2005/06/23 kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm, Makefile.PL, META.yml, NEWS: Version 1.022.
2005/06/22 kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeDateEdit.t: Use is() instead of is_deeply() to test flags
values since the latter was changed to always use the string
version of overloaded objects in recent versions of Test::More,
whereas the former seems to work correctly. Tested with
Test::More 0.45 and 0.60.
2005/06/06 kaffeetisch
* genmaps.pl, MANIFEST: Remove the old lad genmaps.pl since it's
unused nowadays.
* Gnome2.pm, META.yml, NEWS: Version 1.022.
2005/05/29 kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeDateEdit.t: Remove the TODO around a test that previously
failed due to the now resolved Test::More bug.
* t/GnomeIconList.t: Skip all tests as GnomeIconList seems to be
broken right now.
* t/GnomeThumbnail.t: Skip tests if yes.xpm can't be found.
2005/03/06 kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm, META.yml, NEWS, README: Version 1.021.
2005/03/06 kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeDateEdit.t: Mark failing test as TODO till we have a
solution for the Test::More issue.
2005/02/10 22:15 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm: Do it like all the other cool kids and alter
dl_load_flags() to avoid warnings on Darwin.
2004/10/24 11:55 (-0400) rwmcfa1
* MANIFEST.SKIP: updates
* perl-Gnome2.spec.in: new scheme that addresses x86_64 problems
found by Carl Nygard
2004/09/14 00:08 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeIconList.t, t/GnomePasswordDialog.t, t/GnomeProgram.t,
xs/Gnome2.xs, xs/GnomeIconList.xs, xs/GnomePasswordDialog.xs,
xs/GnomeProgram.xs: Make all version checks refer to stable
* Gnome2.pm, NEWS: Version 1.020.
2004/08/29 20:00 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm, NEWS: Version 1.014.
2004/08/28 13:55 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomePasswordDialog.t, xs/Gnome2.xs: Bind and test the newly
added gnome_authentication_manager_dialog_is_visible.
2004/08/23 21:05 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* MANIFEST, Makefile.PL, podifyenums.pl: Patch from Kevin
C. Krinke adds code to generate Gnome2::enum -- a list of all enum
and flag values.
2004/08/13 10:27 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm, NEWS: Version 1.013.
2004/08/13 10:19 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeProgram.t, xs/GnomeProgram.xs: If available, use the new
gnome_program_init_paramv to wrap gnome_program_init properly.
2004/07/19 12:51 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm, NEWS: Version 1.012.
2004/07/18 19:44 (+0200) kaffeetisch
A t/GnomeSound
* MANIFEST: Add a test for GnomeSound. It's not run during make
test though, because we can't be sure there's a sound server
* t/GnomeConfig.t: Test drop_all.
* t/GnomeIconList.t: Test icon_is_visible and get_icon_at.
* t/GnomeThumbnail.t: Use a version check for has_uri and is_valid
instead of the unconditional skip now that the bug has been fixed.
* t/GnomePasswordDialog.t
* xs/GnomePasswordDialog.xs: Bind and test
set_show_userpass_buttons and anon_selected.
* xs/GnomeColorPicker.xs
* xs/GnomeEntry.xs
* xs/GnomeFontPicker.xs
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs
* xs/GnomePopupMenu.xs: Add #undef GNOME_DISABLE_DEPRECATED to
stuff that was deprecated after we wrapped it.
2004/06/28 19:35 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm
* README: Version 1.011.
2004/06/14 19:35 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeDruid.t: Test the fixed set_contents_background, now that
the properties were added.
* t/GnomeIconList.t
* xs/GnomeIconList.xs: Bind and test select_all.
2004/05/29 18:39 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm
* NEWS: Unstable version 1.010.
2004/05/28 23:58 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm: Actually use() Gnome2::Canvas so users of Gnome2 are
not required to do so themselves.
2004/05/28 13:12 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeIconTheme.t: Use the gnome-fs-directory icon.
2004/05/22 17:50 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeIconTheme.t: Check if the icon data is a hash reference.
2004/05/21 16:08 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs: Make gnome2perl_popup_menu_activate_func,
gnome2perl_refill_info_common, gnome2perl_refill_info,
gnome2perl_refill_info_popup, and ui_builder_data static.
* xs/GnomeConfig.xs: Make SvGnomeConfigIterator and
newSVGnomeConfigIterator static.
* xs/GnomeIconList.xs: Make newSVGnome2PerlIconListFlags static
and comment it out, it's unused.
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs: Rename data_to_hv to newSVGnomeIconData,
make it static and let it handle the RV creation. Make
SvGnomeIconData static and comment it out -- it's not used
* xs/GnomeProgram.xs: Make handle_module_info static.
* xs/GnomeWindowIcon.xs: Make newSVGnomeCharArray static.
Merge from the stable-1-00 branch:
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs (data_to_hv): Check if display_name is NULL
before using it.
* xs/GnomeIconLookup.xs
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs
* xs/GnomePasswordDialog.xs
* xs/GnomeThumbnail.xs: Mark 'file' unused in case there are no
xsubs at all.
2004/05/16 17:46 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeThumbnail.t: Correct skip count.
2004/04/27 20:45 (+0200) kaffeetisch
Merge from the stable-1-00 branch:
* Makefile.PL: Add Gnome2::Canvas to PREREQ_PM as well so that it
(hopefully) gets picked up by CPAN(PLUS).pm.
2004/04/25 13:38 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeDruid.t: Add reference to the relevant bug to the
set_contents_background comment.
* t/GnomeThumbnail.t: Test has_uri and is_valid but skip them for
now since they're broken.
2004/03/29 19:55 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm
* Makefile.PL
* README: Version 1.00.
* t/GnomeConfig.t
* t/GnomeEntry.t
* t/GnomeIconEntry.t
* t/GnomePasswordDialog.t
* xs/Gnome2.xs
* xs/GnomeHelp.xs
* xs/GnomeIconEntry.xs
* xs/GnomePasswordDialog.xs
* xs/GnomeURL.xs: Refer to stable releases only.
2004/03/11 16:17 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm
* Makefile.PL
* README: Version 0.94.
* Gnome2.pm: Provide an import() implementation that relays
everything to UNIVERSAL::VERSION to make version checking work.
* xs/GnomeHelp.xs
* xs/GnomeURL.xs: Use the new __gerror__ keyword to mark those
functions that may croak on error.
2004/03/02 05:06 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm: Document the recent API changes.
* Gnome2.pm
* README: Version 0.93.
2004/03/02 04:34 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeApp.xs
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs
* xs/GnomeClient.xs
* xs/GnomeConfig.xs
* xs/GnomeDruid.xs
* xs/GnomeInit.xs
* xs/GnomeModuleInfo.xs
* xs/GnomeUIDefs.xs: Rearrange ALIAS sections to avoid unneeded
2004/03/02 03:35 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeConfig.t
* t/GnomeEntry.t
* t/GnomeIconEntry.t
* t/GnomeIconTheme.t
* t/GnomePasswordDialog.t
* t/GnomeThumbnail.t
* xs/Gnome2.xs: Stick to the new version information policy:
Uppercase names for compile time related functions.
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs: Don't use ALIAS 0 as a way to override an
xsub's name. Do it properly instead.
* xs/GnomeClient.xs: Free the return value of
* xs/GnomeConfig.xs: Remove a now invalid FIXME comment.
* maps
* t/GnomePasswordDialog.t
* xs/GnomePasswordDialog.xs: Bind and test API that was added in
2.5.1: set_show_username, set_show_domain, set_show_password,
set_domain, set_readonly_domain, set_show_remember, set_remember,
get_remember, and get_domain.
* t/GnomePopupMenu.t
* xs/GnomePopupMenu.xs: Change the binding for
gnome_popup_menu_append to Gtk2::Menu::append_from. This is
necessary to avoid a collision with gtk_menu_append. Applications
using Gtk2::Menu::append and expecting to get
gnome_popup_menu_append will have to be changed.
2004/02/15 13:32 (-0500) rwmcfa1
* Makefile.PL, perl-Gnome2.spec.in: fixed some of the dependancies,
added Gnome2-VFS, Gnome2-Canvas to the spec file and the postable_rpms.
2004/02/12 19:55 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm
* Makefile.PL
* README: Version 0.92.
2004/02/12 19:21 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeIconTheme.t: Only test if get_search_path returned
something defined.
