Revision history for Perl extension DBD::Sprite.
0.01 Fri Feb 25 13:00:55 2000
- original version; created by h2xs 1.18
0.02 Fri Mar 03, 2000
- Fixed single-quote handling on bound parameters.
0.07 Fri Apr 14, 2000
- Refixed test-14 failure (CHAR datatype). Also create and alter
table commands should now work properly (save your table 1st! ;)
0.08 Wed May 03, 2000
- Fix Windows glob problem for Perl2EXE
- Added missing file "" to build
0.09 Fri Jun 09, 2000
- Fix bug in DELETE which occassionally caused infinite loop.
0.10 Wed Aug 16, 2000
- Fix bug involving "like" and field values containing regex-
special characters, ie. ".".
0.11 Thu Aug 31, 2000
- Fix regex bug in and add error-checking for SQL
- commands wo/space after table-name, ie "update table-name\n...".
0.12 Tue Sep 05, 2000
- Add size fields are truncated to to "-519" error message.
0.13 Tue Oct 10, 2000
- Fix CaseTableNames attribute to "sprite_CaseTableNames.
- Minor docs fix.
0.14 Thu Oct 12, 2000
- Added Oracle TO_DATE and CONCAT functions. Fixed bug now
allowing more than 1 argument for functions, and minor bug
which stripped wild-card chars from function results in "LIKE"
0.15 Thu Nov 02, 2000
- Fix bug that caused question marks in bound parameter values to be
treated as additional parameters.
0.16 Thu Dec 21, 2000
- Fixed bug which would not allow lower-case versions of the "AND" and
"OR" operators. Also made field-names used as right-values return
the appropriate value they represent rather than just a literal
string of the field name, ie. "update table set FIELD1 = FIELD2"
should now work properly instead of setting FIELD1 to "FIELD2" in
every record of "table".
0.17 Fri Mar 09, 2001
- Fixed bug where types not returned for cursor after update,
Fixed bug where table names not returned if space appeared after
- Fixed bug in "" -- was encrypting wrong argument.
0.18 Wed Mar 13, 2001
- Changed comparisens of literal data with "CHAR" fields to first
pad the literal with appropriate spaces so that eqality tests would
pass (to work like Oracle and the way DBIx-Recordset expects).
Also added new option "Sprite_StrictCharComp" to force the old behavior.
- Fixed bug that occasionally inserted a "0" instead of "" in numeric
fields when inserting NULL. To get the proper "old" behavior,
specify a default of zero for each numeric field, ie.
"NUMFIELD=NUMBER=0" in the top line of your Sprite table files.
- Added some code to check syntax of "where" clauses. (for DBIx-
- Fixed a couple of other small bugs that DBIx-Recordset tests found.
0.19 Wed Mar 21, 2001
- Fixed problem seeing all Windows file-names due to case-insensitivity
in Windows.
0.20 Fri Aug 15, 2001
- Fixed bug involving autocommit on statements containing "select" in data.
Caught by Simon Elliott, Thanks! Also fixed several other minor glitches.
- Fixed bug forbidding sequence files in mixed-case directories unless
CaseTableNames was set (CaseTableNames only applies to the file-name).
Also added code to display "$@" and "$?" in the error details message on
-511 errors (could not [over]write file).
0.21 Wed Sep 12, 2001
- Fixed AutoCommit to actually work. Caught by Jojo Kamote Escubil, Thanks,
Jojo! Also fixed another bug affecting quoted value strings containing
question marks (Caught by me!)
0.22 Mon Sep 17, 2001
- Removed regex optimization (s///o) which caused record and field separators
to not work right when one opened a database, closed that database, then
opened a second database with different record and or field separators.
Caught by Larry Yudelson, Thanks!
0.25 Fri Oct 26, 2001
- Added new regex feature to allow one to capture regex matches and update
field values, ie:
update MYTABLE set FIELD1 = '$1' where FIELD2 =~ '(\d+)'
This will set FIELD1 to the 1st number found in FIELD2 in the same
record. Up to 2 matches for each "where" expression containing "=~" or
"!~" may be captured. $1 .. $n correspond to each set of unescaped
parenthesis from left to right in the "where" clause.
- Added TO_CHAR function for converting Perl "time" values to printable
formats. Has most date and numeric functions in the two-argument
form of the Oracle "TO_CHAR" function, which it is designed to emulate.
