Revision history for CLI-LaTeX-Table

0.56    2018-06-09 : 
            Changed slightly on README_JP.pdf
            latextable got -# and the function for continuous hyphens.

0.55	2018-06-08 :
			Added README_JP.pdf.
			Small change on saikoro, how -g works by exchaning horizontal and vertical
			Large change on csv2tsv.

0.54    2018-06-03 : 
			Debugging of the installer setup file "Build.PL". I forgot "[" and "]".
			Also small text change on *.pm 

0.53    2018-06-03 : 
			A small text change on the files *.pm README and Changes.

0.52    2018-06-02 : 
			Second release virtually nothing has changed.

0.51    2018-06-02 : 
			First release.