* t/GnomeProgram.t: Use properties that are not construct-only to
work around the problem for now.
* t/GnomePopupMenu.t
* xs/GnomePopupMenu.xs: Change the binding for
gnome_popup_menu_attach to Gtk2::Menu::attach_to.
2004/02/11 02:02 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* Makefile.PL
* xs/GnomeProgram.xs
* t/GnomeProgram.t: Use and test the new GPerlArgv helper.
2004/02/10 19:01 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeConfig.t: Re-enable the get_float_with_default test, with
skips. The relevant bug has been fixed in libgnomeui 2.5.4.
* t/GnomeIconSelection.t: Don't check the return value of
get_icon, there seems to be no way to predict it.
2004/02/10 17:01 (+0100) kaffeetisch
Applying a patch from muppet.
A copyright.pod
A doctypes
* Makefile.PL
* gnome2perl.h: Use the new features of ExtUtils::Depends and
ExtUtils::PkgConfig. Depend on Gnome2::Canvas. Use
'gnome2perl-versions.h' for the version macros.
2004/01/27 19:40 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeClient: Use the correct
Gnome2::Client->interaction_key_return syntax.
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs: Mark ix unused in some places.
* xs/GnomeClient.xs
* xs/GnomeUtil.xs: Avoid creating two xsubs with ALIAS when we
really only want one.
* gnome2perl.h
* xs/GnomeWindow.xs: Remove some apparently unneeded #include's.
2004/01/26 01:47 (-0500) muppetman
* xs/GnomeWindow.xs: bad muppet, that should've been
2004/01/25 23:26 (-0500) muppetman
* xs/GnomeClient.xs, xs/GnomeUtil.xs: hush unused var warnings
* xs/GnomeWindow.xs: #define GNOME_DISABLE_DEPRECATED, so
gnome_window_toplevel_set_title() is defined at compile time. (it
was deprecated in october of '03.)
2004/01/24 21:44 (-0500) rwmcfa1
* Makefile.PL: removed runtime_reqs stuff, replaced by the pkg-config
* perl-Gnome2.spec.in: use pkg-config for Requires version
2004/01/14 18:16 (-0500) muppetman
* t/GnomePasswordDialog.t: GnomePasswordDialog and
GnomeAuthenticationManager didn't appear until 2.3.6, use version
guards to skip tests on older releases.
2003/12/31 11:45 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/BonoboDockItem.xs: Remove functions that weren't supposed to
be bound in the first place (namely set_lock, detach, attach,
unfloat, grab_pointer, drag_floating, handle_size_request,
get_floating_position, and get_grip). That also hushes compiler
warnings. Thanks to muppet for catching this.
2003/12/31 02:10 (-0500) muppetman
more warnings fixes:
* xs/GnomeApp.xs, xs/GnomeConfig.xs, xs/GnomeDruid.xs,
xs/GnomeInit.xs, xs/GnomeModuleInfo.xs, xs/GnomeUIDefs.xs:
don't let RETVAL be used uninitialized in alias switches.
* xs/Gnome2.xs: mark ax unused in functions which don't touch the
input stack, to hush compiler warnings
* xs/GnomeScore.xs: return type on PPCODE xsubs must be void.
2003/12/29 16:32 (-0500) rwmcfa1
* perl-Gnome2.spec.in: use the new DATE replacement in conjunction with
VERSION to create the changlog on the fly, which is better.
2003/12/22 23:54 (-0500) muppetman
* xs/GnomeConfig.xs: initialize variables to avoid 'may be used
uninitialized' warnings in functions with alias switches. it's not
likely that we'll trigger them, but it's nice to shut them up.
2003/12/22 18:07 (-0500) rwmcfa1
* Makefile.PL: removed a type-o do_pod_files.
2003/12/20 19:58 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeConfig.t: Add a TODO comment about a bug in libgnome.
2003/12/19 18:18 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* gnome2perl.h
* xs/GnomeHelp.xs
* xs/GnomeURL.xs: Rename SvGnomeCharArray to SvEnvArray and move
it to Gnome2-VFS.
2003/12/18 22:13 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm: Mention Gnome2::index.
2003/12/16 00:02 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeConfig.xs
* xs/GnomeI18N.xs
* xs/GnomeIconLookup.xs
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs
* xs/GnomeProgram.xs: Add API documentation.
2003/12/15 01:12 (+0100) kaffeetisch
A t/TestBoilerplate
* t/*: Put some boilerplate code into an external file. Skip most
tests if Gtk2->init_check fails.
* README: Reformat slightly.
* Gnome2.pm
* META.yml: Bump version to 0.90.
2003/12/14 20:48 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs: In the custom marshaller for GnomePopupMenu
callbacks, don't use GPERL_CALLBACK_MARSHAL_INIT on callback because it
would try to access callback->priv, which doesn't exist since callback
is a plain SV.
2003/12/14 05:37 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs
* xs/GnomePopupMenu.xs: Use custom marshalling for all callbacks
specified in GnomeUIInfo's used from GnomePopupMenu. In addition
to making callbacks work, this even solves the user data problem
in GnomePopupMenu. Many thanks to muppet for this great idea.
* t/GnomePopupMenu.t: Add some user data and callback bits to test
our new toys.
2003/12/13 23:41 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeConfig.t
* xs/GnomeConfig.xs: Implement and test iterators.
2003/12/13 21:35 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeAppHelper.t: Change the callback tests so that it's easy
to know if they were actually called. Make the install_menu_hints
tests work.
* gnome2perl.h
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs: List all helper functions here. Prefix
them with "gnome2perl_".
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs: Store and restore the "widget" member of
GnomeUIInfo's if it exists. Use GNOME2PERL_WIDGET_ARRAY_INDEX
instead of the last used index + 1 for the widget's array index.
Allow GNOME_APP_UI_ITEM_CONFIGURABLE to have callbacks. If there
is a callback, arrange for it to be invisible to the C backend --
otherwise the SV would be stored and later used as if it were a
function pointer, thus causing a segfault. Use a global
GnomeUIBuilderData instead of a separate one for every function.
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs
* xs/GnomePopupMenu.xs: Refill the GnomeUIInfo's used here so that
we can warn about callbacks not working currently.
2003/12/12 23:26 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* TODO: Removed reference to gnome-ui-init. It's bound.
* README: Mention Gnome2::VFS as a dependency. Remove license
2003/12/12 03:35 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeIconList.xs: Cast the return value of
gnome_icon_list_get_icon_pixbuf_item to silence the compiler.
* t/GnomeConfig.t
* xs/GnomeConfig.xs: Implement and test vector setters and
* t/GnomeDruid.t
* xs/GnomeDruidPageStandard.xs: Add and test an accessor for the
vbox member. (Thanks to Gustavo Noronha Silva for discovering it
and to muppet for providing a patch.)
2003/12/12 00:38 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeDruidPageEdge.xs
* xs/GnomeDruidPageStandard.xs: Use GdkPixbuf_ornull for the logo
and watermark arguments in the new_with_vals constructors so that
you can actually omit and/or pass undef for them. Makes
examples/druid.pl work again.
2003/12/10 22:08 (+0100) kaffeetisch
R t/GnomeClientReal
A examples/session-management.pl
* MANIFEST: Completely revamp the "real world" GnomeClient test
case and move it to the examples directory.
* xs/GnomeClient.xs: Remove a FIXME comment.
* TODO: Update to reflect presence: GnomeClient, GnomeIconLookup
and libvte are bound and the GNOME stock icons work.
2003/12/10 02:02 (+0100) kaffeetisch
A t/GnomeConfig.t
A xs/GnomeConfig.xs
* MANIFEST: Implement and test GnomeConfig.
2003/12/10 00:54 (+0100) kaffeetisch
A xs/GnomeWindowIcon.xs
* t/Gnome.t
* MANIFEST: Implement and test GnomeWindowIcon.
* t/GnomeIconSelection.t: Add /usr/share/pixmaps to the search
path as recent libgnomeui's don't seem to do it anymore.
2003/12/09 15:41 (-0500) muppetman
* Makefile.PL: a little bit churn on the pkg-config names, so we can
get info on and create version guard macros for libgnome and whatever
* xs/GnomeHelp.xs, xs/GnomeURL.xs: the _with_env functions didn't
exist until libgnome 2.2.1; use version guards to avoid missing
2003/12/04 19:02 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* gnome2perl.h
* t/GnomeHelp
* t/GnomeURL
* xs/GnomeHelp.xs
* xs/GnomeURL.xs: Implement and test
Gnome2::Help::display_desktop_with_env and
2003/12/02 20:40 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* gnome.typemap: Use T_GPERL_GENERIC_WRAPPER for GnomeUIInfo's.