- Added some optimization for mass-updates.
- Added many other new Oracle functions (TO_NUMBER, USER, ABS, COS, EXP,
work when selected from "DUAL".
0.26 Mon Oct 29, 2001
- Fixed bug introduced in 0.24 where tests failed not finding "".
- Fixed test failure on Windows platforms (I think).
- Added still more Oraclish functions (CEIL, EXP, INSTR, INSTRB, LAST_DAY,
- Added date-handling capability to TRUNC.
It should be noted that these functions do almost no error-checking.
- Added "AUTONUMBER" datatype to allow autonumbering without sequences.
This emulates the way M$-Access(ODBC) does things.
0.27 Fri Nov 15, 2001
- Eliminated "reserved" status of special characters \x02 .. \x06 and \n
by now using single "reserved" string pattern: "\x02\^#jSpR1tE\x02",
where "#" can be any digit 0..9. The purpose of this is to allow for
temporarily protecting some strings while performing string searches
and substitutions, ie. protecting commas within quoted literal values
while splitting the encompassing string on commas as separators. \n
has previously been "flattened" out into spaces in order to treat
multiline queries as a single line. This is still done, but numerous
regices were modified with the "s" option. Please report anything that
might be broken by this new release!
0.30 Thu Jan 10
- Fixed bug where specifying a negative number in a "where" clause
as an unbound constant, returned all records and set the field in all
records to that number (ouch!)
- Fixed bug there double-backslashes in data inserted into a table were
converted to a single backslash.
- Added better "BLOB" support. BLOB/LONG/MEMO fields no longer have
default length specified as 5000 and data should no longer be truncated.
- ADDED ENCRYPTION OPTION! If the "Crypt::CBC", and "Crypt::IDEA" or
"Crypt::DES" are available, you can connect specifying
"sprite_Crypt => 'IDEA;any_key_string'" (use "DES" in lieu of "IDEA",
if so inclined). To read in existing unencrypted tables and write them
out encrypted, use "sprite_Crypt => 'encrypt=IDEA;your_key_string'".
To read in encrypted databases and write them back unencrypted, use:
"sprite_Crypt => 'decrypt=IDEA;your_key_string'". Note: Any method
of encryption that Crypt::CBC supports may be used instead of IDEA or
DES, if you have the module installed.
0.32 Thu Feb 22
- Fixed bug which prevented one from using single-letter field names.
(caught by me).
- Fixed bug which caused SELECTs to sometimes fail with psuedo-columns and
functions, ie. sequence.NEXTVAL (caught by me).
- Fixed bug that caused extra "-528:Could not read/write BLOB file" errors
to be displayed after other errors (caught by me).
- Added "sprite_reclimit" option to permit user to limit number of records
fetched in a single query.
- Added code so "darwin" (new Mac-OS) would use unix "/" separator, was
using WinDOwS separators ("\\") for directories (caught by Thabo).
- Changed internal "lock_file" and "lock_try" to "sprite_lock_file" and
"sprite_lock_try" respectively to allow user to override defaults. This
was requested to permit Sprite databases to exist on read-only filesystems.
This is only applicable to os'es originating from a huge corporation
based in Redmond, VA. that don't support flock. See the README file for
more notes about file locking!
- Added code to check "Create" command to make sure tables/sequences
actually get created or else report error (caught by Dave Thorn).
- Added RAW datatype (psuedonym for VARCHAR), since in Perl, any valid
ASCII character can be inserted into a string. NOTE: Oracle requires
packing and unpacking to hex!
0.33 Fri May 5
- Added code so "bsdos" (BSD/OS) would use unix "/" separator, was
being treated as "dos" and using WinDOwS separators ("\\") for
directories (caught by Sweth Chandramouli), Thanks!
- Added ability to specify path and or extension to database names in the
connect function (The default of ".sdb" and path ($ENV{SPRITE_HOME}/,
"./", then $ENV{HOME}/ still apply). If database name contains a dot
("."), then the ".sdb" extension is not added. If the database name
begins with a "/", then it is assumed to be an absolute path, otherwise,
the dafault search-paths (described above) are applied.
