Revision history for Perl extension Games::QuizTaker.

1.00  Mon Oct 01 13:35:59 2001
	- Original version; created by h2xs 1.20 with options
		-AXn Games::QuizTaker

1.01  Sat Oct 20 19:27:50 2001
	- Added the README file
1.02  Fri Nov 02 11:17:21 2001
	- Located and fixed bug in the test function that kept
	  it from printing all of the questions.

1.03  Thu Nov 15 09:27:58 2001
	- Redesigned object constructor call and added get/set
	  functions for parameters within the object.
		- Changed the name and style of the parameters when
	  	  creating the object
		- Modified to correspond with the above
		- Added a debugging function

	- Modified the POD to correspond with the above changes