* gnome.typemap
* t/GnomeIconList.t
* xs/GnomeIconList.xs: Create and register a custom GFlags type so
we can use the cool flags magician in Gnome2::IconList::new.
* xs/GnomeIconTextItem.xs
* xs/GnomePasswordDialog.xs: Add license boilerplate.
* xs/GnomeHelp.xs
* xs/GnomeURL.xs: Add FIXME comments.
2003/11/30 14:48 (+0100) kaffeetisch
A xs/GnomeIconTextItem.xs
* t/GnomeIconList.t
* MANIFEST: Initial implementation and test for GnomeIconTextItem.
* xs/GnomeIconLookup.xs: Fix critical bug in
Gnome2::IconTheme::lookup that caused a segfault.
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs: Remove needless spaces at the end of a
2003/11/29 17:01 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* gnome2perl.h: Include bonobo/bonobo-dock.h and
2003/11/29 09:15 (-0500) muppetman
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs: remove unused variables.
2003/11/28 22:19 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm
* META.yml
* README: Prepare the release of 0.49.
* t/GnomePasswordDialog.t
* xs/Gnome2.xs: Change the package name from
Gnome2::Authentication::Manager to Gnome2::AuthenticationManager.
* xs/GnomeAppHelper: Add API documentation.
* xs/GnomeGConf.xs: Put API documentation into Gnome2::main so
that we don't overwrite Gnome2::GConf's POD/man pages.
2003/11/26 14:37 (-0500) muppetman
* gnome2perl.h
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs: put SvGnomeUIInfo in the package header
to quell compiler warnings and make sure the typechecking is
2003/11/25 00:06 (+0100) kaffeetisch
A t/GnomePasswordDialog.t
A xs/GnomePasswordDialog.xs
* MANIFEST: Initial implementation of Gnome2::PasswordDialog.
R gnome2perl.typemap
A gnome.typemap
* Makefile.PL: Rename gnome2perl.typemap to gnome.typemap to avoid
that it gets overwritten by the one generated by Gtk2::CodeGen.
* xs/Gnome2.xs: Implement Gnome2::Authentication::Manager::init.
* Gnome2.pm
* Makefile.PL
* gnome2perl.h
* t/GnomeIconTheme.t
* xs/GnomeIconLookup.xs: Implement and test
Gnome2::IconTheme::lookup. That required adding Gnome2::VFS to
the dependencies.
* xs/GnomeIconLookup.xs: Check and free the icon return value of
2003/11/21 02:15 (-0500) muppetman
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs, xs/GnomeWindow.xs, xs/GnomePopupMenu.xs,
xs/GnomeThumbnail.xs: shuffle docs around to keep from clobbering
docs from other extensions.
2003/11/15 12:13 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm: Add a comma.
* xs/BonoboDock.xs
* xs/GnomeDruid.xs
* xs/GnomeIconList.xs
* xs/GnomeIconLookup.xs: Add API documentation mainly for things
that return lists.
2003/11/14 19:50 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeIconList.xs
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs
* xs/GnomeProgram.xs: Plug even more memory leaks.
* xs/GnomeClient.xs: Make gnome_client_add_static_arg work.
2003/11/12 22:13 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs
* xs/GnomeProgram.xs: Plug some memory leaks.
* xs/GnomeUtil.xs: Use gchar_own instead of CLEANUP sections.
2003/11/11 00:36 (-0500) muppetman
* MANIFEST, debian/*: remove the debian packaging files, since having
them in the upstream dist makes it difficult for the maintainers
2003/11/09 03:22 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* Makefile.PL: Require Glib 1.01. Remove const_cccmd hack.
2003/11/07 19:35 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/BonoboDock.xs
* xs/BonoboDockItem.xs
* xs/Gnome2.xs
* xs/GnomeAbout.xs
* xs/GnomeApp.xs
* xs/GnomeAppBar.xs
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs
* xs/GnomeClient.xs
* xs/GnomeColorPicker.xs
* xs/GnomeDateEdit.xs
* xs/GnomeDruid.xs
* xs/GnomeDruidPage.xs
* xs/GnomeDruidPageEdge.xs
* xs/GnomeDruidPageStandard.xs
* xs/GnomeEntry.xs
* xs/GnomeFileEntry.xs
* xs/GnomeFontPicker.xs
* xs/GnomeGConf.xs
* xs/GnomeHRef.xs
* xs/GnomeHelp.xs
* xs/GnomeI18N.xs
* xs/GnomeIconEntry.xs
* xs/GnomeIconList.xs
* xs/GnomeIconSelection.xs
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs
* xs/GnomeInit.xs
* xs/GnomeModuleInfo.xs
* xs/GnomePixmapEntry.xs
* xs/GnomePopupMenu.xs
* xs/GnomeProgram.xs
* xs/GnomeScore.xs
* xs/GnomeScores.xs
* xs/GnomeSound.xs
* xs/GnomeThumbnail.xs
* xs/GnomeUIDefs.xs
* xs/GnomeURL.xs
* xs/GnomeUtil.xs: Remove declarations of class variables to
silence compiler warnings and make the documentation generator
create correct POD.
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs: Use "const char*" as the type of the
(ignored) first_path parameter of gnome_icon_theme_set_search_path
to indicate that it wants strings.
* MANIFEST: druid.pl -> examples/druid.pl. Add perl-Gnome2.spec.in.
2003/11/06 10:35 (-0500) muppetman
* perl-Gnome2.spec.in: dependencies were b0rken
* xs/Gnome2.xs: route Gnome's log domains through perl's warn()
and croak()
2003/11/03 22:40 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* README: Remove FIXME comment about lack of documentation.
* Gnome2.pm: Remove TODO comment.
R druid.pl
A examples/druid.pl: Move the druid example to a new sub
2003/11/03 22:26 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs: Document GnomeUIInfo.
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs
* xs/GnomeProgram.xs
* xs/GnomeScore.xs
* xs/GnomeScores.xs: Add miscellaneous API documentation for
things we handle differently from C.
* xs/GnomeUIDefs.xs: Rearrange the ALIAS section.
* xs/GnomeUtil.xs: Simplify house cleaning by using CLEANUP
2003/11/02 14:22 (-0500) muppetman
* Makefile.PL: Gtk2 and Glib have been corrected, no more silly
"atleast" version checks.
2003/11/02 20:37 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeApp.xs
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs
* xs/GnomeClient.xs
* xs/GnomeInit.xs
* xs/GnomeModuleInfo.xs
* xs/GnomeUIDefs.xs
* xs/GnomeUtil.xs: Rearranged ALIAS numbers to start at 0 to
signal to the documentation generator that the original function
name shouldn't be listed.
* xs/GnomeAbout.xs: Added documentation for authors and
documenters parameters.
* xs/GnomeClient.xs: Alias gnome_interaction_key_return to
* xs/GnomeIconList.xs: Remove FIXME comment.
* xs/GnomeScore.xs
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs: Use newRV_noinc instead of newRV_inc.
Remove a FIXME comment.
* t/*: Replace XXX with FIXME.
* t/GnomeIconList.t: Comment out $list -> clear().
2003/11/02 11:49 (-0500) rwmcfa1
* Makefile.PL: MakeHelper'd things, including pod generation.
* xs/Gnome2.xs, xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs, xs/GnomeInit.xs: added a for
object pod so that Gnome2.pm's won't be overwritten.
2003/11/01 13:21 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/Gnome2.xs: Implement Gnome2::check_version.
* t/GnomeThumbnail.t
* t/GnomeIconTheme.t
* t/GnomeIconEntry.t
* t/GnomeEntry.t: Use the new Gnome2::check_version.
2003/11/01 01:33 (-0500) muppetman
* t/GnomeIconList.t: put in a FIXME
* t/GnomeIconTheme.t: wasn't skipping enough tests
* xs/GnomeIconEntry.xs: if NULL is possible on return, use _ornull.
this hushes the cast warnings from t/GnomeIconEntry.t.
2003/10/31 20:09 (+0100) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs: Use newRV_noinc instead of newRV_inc to
avoid a memory leak.
