Revision history for StreamFinder
1.00 Date/time
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.
1.01 2018/08/10
- Fixed issue with some Facebook videos on Youtube.
- Removed Tunein as a valid site (can no longer extract streams).
1.02 2019/01/31
- Make StreamFinder::Youtube the default and handle pretty much
anything youtube-dl handles, ie. brighteon, vimeo, etc.
1.03 2019/08/15
- Fix StreamFinder::Reciva now failing to connect to server
(added wget as fallthrough as LWP::UserAgent and curl fail with
unsupported SSL protocol errors).
- Fix StreamFinder.IHeartRadio now failing to grab images / icons.
- Strip off "?autoplay=true" from StreamFinder::Youtube urls.
- Minor doc fixes.
- Make debug option work for all stream types, and allow specifying
as either "debug", "-debug", "debug => 1", or "-debug => 1" in
parameter list for new()
(ie. my $station = new StreamFinder($url, -debug => 1);
- Better handle ".m3u8" streams returned by (Youtube).
1.05 2019/09/03
- Add StreamFinder::BannedVideo ( to handle
their video streams (which youtube-dl doesn't currently handle).
1.10 2019/09/07
- Add user-configuration files (~/.config/StreamFinder/config,
~/.config/StreamFinder/<submodule>/config (see docs).
User can now specify / override most LWP::UserAgent options, ie.
"agent", "timeout", etc. in the new configuration files.
User must create these files, if needed with a text editor.
- Greatly reduce falling back to wget by adding default user-agent
and checking for wget availability. Specify an "agent" => "your agent"
line in the user-configuration file to change.
- Add "-random" and "-noplaylists" options to $station->getURL()
(see docs)
- StreamFinder::BannedVideo: Add "-keep" option to better control
type and order of streams returned (see docs).
- StreamFinder::Facebook: Depreciated ~/.config/.fbdata for new
user-configuration files.
- StreamFinder::IHeartRadio: Add podcast-playing capability.
- StreamFinder::IHeartRadio: Depreciated old stream order options,
replacing them with new -keep and -skip arguments and configuration
file entries.
- StreamFinder::RadioNet: ( ADDED
- StreamFinder::Tunein: RESTORED (now uses StreamFinder::Youtube for
stream fetching), but adds metadata loading (which youtube-dl does
not currently fetch for these streams.
- StreamFinder::Youtube: Better handle "chunky"
.m3u8 video streams. Also add "-notitle" option, streamlining
use by StreamFinder::Tunein (see docs).
1.11 2019/09/07
- StreamFinder::Youtube: bugfix for m3u8 video URLs.
- Docs: fix a cpl. typos, actually include the updated README file.
1.12 2019/09/10
- StreamFinder::Tunein: Add podcast-playing capability.
(Will look for "playUrl" before falling back to youtube-dl for stream).
- StreamFinder::Reciva: Fix to make LWP::Useragent fetch reciva URLs
using the ANCIENT TLSv1 to allow to work without falling back to wget.
See the StreamFinder::Reciva docs for creating a one-line custom
config file to do this - I didn't make it the default since they could
FIX this at ANY time, which would break things!
- Add URI::Escape and HTML::Entities as DEPENDENCIES - in order to
ensure that the returned stream titles are un-escaped.
- Fix $station->getID('fcc') to work properly (return the station's
FCC call-letters for sights and stations that support it.
- Set $station->{artist} and $station->{year} where applicable.
- Minor doc updates.
- Fix some sight-specific submodules to properly accept just a station
/ video ID rather than a full URL (see docs).
- Add "desc" option go getTitle() to fetch station's (long) description
(for sites that provide that field), otherwise, the title is returned.
1.13 2019/09/11
- Fix missing (recently-added) file ( in MANIFEST file.
- More doc. fixes, mostly to the individual submodules.
1.20 2019/09/16
- Removed usage and all references to WWW::Youtube::Download -
This module no longer fetches the "author" (Youtube user) nor does
anything else we can't more easily do manually.
- StreamFinder::Apple: ( ADDED!
- StreamFinder::Brighteon: ( ADDED (split off from
- StreamFinder::Vimeo: ( ADDED (split off from
We separated these for better support - ie. ability to get the "author"
fields and access some additional streams. We also can often avoid
having to call youtube-dl.
- StreamFinder::Youtube: Removed "notitle" option, added "fast" option,
and add "description" field fetch to youtube-dl. Fixed url-fetching
order to call youtube-dl FIRST to prevent infinite stall if called
with an already-valid stream-url (Fauxdacious mediaplayer).
StreamFinder::IHeartRadio - Fix sometimes-corrupted ID field.
StreamFinder::Reciva - Fix failure to always capture ID field if
given wrongly-formatted full url.
- Add $station->{'genre'} field to IHeartRadio, RadioNet, Reciva, and
Tunein (the sites that support it).
- Various small code and doc. tweaks / cleanups.
