Revision history for Net-xFTP
0.01 2005/07/15
First version, released.
0.02 2005/07/15
Removed debugging print stmts (already commented out) and fixed small
bug involving Cwd::cwd (changed to Cwd::getcwd). Also removed
extranious "total" line at top of long directory listings.
0.10 2005/07/19
Added copy, move methods. Added filehandle option for the local
file argument for get and put (now works like Net::FTP).
Fixed several minor bugs.
0.11 2005/07/20
Mostly doc mods. Added BlockSize option handling and defaulted it
to 10240 (FTP's default).
0.12 2005/07/21
Remove some leftover "construction tape" (a couple of debug print
statements. Also fixed a buglet involving warnings from SFTP->get
and put returning failure.
0.13 2005/07/22
Fix sorting for SFTP->dir.
0.14 Fixed SFTP relative path-change problem (caught by Marty Himmelstein).
0.15 -not released-
0.16 Fixed local file list when running under Windows (was trying to call
ls which does not exist in Windows - we now emulate it, except can't
get user/group name. I'm open to ideas on this.
0.17 Fixed bug that caused warning when ftp::ls() returns undef at lines
360, 396, 458, and 495. Also optimized many regices w/ \o.
0.20 Added support for Net::SSH2 and made compatable with Windows.
0.21 Added "mdtm" function to return a file's modification time. Also fixed
bug in the "size" function for SSH2 protocol. Also fixed bug that
caused "ls" function to return hidden files reguardless of "showall"
parameter value.
0.3b1 Rewrote to modularize each supported protocol in it's own module file.
Added support for protocols: Net::SFTP::Foreign, Net::OpenSSH,
and Net::FSP!
0.4 Added support for Net::FTPSSL protocol.
0.41 Fixed bugs that caused FTPSSL protocol to silently use FTP protocol
instead. This addresses bug#58210.
0.42 Fix bug in xFTP_SSH2 that prevented "puts" (line 403 - chg put()
to scp_put() - caught by me.
0.43 Fix type bug in affecting Net::SFTP::Foreign (had it as
"Net::SFTP2::Foreign at line 305. Caught by Paul Findlay, Thanks, Paul!
Also fixed formatting bug in the dir() function and added
login timeout handler (sig(alarm)) and new option "login_timeout" (sec) -
default is 30 seconds (caught by me).
0.44 Fix bug that prevented module-specific arguments from being passed
directly to the module. Caught by Paul Findlay, Thanks again, Paul.
0.44b1 Fix FTPSSL mkdir() to actually implement recursion, fix FTPSSL dir
& ls functions to be specific to this module (FTPSSL uses different
names for them and does not implement recursion in mkdir. These
address CPAN bug#63290. Thanks Kate Yoak for the catch & patch!
Incorporated minor change to Foreign and removed depreciated set_status
call from FTP.
0.45 Incorporate 0.44b1 changes into an actual release. This should address
bugs 63290 & 68801.
0.46 Attempt to prevent nanny module "Test::Pod::Coverage" from
preventing installation! I don't have the time to make sure each &
every fsckin' function has POD docs - The main one ( does.
This module is documented in it's man-page and README! Sweating
stuff like this is for Pascal programmers. :-/ If this bothers you,
either don't use my module, or else write up some POD foo & send it
to me & i'll include it in next release.
.50 Fix several path issues in to properly configure and
"remember" the current working directory to addres bug#91600
Add "MAVIT patch" to address bug#74082 (
Change "return" to "return undef" in xFTP:new() in several places to
address bug#68800 regarding FTPSSL, but was most likely an issue with
the others as well. If one does not have the correct module installed,
it should now fail with error.