2003/10/27 15:22 (+0100) ebassi
* TODO: updated future bindings listing
2003/10/19 16:06 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm: Correct a few mistakes.
2003/10/18 22:53 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeIconList.t: Alter $list -> get_selection test to be more
* t/GnomeIconTheme.t: Implement $theme -> list_icons test.
* xs/GnomeIconList.xs
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs
* xs/GnomeProgram.xs: Don't use a temporary G(S)List in
gnome_icon_list_get_selection, gnome_icon_theme_list_icons and
* xs/GnomeIconEntry.xs
* xs/GnomeIconList.xs
* xs/GnomeIconSelection.xs
* xs/GnomePixmapEntry.xs: Use gchar_own instead of gchar for the
return value of gnome_icon_entry_get_filename,
gnome_icon_list_get_icon_filename, gnome_icon_selection_get_icon
and gnome_pixmap_entry_get_filename.
2003/10/17 22:02 (+0200) kaffeetisch
R t/GnomeVFSOps
R t/GnomeVFSURI.t
R xs/GnomeVFSInit.xs
R xs/GnomeVFSOps.xs
R xs/GnomeVFSURI.xs
* Makefile.PL
* genmaps.pl
* gnome2perl.h
* gnome2perl.typemap
* maps: Remove all references to GnomeVFS. It's going to get its
own package.
2003/10/12 21:49 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* xs/Gnome2.xs: Remove calls to UNUSED.
2003/10/09 02:42 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* genmaps.pl: Make warnings and strict safe. Use descriptive
variable names. Remove every reference to GnomeCanvas.
2003/10/08 00:33 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* Makefile.PL: Install gnome2perl-vfs-gtypes.h.
2003/10/07 23:57 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* genmaps.pl: Include xs/gnome2perl-vfs-gtypes.c when compiling
the helper program.
* gnome2perl.h: Declare GnomeVFSURI converters.
* xs/GnomeVFSURI.xs: Add destruction handler. Call
gnome_vfs_uri_relative_new instead of
gnome_vfs_uri_resolve_relative when we're older than 1.9.1.
Cosmetical cleanups.
A t/GnomeVFSOps
A xs/GnomeVFSOps.xs
* gnome2perl.h
* gnome2perl.typemap
* t/GnomeVFSURI.t: Initial partial implementation of GnomeVFSOps.
The test isn't included in make test because it creates and
deletes files.
2003/10/07 10:34 (-0400) muppetman
* xs/GnomeVFSURI.xs: gnome-vfs-uri.h apparently gets #included via
the standard gnome headers in newer releases but not in older ones.
include libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-uri.h directly to compile on gnome 2.0.
2003/10/07 03:19 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* Makefile.PL: Use xs/gnome2perl-vfs-gtypes.c as the place for the
GTypes for GnomeVFS.
2003/10/07 02:32 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm
* xs/*: Update license terms.
* Makefile.PL
* genmaps.pl
* gnome2perl.h
* maps
R gnomeuiinfo.typemap
A gnome2perl.typemap
A t/GnomeVFSURI.t
A xs/GnomeVFSInit.xs
A xs/GnomeVFSURI.xs: Add first parts of GnomeVFS bindings and the
necessary infrastructure.
2003/10/04 16:26 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* Gnome2.pm: Alter documentation to better describe Gnome2. Don't
repeat what Gtk2.pm says, but rather point the reader to it. Add
links to the API documentation. Add a MISSING METHODS section, a
SEMANTICS section. (Following Gtk2.pm's example.)
2003/10/03 16:29 (-0400) muppetman
* Gnome2.pm, META.yml, README, debian/changelog: release 0.38
2003/10/01 18:45 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs
* xs/GnomeScores.xs: Move variable declarations to the beginning
of the block to make it compile on compilers that attach more
importance to standards. Found by Nelis Lamprecht.
2003/09/30 15:56 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* druid.pl: Use Gnome2::Program->get_program instead of ->get.
* t/GnomeDruid.t: Complete GnomeDruid test.
* t/GnomeEntry.t: Disable a test which would cause GConf to add a
key to its DB.
* xs/GnomeDruidPageEdge.xs: Provide defaults for the title, text,
logo, watermark and top_watermark parameters.
* xs/GnomeDruidPageStandard.xs: Provide defaults for the logo and
top_watermark parameters.
2003/09/29 16:33 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeDateEdit.xs
* t/GnomeDateEdit.t: Change gnome_date_edit_get_flags to return a
proper flag value instead of a plain integer.
* t/GnomeThumbnail.t: Add comment to methods that are segfaulting.
2003/09/27 01:35 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomePopupMenu.t: Re-enabled the popup code, but make it skip it if
we are not running 2.2.0 (which introduced Gtk2::Gdk::Event->new) or
2003/09/26 16:20 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* TODO: Added libbonoboui. Added explanations to gnome-config,
gnome-triggers and GnomeThemeFile.
* t/*: Removed unneeded main loops. Fixed comments.
* t/GnomeIconList.t: Filled the skeleton.
* t/GnomeProgram.t: Changed human readable program name to avoid line
* xs/GnomeHelp.xs: Comment out gnome_help_display_uri.
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs: Removed IconData prototypes. They're not
A t/GnomeHelp
A t/GnomeURL
* MANIFEST: Initial tests. Not run by make test since they require
user interaction.
A xs/GnomeUtil.xs
A t/GnomeUtil.t
* MANIFEST: Initial implementation of GnomeUtil.
2003/09/26 04:40 (-0400) muppetman
* Gnome2.pm, META.yml, README, debian/changelog: release 0.36
* Gnome2.pm: removed extraneous Exporter stuff. we export nothing,
don't waste the space. add L<> to stuff in See Also. update the
Authors section to reflect the fact that torsten > is da man.
* t/GnomeI18N.t: removed the no-op main loop to quell strange
behavior that made the test turn up "dubious".
* t/GnomePopupMenu.t: there is no Gtk2::Gdk::Event->new(), so the
event synthesizing code just makes the test fail. disabled for now.
2003/09/25 16:22 (+0200) kaffeetisch
A t/GnomeI18N.t
A xs/GnomeI18N.xs
* TODO: Initial implementation of GnomeI18N.
A t/GnomeScore
A xs/GnomeScore.xs
* TODO: Initial implementation of GnomeScore. The test isn't run by
make test because it would require certain privileges.
A xs/GnomeUIDefs.xs
* t/Gnome.t
* TODO: Implemented GnomeUIDefs. Wow, what a PITA.
* MANIFEST: Added xs/BonoboDock.xs and xs/BonoboDockItem.xs.
* t/*: Use a constant for the number of tests.
* xs/GnomeIconList.xs: Change comment to use /* */ instead of #.
* xs/GnomeProgram.xs
* t/GnomeProgram.t: Rename Gnome2::Program->get to
Gnome2::Program->get_program to avoid clash with Glib::Object->get.
2003/09/24 19:10 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeApp.t
* t/GnomeAppBar.t: Fix indention.
* t/GnomeIconTheme.t: Use undef instead of "".
* xs/GnomeIconList.xs: Added FIXME comment.
A xs/GnomeHelp.xs
A xs/GnomeURL.xs
* TODO: Initial implementation of GnomeHelp and GnomeURL. No tests
since they can't be tested without user interaction.
2003/09/23 09:26 rwmcfa1
* t/GnomeIconTheme.t: return value of test #2 is an array, have to
catch it as such or else we'll get only the flags which on my system
is empty and thus the test fails. now check that we get a 2 element
array back and that the first element is defined.
2003/09/23 13:38 (+0200) kaffeetisch
* t/GnomeIconTheme.t: Altered test #2 to only check whether the return
value is defined.
2003/09/22 09:26 rwmcfa1
* t/GnomeIconEntry.t: set_max_saved does not exist til after 2.3.3 so
don't call it unless we can.
2003/09/21 20:19 rwmcfa1
* Makefile.PL: fixed bug in specfile generation
2003/09/21 20:13 kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeIconLookup.xs: Allow undef to be passed for the cutom_icon
parameter to gnome_icon_lookup_sync.
2003/09/21 19:55 kaffeetisch
* TODO: Remove GnomePixmap. It's deprecated.
* t/GnomeClient
* t/GnomeClienReal: Fix indention.
