Revision history for perl-file-valet
1.07 Tue Sep 01 15:33:19 PDT 2020
- Fixed my stupid broken tests in 00-slurp.t (thanks, xenu and Grinnz)
- Tests represent binary data with %v02X (thanks, Grinnz)
- Pulled :bytes out of rd_f wr_f ap_f because it's a red herring.
1.06 Sat Aug 29 17:45:51 PDT 2020
- rd_f, wr_f, ap_f added checks for close() error
- rd_f, wr_f, ap_f switched to sysread/syswrite to work around Windows bug
- Updated t/00-slurp.t to be more informative on error.
- Moved test reqs to [Prereqs / TestRequires] in dist.ini (thanks, Ether)
- Added [MetaJSON] to dist.ini (thanks, Ether)
1.05 Sat Aug 29 12:05:01 PDT 2020
- Bugfix for slurp for some versions of perl on Windows
1.04 Fri Aug 28 19:04:18 PDT 2020
- Bumped perl support from v5.8 to v5.10 so I can use //
- Improved find_temp() for Windows environments
- Broke out is_windows() into its own function
- Added find_home() function
- Added unit test for find_home
1.03 Thu Aug 22 13:53:47 PDT 2019
- Removed spurious (and ill-behaved) dependency on Errno
- Disabled unit tests which fail when run as root
1.02 Tue Mar 21 14:46:11 PDT 2017
- Added rename_vms() function
1.01 Thu Apr 14 19:16:27 PDT 2016
- Bugfixes in unit tests (i18n issues with $!)
1.00 Thu Apr 14 10:51:40 PDT 2016
- First version released