Revision history for LoadHtml
7.00 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
7.01 2007/09/07
Updated documentation (added synopsis)
7.02 2007/09/17
Added support for list of hash-keys to drive sorting of hash-driven loops.
ie. <!LOOP listparm hashparm, ...>
7.05 2010/08/30
Fix buglet that prevented checkboxes from being checked if the check-
indicating parameter name ended with "check", ie. ".. :ischecked>"!
7.06 2010/09/20
Fix regular expression to allow CSS "style=" tags in SELECT tags.
7.07 2012/03/09
Fix bug that caused fatal error if the reference array was missing in
LOOP tags.
7.08 2012/10/16
Moved evaluation of <!HASH> tags below <!LOOP>'s so that a LOOP can be used
to create the contents of a <!HASH> tag. (Lines 1102-1109).