* xs/GnomeClient.xs: Fix gnome_client_request_interaction. Should work
now, but doesn't.
2003/09/21 18:24 kaffeetisch
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs: Free strdup'ed strings.
2003/09/21 17:46 kaffeetisch
* Makefile.PL: Use libbonoboui instead of libbonobo as the hash key to
generate correct macros.
* xs/Gnome2.xs: Implement gnome_get_version_info and
* t/GnomeEntry.t
* t/GnomeIconTheme.t
* t/GnomeThumbnail.t: Use the new version methods to find out if certain
tests are to be skipped.
2003/09/21 11:00 muppetman
* Makefile.PL, gnome2perl.h: add a slight hack to generate version-
checking macros a la GTK_CHECK_VERSION for the libraries that don't
do that for us.
* xs/GnomeIconEntry.xs: use the shiny new LIBGNOMEUI_CHECK_VERSION() to
avoid trying to compile gnome_icon_entry_set_max_saved on versions
prior to 2.3.3 (because they don't have it).
2003/09/21 16:06 kaffeetisch
* TODO: Updated to reflect recent changes.
2003/09/21 00:05 muppetman (EDT, not back in time)
* AUTHORS: torsten forgot to credit himself :-)
* xs/GnomeIconLookup.xs, xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs, xs/GnomeThumbnail.xs:
GnomeIconTheme and GnomeThumbnailFactory didn't appear until about 2.0.6,
according to the changelogs for libgnomeui. only compile this stuff if
we have the right types defined.
2003/09/20 23:32 rwmcfa1
* xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs: list -> results, type-o i guess. wouldn't
compile now does.
2003/09/21 02:00 kaffeetisch
Big overhaul.
* Makefile.PL
* genmaps.pl
* gnome2perl.h: Add libbonoboui to the requirements.
* maps: Add Bonobo typemaps.
A xs/BonoboDock.xs
A xs/BonoboDockItem.xs,
* MANIFEST: First parts of Bonobo. Necessary for GnomeApp and
* xs/GnomeAbout.xs: Fix indention.
* xs/GnomeApp.xs: Provide member accessors. Implement
gnome_app_add_toolbar, gnome_app_add_docked,
gnome_app_add_dock_item, gnome_app_get_dock and
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs: Import the menu functions into the
Gtk2::MenuShell namespace. Implement gnome_app_find_menu_pos,
gnome_app_fill_toolbar*, gnome_app_insert_menus*,
gnome_app_remove_menus, gnome_app_remove_menu_range,
gnome_app_install_menu_hints, gnome_app_setup_toolbar,
gnome_app_install_appbar_menu_hints and
* xs/GnomeClient.xs: Implement gnome_client_set_*_command and
* xs/GnomeDateEdit.xs: Add FIXME comment.
* xs/GnomeEntry.xs: Provide a default for the history_id parameter.
* xs/GnomeFontPicker.xs: Implement gnome_font_picker_get_title,
gnome_font_picker_get_font_name. Remove
A xs/GnomeIconEntry.xs
A xs/GnomeIconList.xs
A xs/GnomeIconLookup.xs
A xs/GnomeIconSelection.xs
A xs/GnomeIconTheme.xs
A xs/GnomePixmapEntry.xs,
A xs/GnomeScores.xs,
A xs/GnomeThumbnail.xs,
A xs/GnomeWindow.xs,
* MANIFEST: Initial implementation.
A xs/GnomeModuleInfo.xs
* xs/GnomeInit.xs,
* MANIFEST: Moved ModuleInfo accessors into their own file.
Implemented member accessors.
* xs/GnomePopupMenu.xs: Fix bug that kept you from passing undef
for the accelgroup parameter to gnome_popup_menu_new. Import
gnome_gtk_widget_add_popup_items into the Gtk2::Widget namespace.
* xs/GnomeProgram.xs: Create convenience functions to handle ARGV and
ModuleInfo's. In gnome_program_locate_file, initialize the lists,
check if the returned value is non-NULL and use newSVGChar instead of
newSVpv. Make gnome_program_module_register and
gnome_program_module_registered work.
R t/00.Gnome2.t
A t/Gnome.t
A t/GnomeApp.t
A t/GnomeAppBar.t
A t/GnomeAppHelper.t
A t/GnomeClient
A t/GnomeClientReal
A t/GnomeColorPicker.t
A t/GnomeDateEdit.t
A t/GnomeDruid.t
A t/GnomeEntry.t
A t/GnomeFileEntry.t
A t/GnomeFontPicker.t
A t/GnomeHRef.t
A t/GnomeIconEntry.t
A t/GnomeIconList.t
A t/GnomeIconSelection.t
A t/GnomeIconTheme.t
A t/GnomePixmapEntry.t
A t/GnomePopupMenu.t
A t/GnomeProgram.t
A t/GnomeScores.t
A t/GnomeThumbnail.t
* MANIFEST: New, fairly comprehensive test suite.
2003/09/17 10:44 rwmcfa1
* Makefile.PL: ExtUtils::PkgConfig can now deal with version
requirements using pkg-config's interface, make use of it.
2003/09/16 23:50 rwmcfa1
* Makefile.PL, perl-*spec.in: somewhat automated versioning system
implemented for depenancy modules
2003/09/15 22:26 rwmcfa1
* Makefile.PL: spec file dependancies improved
2003/09/06 19:23 rwmcfa1
* Makefile.PL: dist-rpms build target added
* perl-Gnome2.spec.in: initial import
2003/09/04 21:32 muppetman
* Gnome2.pm, README, debian/changelog, META.yml: prep for 0.34 release
* xs/GnomePopupMenu.xs, MANIFEST: new stuff.
* TODO: updated
2003/08/22 01:57 muppetman
* Gnome2.pm, README, META.yml, debian/changelog, MANIFEST:
updated for 0.32 release
2003/08/19 21:11 rwmcfa1
* Makefile.PL: added realclean removal of build dir to postamble
2003/08/18 21:16 muppetman
* xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs: all the parts were there, they just weren't
plugged in. refilling the GnomeUIInfo after creating menus and such
now works.
2003/08/18 12:34 muppetman
* debian/*: patch from james curbo adds debian packaging stuff
2003/07/25 10:21 muppetman
* Gnome2.pm, README: bump version to 0.30
2003/07/23 16:46 muppetman
* README, Makefile.PL: update required versionf of Gtk2 and Glib to
ensure that the gchar_own typemap (introduced in 0.90) is available.
2003/07/18 12:49 muppetman
* xs/GnomeProgram.xs: change default for the module_info to
libgnomeui (since that's what most people want) and allow it to
be omitted.
* Gnome2.pm META.yml README: bump version number to 0.28 for release
2003/07/11 01:00 muppetman
* gnomeuiinfo.typemap, gnome2perl.h, Makefile.PL, xs/GnomeAppHelper.xs:
added support for GnomeUIInfo, and thus for $app->create_menu,
$app->create_toolbar, and a couple other of the gnome-app-helper.h functions.
ported the code from gtk-perl to retain some unity in the code, but
expect a reference to an array of GnomeUIInfo hashes, not a list of them
on the stack.
2003/07/05 07:08 pcg
* META.yml: Add module meta-data in YAML for CPAN.
* xs/GnomeAppBar.xs, xs/GnomeGConf.xs: use gchar_own* to avoid
2003/07/02 16:12 rwmcfa1
* maps: removed all of the deprecated widgets, they had no xs files
so they wouldn't be useful anyway.
* t/00.Gnome2.t: initial import, just uses the module for now, i.e.
makes sure that we don't have undefined symbols and the like
2003/06/20 11:34 muppetman
* README, Gnome2.pm, Makefile.PL: bump version info and prepare for
0.24 release. yeah, i know this skips 0.22, but it works with other
0.24 versions. no one has claimed ownership of Gnome2 and it will
probably continue to stagnate like this until they do.
2003/06/05 23:11 muppetman
* maps: removed GnomeCanvas stuff, so that it can go into its own
2003/05/22 12:00 muppetman
* AUTHORS, LICENSE, most files: added copyright and license
2003/05/18 14:00 muppetman
* ChangeLog: since breaking the monolithic build into pieces,
ChangeLog entries for Gnome2 will be in here. i've included the
contents of the toplevel log up to this point for history.
* MANIFEST: updated for proper make dist
* Gnome2.pm: bumped up the version number, fixed the synopsis, and
added an advert for a new author.
