) Incorporated all documentation for combig into
Removed file README.combig.txt
2) Incorporated all documentation for kocos into
Removed file README.kocos.txt
3) Incorporated all documentation for rank into
Removed file README.rank.txt
1) added simple perldoc to program
1) added simple perldoc to program
1) added to support standard perl installation of NSP.
Now possible to install NSP using the standard perl
"3 step" install. Still possible to install simply
by setting paths.
2) creates html versions of pod documenations and stores
in doc/html.
CPAN Release
1) NSP is now distributed via CPAN as Text::NSP.
In order to take advantage of CPANs distribution
mechanism, we needed to rename a few files, and
add a dummy module stub ( NSP still works
the same as it always did, it just looks slightly
different now. Files that were added or renamed
because of CPAN include INSTALL, README, CHANGES,
MANIFEST,, and Makefile.PL. There is also a
directory /t that is to be used for testing (invoked
via make test). Right now there isn't much that is
tested there, but that could/should change in future.
We still have very extensive testing available via
/Testing, it just isn't integrated into "make test"
at this time.