0.34 Wed May 22
- Added beta (incomplete) XML support! By specifying 'XML' as your record
seperator, your tables will be stored in XML format instead of Sprite's
usual delimited text format. Special XML characters (<, >, &, and --)
are escaped to proper XML format, ie. <, etc. This option requires
the installation of the Perl module "XML::Simple". The reason this is
beta is because I'm a newbe to XML and have not yet been able to get
all binary data to work correctly, namely high-ascii characters. If
you see what I am missing, please feel free to tell me and or send
- Fixed bug where single-quotes appearing in fields in UPDATE statements
caused -517 errors.
- Added ability to separately specify the field separator string for input
vs output. Original Sprite supported this, but I always set them to be
the same. By default they still are. This became useful to me when
testing XML because I could specify the output field separator as 'XML'
and the input one as whatever my existing table was, read it in and
write it right back out as XML! The new options are: sprite_read,
sprite_write, and sprite_field. The latter sets both to the same thing.
sprite_record sets the record separator.
0.35 Thu May 30
- Made global variable "CBC" an object variable fixing bug which caused
problems when one used both an encrypted database and an unencrypted one
in the same program (caught by me).
- Added base-64 encoding to the new XML stuff and fixed up the encoding so
that binary data should now work properly both in and out. Encoded
fields now have a 'xml:encoding="base64"' attribute. Note: the
"MIME::Base64" module is now a prerequisite if using XML.
- Restored the "sprite_sizelimit" attribute (alias for the "sprite_reclimit"
attribute) for backward compatability sake (I once used this in another
program and DBD::LDAP uses "ldap_sizelimit" - I can't remember why).
0.36 Thu Jun 6
- Removed -402 warning if SELECT finds no records so Sprite will work like
other DBI databases. To test if SELECT returned records or not, test the
return value of $sth->execute(). It will be the number of records
returned or "0E0" if none, or undef if error!
- Initialize "LongReadLen" attribute because regular DBI returns a default
value of 80, but DBI::PurePerl returns undef (caused Perl warning in test).
- Dropping table now returns "0E0" on success instead of 1 (as DBD::Oracle
0.37 Tue Jun 11
- Fixed bug which prevented Sprite from loading tables with zero or one
- Added new option: "sprite_xsl" to allow one to specify an xsl template
url to be written into the xml document containing each table. Default
is none. Only applies when using the "xml" option!
0.38 Never released.
- Added "rows" attribute to "select" tag in XML-formatted tables.
0.39 Mon Jun 24
- Added "rows" attribute to "select" tag in XML-formatted tables.
- Added option "sprite_CaseFieldNames". Default is zero. If set, causes
field names to be case-sensitive, allowing same table to have multiple
fields with same name and different cases, ie. "field1", and "FIELD1".
Traditional behavior was to convert all field names to upper-case as
does Oracle(tm). This is similar to the "sprite_CaseTableNames" option
for table names.
0.40 Tue Jul 9
- Fixed restriction which prevented one from sorting on fields not in the
selected result-set.
- Added multiple ascending/descending selection to the sort "order by"
clause. Previously, one could only specify ascending/descending once
after the last field and all sorts would be in that direction. Now, one
can use things like: "order by field1 desc, field2 asc, field3 desc"
Please note that previous queries like "order by field1, field2 desc"
WERE broken since both would sort in descending order! Now it works like
Oracle where field1 will sort ascending and within that, field2 sorts
0.41 Fri Aug 16
- Fixed bug resulting from a missing "require" stmt that returned error
when unencoding base64-encoded values in XML tables.
0.42 Thu Sep 5
- Added support for DBIx::GeneratedKey. This ment adding code to save the
current value of the last sequence or "AUTONUMBER" field incremented.
The former are incremented by a call to "sequencename".NEXTVAL in a query,
the latter are incremented by inserting NULL into a "AUTONUMBER" field
in an "INSERT" query.
0.43 Thu Oct 24
- Fixed problem with error-handling with DBI when DBI->connect() fails.
Sprite now calls "warn" if "PrintError" is in effect and returns error
code and string separated by a colon in "$_", if DBI->connect() fails.
This is due to DBI::set_err() failing when no DBI handle yet created.
- Fixed "create table" to now actually create an XML table when in an XML
database (previously new tables were always created in text format by
very old code that predated the XML option. It now calls "write_file()"
via "commit()" as it should and as "alter table" does. Thanks to
Roland Bauer for catching this embarrassing omission. I guess I had
never actually created a "new" XML table, I had just used "sprite_write"
and to change my existing text tables to the new XML format.