* Makefile.PL: require Gtk2 >= 0.20
2003/05/17 09:06 rwmcfa1
* Glade/*: first pass at GladeXML added
* Makefile: added, see comments within
* Makefile.PL: is no more
* lots and lots of files: G -> Glib and other related/required changes
2003/05/16 14:55 muppetman
* Gtk2/xs/GtkSpinButton.xs: removed get_value_as_float because it is
deprecated (and had the wrong return type anyway).
2003/05/15 11:45 muppetman
* G/GSignal.xs: hush unused parameter warning, more efficient
this way, anyway
* Gtk2/xs/GtkContainer.xs: implemented foreach
* Gtk2/xs/GtkIconFactory.xs: minor bugfix
* G/GType.xs, G/GValue.xs, G/gperl.h, G/typemap,
Gnome2/xs/GnomeProgram.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkCombo.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkDialog.xs,
Gtk2/xs/GtkFrame.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkItemFactory.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkStock.xs,
Gtk2/xs/GtkTextBuffer.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkToolbar.xs,
Gtk2/xs/GtkTooltips.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkTreeViewColumn.xs: use newSVGChar
and SvGChar instead of newSVpv and SvPV_nolen for gchar*, to ensure
valid utf8 handling. this definitely needs testing.
2003/05/06 12:56 rwmcfa1
* Gtk2/t/1.GtkWindow.t, Gtk2/t/2.GtkButton.t: prevent windows from
fighting over focus and thus stall tests (happends with wmaker)
* Gtk2/t/16.GtkMenu-etc.t: we don't really know how to use
tearoff_state so for the time being we won't
2003/05/05 23:11 muppetman
* G/G.pm, Gtk2/Gtk2.pm: pod updates
2003/05/05 16:35 muppetman
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTooltips.xs: work around a (bug|feature) in the Gtk+
C library by storing a GtkTooltips reference in the GtkWidget's user
data. doesn't hurt normal behavior, and prevents some hard-to-explain
pitfall errors.
2003/05/03 11:17 joered
* Gtk2/: Gtk2.pm, Makefile.PL, pm/Helper.pm: removed deprecated
timeout/idle/input methods from Gtk2.pm; added Gtk2/pm/Helper.pm
with a convenience implementation of add_watch/remove_watch
2003/05/02 18:11 muppetman
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/apple-red.png, Gtk2/gtk-demo/background.jpg,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/gnome-applets.png, Gtk2/gtk-demo/gnome-calendar.png,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/gnome-foot.png, Gtk2/gtk-demo/gnome-gimp.png,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/gnome-gmush.png, Gtk2/gtk-demo/gnome-gsame.png,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/gnu-keys.png: images needed by Gtk2/gtk-demo/pixbufs.pl,
directly from the gtk+-2.2.1 source distribution.
* G/GType.xs, Gtk2/examples/histogramplot.pl: a bunch of code,
borrowed from pygtk, to add signals to a derived class.
altered the histogramplot example to use a new signal.
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTooltips.xs: allow tip_private to default to NULL
2003/05/02 00:30 muppetman
* Gtk2/Gtk2.pm, Gtk2/gtk2perl.h, Gtk2/examples/scribble.pl,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/drawingarea.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/pixbufs.pl, Gtk2/xs/Gdk.xs,
Gtk2/xs/GdkTypes.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkCellRenderer.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkWidget.xs:
reverted the whole GdkRectangle mess. it's a boxed type again.
this clears up several bugs to do with GdkAllocation, and in fact
makes the whole shebang more efficient because we don't just create
an array any time the GdkRectangle is needed, in which case it is
often thrown away or only one element is used. added a ->values
function, like in gtk2-perl, which returns the members in a list
in the order you'd want for passing to several important gdk
functions. Gtk2::Gdk::Rectangle->new is good for creating new
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTextView.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkTreeView.xs: implemented some
functions found to be missing when looking for GdkRectangle returns
that needed to be marked _copy.
2003/05/01 23:17 joered
* Gtk2/xs/GtkCombo.xs: added GtkCombo->entry and GtkCombo->list
returning the correspondent widgets
* Gtk2/xs/GtkHBox.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkVBox.xs: default homogenous is 0
and default spacing is 5, as in gtk-perl
* Gtk2/xs/GtkWidget.xs: widget flags can now be set with
Widget->flag_name(1) resp. unset with Widget->flag_name(0);
Widget->flag_name() still returns current state
2003/05/01 08:00 rwmcfa1
* Gtk2/xs/GtkStyle.xs: removed deprecated functions, there was a lot
of them.
2003/04/31 01:00 muppetman
* Gtk2/xs/GtkFrame.xs: properly allow undef in Gtk2::Frame->new (was
adding an empty string instead of passing NULL)
* Gtk2/xs/Gdk.xs, Gtk2/xs/GdkPixbufLoader.xs, Gtk2/xs/GdkRegion.xs,
Gtk2/xs/PangoContext.xs, Gtk2/xs/PangoLayout.xs: newly implemented
* Gtk2/examples/histogramplot.pl: new code to test drive drawing
primitives, pango text handling and drawing, and subclassing. lots
of stuff in here; was ported from a working C class library i've
been writing.
* G/GType.xs, G/GObject.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkObject.xs: support for
pure-perl GObject subclasses.
added G::Type->register to create a new GType (basically wraps
g_type_register_static), G::Object->_new, to be called from perl
constructors for things inheriting GObject, and Gtk2::Object->new,
which MUST be used for things inheriting GtkObject (to handle the
floating ref situation properly).
this allows the perl developer to create new widgets without writing
C code! adding signals and properties is currently not implemented.
* Gtk2/CodeGen.pm: more correct handling of undef --- previous code
was allowing a variable containing undef to pass, which would cause
a croak in the wrapper-reader function.
* Gtk2/Gtk2.pm, Gtk2/xs/GdkTypes.xs: stopgap solution, simple lvalue
subs to get members from a rectangle list
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/drawingarea.pl: revert to named member method syntax
for rectangles
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/pixbufs.pl: actually works now. you need the images,
which i don't think are in CVS yet.
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/stock_browser.pl: cleanup
* Gtk2/xs/GdkPixmap.xs: implemented create_from_xpm_d and
* Gtk2/xs/GdkWindow.xs: allow NULL for cursor in set_cursor
* Gtk2/xs/GtkWidget.xs: implemented create_pango_layout
2003/04/29 21:55 joered
* Gtk2/xs/GtkListStore.xs: bugfix: gtk_list_store_append and
gtk_list_store_prepend were swapped
2003/04/29 23:44 muppetman
* Gtk2/xs/GdkDrawable.xs: implemented gdk_draw_polygon,
gdk_draw_points, gdk_draw_lines, gdk_draw_segments,
gdk_draw_layout, and gdk_draw_layout_with_colors
* G/GObject.xs: removed some very old and very broken commented-out
code (wrapper instance caching). added new methods for dealing with
foreign objects in perl: G::Object->new_from_pointer(VAL, NOINC) (a
direct wrapper around gperl_new_object), and $object->get_pointer.
2003/04/29 18:10 muppetman
* Gtk2/xs/GtkWindow.xs: icon list stuff
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/images.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/pixbufs.pl: the last two
pieces of gtk-demo (need some image files and such, though), and
these two don't work correctly.
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/appwindow.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/button_box.pl,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/changedisplay.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/colorsel.pl,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/dialog.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/editable_cells.pl,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/item_factory.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/list_store.pl,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/main.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/menus.pl,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/panes.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/sizegroup.pl,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/stock_browser.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/textview.pl,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/tree_store.pl: gtk-demo runs! lots of cleanup in the
pieces, and changed each one to us a single entry point name, defined
in a package with the same name as the file; this bit of subterfuge
was necessary because of the differences between C and perl, and the
fact that the app is designed as a C program. NOTE: drawingarea.pl
is broken, because my copy has other changes that won't work with
the current state of CVS.
