Revision history for Perl extension HTML::WikiConverter::DokuWikiFCK.

0.07  Fri Jan 25 18:13:06 2008
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-XA -n HTML::WikiConverter::DokuWikiFCK

0.08 Mon Jan 28 11:47:00 2008
       - removed 'use 5.00.08' from Makefile.PL, causing the make to fail with
         earlier versions of Perl       

0.09 Tue Jan 29 07:56:41 2008	 
      - fixed image urls so that they retain size info, which would be lost after re-saving
        of files
      - removed superfluous runs of  <align left> tags followed by DokuWiki line breaks, as in:
           <align left>
0.10 Thu Jan 31 2008
        -Revised indent.php (in fckg/syntax) to compensate for what may be a bug in IE, where
         it does not recognize the color attribute of the <indent> tag, so that the middle dots
         are printed to the screen.  Now we use middle dots in DokuWikiFCK, but convert them to &nbsp;
         in indent.php for putput to the screen.  The &nbsp; are converted back to middle dots for
         saving to the DokuWiki file.

	-Removed Term::ReadLine from Makefile.PL, after Perl Tests on freebsd reported 
         failures. Used <STDIN> instead.

        -Removed empty <indent> tags during postprocess (

        -Fixed image handling so that when image is fetched from root namespace a colon
         is prepended to the file name:  {{:root_image.gif}}
         Otherwise, when the image is accessed from a subdirectory of root, it is accessed
         as though the image is in the media directory for that subdirectory and so not found 

        -Fixed failure of FCKeditor fck_image.js to find namespace when openining DokuWiki
        mediamanagr for uploading images.  Problem was with finding  'top' window.
        Added to fckeditor/fckconfig.js:
			FCK.getCurrentWikiNS = function () {
			 var ns = "";
			 if(top.getCurrentWikiNS) {
			     ns = top.getCurrentWikiNS();

			  return ns;
         top.getCurrentWikiNS is output by fckg/helper.php into main.php and returns 
         the current namespace.