- Added code to "drop()" (drop table) function to make sure no dangling
data is left in memory from the dropped table.
0.44 Tue Feb 11
- Fixed 2 bugs related to the "sprite_CaseFieldNames" option. First, the
option did not work with the "xml" option. Second, the option precedence
was wrong -- Options specified in the connect() method should override
any in the database (.sdb) file. This was not happening.
0.45 Fri Jun 27
- Fixed Makefile.PL bug in Perl 5.8+ where make would fail with something
like "Can't use string ("*.xsi") as a HASH ref...". Thanks to everyone
who reported this.
0.46 Mon Sep 29
- Fixed problem with Windows path separators (changed \\ to / for ActivePerl.
- Added Oracle "Truncate" function.
0.47 Fri Nov 28 2003
- Fixed "_set_fbav"-reported error when sorting field containing a "null"
0.50 Fri Mar 5
- *JOINS ARE FINALY HERE!* One can now do very basic two-table inner
equi-joins using Sprite. This is based on the pre-Oracle-9 syntax,
which supports table name aliasing. The table-name or alias must be
specified qualifying each fieldname (tablename.fieldname). See the
docs for an example. Test & enjoy! ;)
- Fixed small bug that prevented passing bind-arguments containing an
escaped single-quote to a "like" expression in a where-clause.
0.51 Thu Apr 22 2004
- Added new DBI function "last_insert_id" to return the value of the last
sequence number used. Refer to the DBI docs for arguments and how to
use this function. The general format is:
$number = $dB->func(undef, undef, 'tablename', 'fieldname', 'last_insert_id')
- Added new option "sprite_nocase" to support case-insensitive
where-clauses like LDAP. NOTE - only currently for "LIKE/NOT LIKE". If
set to a true value, then case is ignored for expressions like:
"where FIELD like 'abc%'". Default is false.
- Fixed bug which prevented the argument to a "like" expression from working
if it contained an escaped single-quote.
0.52 -not released.
0.53 Wed Sep 29
- Fixed a bug affecting joins where selects without fields, ie. select from
table.. failed.
- Fixed another bug affecting joins when queries failed unless both
CaseTableNames and CaseFieldNames were set if field names were lower-case.
0.54 Wed Nov 10
- Fixed bug involving misinterpretation of the DBI::set_err() function which
caused a null warning to sometimes be issued by perfectly successfull
"Prepare" statements. Changed the 2nd argument to DBI::set_err() from
zero to undef when clearing error status. Caught by Steven Bray and me.
- Changed all (misspelled) references to the Oracle-ish function "CURVAL"
to "CURRVAL". Caught by Steven Bray.
- Fixed variable declaration buglet which "masked earlier declaration".
Caught by Steven Bray. Thanks, Steven.
0.55 Fri Apr 29 2005
- Fixed bug that caused single-quotes enclosed in variables bound to
placeholders to fail and or seg-fault.
- Fixed bug that caused single-quotes in in-line where-cluse values
(those not bound using placeholders) to be converted to a pair of
double-quotes, causing condition test to fail.
0.56 Sat May 14 2005
- Fixed bug that prevented sorting from working and returning all records
when doing a SELECT DISTINCT with ORDER BY on a single column.
0.57 Tue Jun 14 2006
- Fixed bug involving reversal of the increment and start values of
sequences in the "Create Sequence" command. Should work now, even
though the variable names appear reverse in "NEXTVAL" code.
- Added code to support DBI's "primary_key_info" query.
0.58 Thu Jul 20 2006
- Fixed bug that prevented empty-strings (two quotes in succession) as
arguments to functions (caught by me).
- Fixed bug that had sequence values and increments reversed.
- Added "primary_key_info()" DBI function.
0.59 Sat Oct 21 2006
- Fixed bug that prevented last_insert_id() from working with AUTONUMBER
- Added MySQL-like "select fn()" capability. Previously, one had to use
the Oracle-ish "select fn() from DUAL".
- Fixed CaseTableNames bug.
- Fixex problem that caused warning message when doing a $dB->disconnect()
when using AutoCommit.
- Added several numeric datatype names and mapped them to the existing
numeric types.
- Added 2 MySQL-ish functions: CURDATE, NOW (and now).