2003/04/29 16:16 rwmcfa1
* Gtk2/xs/GdkGC.xs: impelemted gdk_gc_set_dashes
2003/04/29 15:10 muppetman
* Gtk2/xs/GtkSizeGroup.xs: implemented size groups
* Depends.pm, G/Depends.pm, G/Makefile.PL, Gnome2/Makefile.PL,
GnomePrint2/Makefile.PL, Gtk2/Makefile.PL, GtkSpell/Makefile.PL,
G/PkgConfig.pm, Gtk2/CodeGen.pm, helpers/genstuff.pl,
helpers/genboot.pl: build system hacks.
moved Depends.pm under G, so that G can install it.
made a module of some boilerplate to handle dealing with pkgconfig,
and converted the code in helpers/genstuff.pl and helpers/genboot.pl
into Gtk2/CodeGen.pm, stuff that can be called from Makefile.PLs.
hacked up a the Makefile.PLs to reflect these changes.
this makes it possible to use the autogen build tools outside the
source tree --- the first step towards breaking up the source tree
into separately distributable modules.
2003/04/29 11:14 muppetman
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/sizegroup.pl: another little piece of my heart
* Gtk2/xs/GtkDialog.xs: use alias to ensure that new_with_buttons
exists for those who seek it.
2003/04/28 23:25 muppetman
* Gtk2/xs/GtkListStore.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkTreeStore.xs: work around
bizarre stack behavior by not using a helper function. trying to
read the stack in a helper function called from an xsub was resulting
in the stack showing the wrong number of items.
2003/04/28 18:00 muppetman
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/panes.pl: another piece of the gtk-demo pie
* G/G.pm G/GObject.xs: overload the == operator, for more natural
object comparisons
* Gtk2/xs/GtkPaned.xs: struct member access
* Gtk2/Makefile.PL Gtk2/genkeysyms.pl: create a big hash of key
symbols in Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms, a la gtk-perl
* Gtk2/xs/GtkRadioButton.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkRadioMenuItem.xs,
Gtk2/xs/GtkButton.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkCheckButton.xs,
Gtk2/xs/GtkCheckMenuItem.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkImageMenuItem.xs,
Gtk2/xs/GtkMenuItem.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkToggleButton.xs: consolidate
constructors with ALIAS to avoid copying code. make sure that
group isn't a valid SV pointing to undef
* Gtk2/xs/GtkWidget.xs: implemented queue_draw, add_accelerator,
remove_accelerator, and get_display
2003/04/27 08:52- rwmcfa1
* Gtk2/t/16.GtkMenu-etc.t: Added a first pass at the testing of
GtkMenu and friends.
* Gtk2/t/15.GtkHandleBox.t: Added a decently complete test of
* Gtk2/t/14.GtkToolbar.t: Added a decently complete test of GtkToolbar
* Gtk2/xs/GtkToolbar.xs: Fixed a bug where GtkToolbarChildType was
wrongly being used as a gtype, caused all _element functions to fail
* Gtk2/t/13.GtkTooltips.t: Added a decently complete test of
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTooltips.xs: implemented an attempt at
gtk_tooltips_data_get which returns what is in the GtkTooltipsData
struct as a hash.
* Gtk2/t/12.GtkDialog.t: Added a decently complete test of GtkDialog
* Gtk2/xs/GtkDialog.xs: added gtk_dialog_add_butttons with multiple
calls to gtk_dialog_add_button. combined the vbox and action_area get
functions into one aliased function. also changed a char* to a gchar *
* Gtk2/maps: hand added entry for Gtk2::Progress, removed
* Gtk2/xs/GtkProgressBar.xs: added a BOOT section with a isa call to
tell GtkProgressBar that it's a GtkWidget dependant.
2003/04/26 09:53- rwmcfa1
* GtkSpell/Spell.pm: first pass of documentation
* GtkSpell/GtkSpell.xs: gtkspell_get_from_text_view now accepts and
ignores a class
* Gtk2/t/10.GtkProgressBar.t, Gtk2/t/11.GtkStatusBar.t: first passes
at testing the two modules
* Gtk2/maps: hand added a (maybe temporary) entry for Gtk2::Progress
* Gtk2/xs/GtkProgressBar.xs: removed a bunch of deprecated functions
* Gtk2/xs/GtkMenuItem.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkRadioButton.xs,
Gtk2/xs/GtkRadioMenuItem.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkToggleButton.xs: now new with
string new('string') uses mnemonic instead of label. seems like a good
idea. you can use new_with_label if you don't want this behavior. also
impelented news with aliases for new and new_with_mnemonic (saves code
* Gtk2/xs/GtkCheckButton.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkCheckMenuItem.xs,
Gtk2/xs/GtkImageMenuItem.xs: same as ^ with the addition of: wrappers
for _new_with_label were invalid they're now fixed.
2003/04/25 23:01 rwmcfa1
* GtkSpell/: Initial import of working (for me anyway) GtkSpell
mappings, give them a try.
2003/04/25 18:17 muppetman
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/changedisplay.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/drawingarea.pl,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/editable_cells.pl: more demo pieces. changedisplay.pl
is completely untested, because i do not have Gtk+ 2.2 on my
development machine.
* G/GClosure.xs: always copy SVs that are to be stored. see the
perlcall manpage. this fixes some intermittent bugs that happen
when reusing the same variable for various objects.
* Gtk2/xs/GdkWindow.xs: implemented gdk_window_invalidate_rect
* new-gtk2-perl.html, G/GBoxed.xs, helpers/genstuff.pl, G/gperl.h,
G/GObject.xs: renamed gperl_register_class to gperl_register_object
to be more consistent (with gperl_register_fundamental and
gperl_register_boxed). also added
gperl_object_set_no_warn_unreg_subclass, made gperl_get_object
honor it.
* Gtk2/xs/GdkGC.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkStyle.xs: set 'no warn for unregistered
subclasses on GtkStyle and GdkGC. causes the type system to stop
spewing messages on stderr about unregistered types from theme
engines and gdk backends.
* Gtk2/gtk2perl.h, Gtk2/examples/scribble.pl, Gtk2/xs/GdkEvent.xs,
Gtk2/xs/GdkTypes.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkCellRenderer.xs: completely reworked
the handling of GdkRectangle. it's now treated as a perl list
instead of an opaque type; this is consistent with gtk-perl and
makes life easier for manipulating the rectangles in perl.
* Gtk2/xs/GtkWidget.xs: changed handling of GtkAllocation, since
handling of GdkRectangle changed. invisible from the perl side.
also implemented gtk_widget_get_events.
* Gtk2/xs/GtkImage.xs: implemented gtk_image_new_from_pixmap,
gtk_image_set_from_pixmap, and gtk_image_get_pixmap
* Gtk2/xs/GtkLabel.xs: allow Label->new to default to NULL for
creating empty labels.
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTreeModel.xs: implemented gtk_tree_path_get_indices
2003/04/25 12:40 rwmcfa1
* Gtk2/t/1.GtkWindow.t: corrected check for gtk >= 2.2
* Gtk2/t/5.GtkListStore-etc.t: if 2.2 then try the reorder function
* Gtk2/xs/GtkCurve.xs: re-did set_vector to be clearer and removed a
unused param name from prototype.
* Gtk2/xs/GtkFileSelection.xs: clarified the a for loop's operations
in get_selections
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTreeStore.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkListStore.xs: added itital pass
at _store_reorder
* Gtk2/maps: added stuff new as of gtk2.2.1
* Gtk2/xs/GtkPlug.xs Gtk2/xs/GtkWindow.xs Gtk2/xs/GdkCursor.xs
Gtk2/xs/GdkDrawable.xs Gtk2/xs/GtkInvisible.xs Gtk2/xs/GtkMenu.xs:
uncommented stuff new to gtk 2.2 now that maps is up to date for 2.2.1
2003/04/24 18:24 muppetman
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/appwindow.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/button_box.pl,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/colorsel.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/dialog.pl: more pieces of
the demo
* Gtk2/xs/GtkToolbar.xs: implemented all the append/prepend/insert
functions that were left out because they require callbacks
* Gtk2/xs/GtkStock.xs: implemented gtk_stock_add
* G/GSignal.xs, G/gperl.h: export gperl_signal_connect, the actual
workhorse, so other XSubs can use it
* Gtk2/xs/GtkColorSelection.xs: fixed get_current_color and
* Gtk2/xs/GtkColorSelectionDialog.xs: member access
* TODO: high-level things (i forgot to commit this last week)
2003/04/24 17:55 rwmcfa1
* Gtk2/t/5.GtkListStore-etc.t: fixed type-o, datam -> data that was
preventing entries being made into the list
* Gtk2/xs/GtkMessagedialog.xs: removed a TODO, it is probably better
to just pass the message as you want it rather than use the varargs
stuff anyway
2003/04/24 13:30 muppetman
* Gnome2/xs/GnomeProgram.xs, Gnome2/druid.pl: implemented object
properties on Gnome2::Program->init (was a FIXME)
* G/GObject.xs: created alias get_property for get and set_property
for set, since some objects mask the G::Object-level method with
their own. in list_properties, don't die if the descr isn't set.
