Revision history for Perl extension Tk::HMListbox.

3.00  Mon May 25, 2015
	- original version; Derived from Tk::SMListbox,
	  created by h2xs 1.23 with options -X -n Tk::SMListbox
3.10  Tue Jul 31, 2018
	- Added -headerbackground and -headerforeground config. options.
	- Added -fillcolumn option to specify the index of a column that 
	  should expand automatically to fill the additional screen 
	  realestate that results from expanding the width of the main 
	  widget.  If not specified the old behaviour of all columns 
	  remaining fixed width unless the separator is dragged by the user.
	- Depreciated used of -focuscolumn, though it still works, it 
	  appears to no longer have any functionally-useful purpose.
	  This is a carryover from Tk::SMListbox, where it still has 
	  usefulness.  See the updated docs.
	- Fixed a potential issue with -reversearrow and sorting.
	- Renamed internal packages to prevent potential conflicts with 
	- Cleaned up and updated docs along with the usual code cleanups.