- DEBUG was accidently left set to ON, now turned OFF by default!
1.21 2019/09/18
- Significant documentation improvements & polishing.
- StreamFinder::BannedVideo: Fix incorrect IDs returned.
- StreamFinder::Tunein: (new()) - Fix mishandled URL if only
station-ID specified (non-full URL).
- StreamFinder::Apple: (new()) - Handle if only podcast-ID specified.
1.22 2019/10/07
- Minor bugfixes, namely handling double-quotes in titles in
some submodules.
- Minor doc. improvements.
1.23 2019/11/02
- StreamFinder::BannedVideo: Fix to handle change in their site -
to execute extra step now needed for videos and make
the retrieved mp4 stream the "best" stream.
1.24 2019/11/06
- StreamFinder::Youtube: Eliminate express page scan for metadata for
non-Youtube sites processed to prevent ocassional infinite loop caused
by attempting to scan a media stream instead of a website.
- Unescape HTML entities in the Genre string in Reciva & Tunein.
- Minor doc. improvements.
1.25 2019/11/08
- StreamFinder::Brighteon: Fix another site-change that caused blank
titles to be returned, and broaden title and description searching
1.26 2019/11/19
- Correctly handle "HOME" directory in M#-Windows.
- StreamFinder::IHeartRadio - Handle non-US site URLs. Change default
"keep" priority to "secure_shoutcast, shoutcast, secure, any" for
easier use by Fauxdacious.
1.27 2020/04/23
- Added StreamFinder::Spreaker for
- Minor doc. improvements.
1.28 2020/04/25
- Fix failure to include StreamFinder::Spreaker in MANIFEST and
to update change log.
1.29 2020/07/02
- Split out video's channel page (that was previously appended onto
the "artist" field) into a new, separate "albumartist" field. This
affects the video sites: Brighteon, Vimeo, and Youtube.
(Old way was: artist:="Artist - Artist's video channel URL"). These
are now put into separate fields.
- Fix .pls playlists returned by some Tunein stations by stripping off
some garbage Tunein appends in the format:
"stream.pls?DIST=TuneIn&TGT=TuneIn&maxServers=..." and more accurately
obtain title, artist, and album fields for stations vs podcasts.
- Fix issue causing some vimeo videos to fail to fetch stream.
- Clean up some "dirty" Spreaker titles (convert invalid characters).
- Marked StreamFinder::Radionomy depreciated - site appears defunct.
1.30 2020/07/05
- Add "-nopls" option to getURL() to parse ".pls" playlists and
return only a single entry, like "-noplaylists", but pass others
(".m3u" and ".m3u8") through unchanged. This needed because most
".m3u*" are playable "HLS" streams, whereas ".pls" playlists are
actually playlists and many players will not play them as-is.
- StreamFinder::RadioNet: Fix issue with no streams being fetched for
some stations & clean up titles a bit.
- StreamFinder::IHeartRadio: Add year to podcasts, fix some title
and description issues.
- StreamFinder::Spreaker: Fix some streams not working, fix "-debug"
option to work.
1.31 2020/08/10
- Add StreamFinder::Blogger ( for Blogger videos.
- Add StreamFinder::Bitchute ( for Bitchute videos.
1.32 2020/10/16
- Remove StreamFinder::BannedVideo as has become so
paranoid as to add sophisticated anti-bot/scraping detection that I
have been unable to figure out how to circumvent.
NOTE/RANT: They claim to be pro freedom / anti-big tech spying, etc.
but their site has become unusable without third-party / Google
javascripts, and other malware nasties we and our users are trying to
avoid for our own safety! Most of their videos can now also be
found on Bitchute anyway!
- StreamFinder::Youtube: Fix minor bug that sometimes returned no
1.33 2020/11/01
- StreamFinder::Apple: Fix some icon images not being downloaded.
- Add StreamFinder::SermonAudio.
- Remove depreciated StreamFinder::Radionomy (site now defunct).
1.34 2020/11/02
- Add StreamFinder::Castbox ( podcasts)
- StreamFinder::Spreaker: Enhance to accept podcast page URLs (like
other podcast-ish modules rather then just the bare widget.spreaker...
URLs. These pages also have artist and albumartist fields! Also,
properly return the total no. of streams found ($podcast->count()).
- "internationalize" several sites (eliminate the ".com" from the
required matching regices (allow for ".eu", ".net", etc. to match").
1.35 2020/11/04
- Fix regex glitch breaking the sites we "internationalized" in v1.34.
1.36 2020/11/16
- StreamFinder::Apple: Return correct description for podcast episodes.
- StreamFinder::Spreaker: Fix minor title and image issues.
- StreamFinder::Youtube: (For now): convert to to get around seeming to block youtube-dl.
1.37 2020/11/25
- Add StreamFinder::Rumble for videos on
- StreamFinder::Castbox: Return full description for podcast episodes.