2003/04/24 12:55 muppetman
* helpers/genstuff.pl: wrap generated code in #ifdefs to support
versioning (typemaps must be generated even if the code isn't, so
we generate everything but only use part of it)
2003/04/23 10:44 rwmcfa1
* Gtk2/xs/GtkHButtonBox.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkVButtonBox.xs:
get_spacing_defaults should accept and ignore class
* Gtk2/gtk2perl.h: type-o newSVGdkModiferType -> newSVGdkModifierType
* Gtk2/xs/GtkFontSelection.xs: type functions should not be in XS, it's
all automagical
* Gtk2/xs/GtkWindow.xs: a first pass at set_icon_list_function added
2003/04/23 10:37 muppetman
* ChangeLog: new change log, from the cvs log on sourceforge.
please keep it updated.
2003/04/22 muppetman
* G/GBoxed.xs: updates to debugging output
* G/GClosure.xs: don't keep the supplemental arguments array in
gperl_closure_marshal --- just put mortal values on the stack and
everything works out fine. simplifies the code quite a bit, and
removes some subtle and nasty bugs.
* G/GType.xs: GPERL_TYPE_SV, a boxed wrapper for perl scalars, mapped
to the package G::Scalar. this is handy for storing hashes and other
perl data structures in a TreeModel.
* G/GValue.xs: special handling for GPERL_TYPE_SV. implement handling
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/stock_browser.pl, Gtk2/xs/GtkIconFactory.xs: stock
browser demo and some supporting code
* Gtk2/gtk2perl.h, Gtk2/xs/GdkTypes.xs: special handling for
GdkModifierType flags... GDK_MODIFIER_MASK matches all of the flag
values, and causes nasty problems when you try to convert the SV flags
wrapper *back* to C. so, handle it separately, and don't allow
GDK_MODIFIER_MASK to make it into perl from C. (can still go the other
way, though)
* Gtk2/xs/GtkItemFactory.xs: bracket callback with ENTER/SAVETMPS &
* Gtk2/xs/GtkMenu.xs: implemented gtk_menu_popup
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTreeModel.xs: it's possible for gtk_tree_model_iter_next
to return NULL
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTreeView.xs: implemented
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTreeViewColumn.xs: implemented
* Gtk2/xs/GtkWidget.xs: default params on set_size_request, and
implemented render_icon
2003/04/22 rwmcfa1
* Gtk2/t/5.GtkListStore-etc.t, Gtk2/t/6.GtkLabel.t,
Gtk2/t/7.GtkBoxes.t, Gtk2/t/8.GtkCombo.t: initial import
* Gtk2/t/9.GtkRadioButton.t: test out a little more throughly
* Gtk2/xs/GtkFileSelection.xs: first pass at
gtk_file_selection_get_selections, needs to be utf8
tested/implemented maybe
* Gtk2/xs/GtkRadioButton.xs: crash bug, need to make sure that svp
* Gtk2/xs/GtkRadioMenuItem.xs: first pass at implementing this class,
not tested yet
2003/04/21 muppetman
* G/G.xs, G/gperl.h: added gperl_alloc_temp
* G/GClosure.xs: added GPerlCallback, and made some robustness fixes
for GPerlClosure. (there was bizarre stuff happening in the
marshaller, wrong number of items in the supplemental arguments
* G/gperl.h: add GPerlCallback, with docs, and some other noise
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/item_factory.pl: gtk-demo driver for GtkItemFactory
* Gtk2/xs/GtkItemFactory.xs: implemented GtkItemFactory
* Gtk2/xs/GtkWidget.xs: set_flags and unset_flags
2003/04/21 rwmcfa1
* Gtk2/xs/GtkRadioButton.xs: implement all of the functions now with a
first pass at how to deal with GSList/group stuff. (notice: it's
subject to change)
2003/04/20 rwmcfa1
* just about every file: added cvs Header: tags
* Gtk2/xs/GtkWindow.xs: missing functions added; version 2.2 functions
added (some commented out); decorated_window functions added, but
commented out (how should we go about these?)
2003/04/18 gthyni
added .cvsignore files for cleaner updates
2003/04/18 muppetman
* Gnome2/druid.pl: add a button to test out Gnome2::About
* Gnome2/xs/GnomeAbout.xs: patch from Chas Owens to implement the
authors and documenters parameter lists, and allow defaults on
parameters following authors. (authors is required by gnome_about_new)
* Gtk2/xs/GtkAccelGroup.xs: implemented gtk_accelerator_parse and
* Gtk2/xs/GtkFileSelection.xs: patch from Chas Owens giving access
to member widgets
* Gtk2/xs/GtkImage.xs: implemented new_from_pixbuf and set_from_pixbuf
* Gtk2/xs/GtkStock.xs: implemented some stock handling stuff, enough
to get the stock_browser demo working
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTreeSelection.xs: implemented
2003/04/18 rwmcfa1
* Gtk2/xs/GtkWindow.xs: add a header tag and see if i can commit,
header tags need to be added to everything before to long.
2003/04/17 muppetman
massive commit of changes made by muppetman and rwmcfa1 since the
last pre-sourceforge snapshot.
* G/G.xs, G/gperl.h: added gperl_croak_gerror, takes care of properly
freeing a GError before croaking with the message it contains
* G/GObject.xs: don't allow non-RVs in gperl_get_object;
added G::Object->eq
* G/gperl.h: added gperl_croak_gerror, takes care of properly freeing
a GError before croaking with the message it contains
* Gtk2/gdk.typemap, Gtk2/gtk2perl.h: custom handling for GdkBitmap
* Gtk2/examples/layout.pl: new example (ported from C by ross)
* Gtk2/examples/socket.pl, Gtk2/t/0.Gtk2.t, Gtk2/t/1.GtkWindow.t,
Gtk2/t/2.GtkButton.t, Gtk2/t/3.GtkGammaCurve.t: updates since snapshot
* Gtk2/gtk-demo/textview.pl, Gtk2/gtk-demo/floppybuddy.gif,
Gtk2/gtk-demo/gtk-logo-rgb.gif: another piece of gtk-demo, and
* Gtk2/xs/GdkPixbuf.xs: added lots of missing functionality
* Gtk2/xs/GdkPixmap.xs: can now create GdkBitmaps. warning, GdkBitmap
may be in the wrong class, there are some complaints at runtime about
it (porting C code passing a GdkBitmap where a GdkPixmap was wanted,
i had to re-bless in perl to achieve that).
* Gtk2/xs/Gtk2.xs: added version information functions
* Gtk2/xs/GtkCurve.xs: work around a C bug that the Gtk+ maintainers
say won't be fixed (because the widget is to be removed in future
* Gtk2/xs/GtkHScale.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkHScrollBar.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkVScale.xs,
Gtk2/xs/GtkVScrollBar.xs, Gtk2/xs/GtkScrolledWindow.xs: allow default
* Gtk2/xs/GtkListStore.xs: place TreeModel at the beginning of ISA so
Gtk2::TreeModel::get is found before G::Object::get. remove some
* Gtk2/xs/GtkNotebook.xs: patch from Emmanuele Bassi, which was a
double commit, because goran had already fixed it and i didn't
notice in time
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTextBuffer.xs: implemented insert_with_tags_by_name
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTextIter.xs: allow NULL return from get_child_anchor
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTextView.xs: oops, bad signature
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTreeView.xs: implemented missing new_with_model
* Gtk2/xs/GtkTreeViewColumn.xs: stack randomly had the wrong number
of items. converted to a macro to avoid the use of dXSARGS, and
suddenly the list_store.pl portion of gtk-demo works. dXSARGS is
supposed to work anywhere; i don't understand why it didn't.
* Gtk2/xs/GtkWidget.xs: implemented several _modify_* methods
* Gtk2/xs/GtkWindow.xs: allow window type to default to 'toplevel'
on ->new; all NULL for several other functions' parameters.
* Gtk2/xs/PangoFont.xs: pango constants.
2003/04/17 gthyni
imported 20030415 snapshot into CVS