rev 09-Oct_08-07_09

Revision history for Perl extension HTML::WikiConverter::DokuWikiFCK.

0.07  Fri Jan 25 18:13:06 2008
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-XA -n HTML::WikiConverter::DokuWikiFCK

0.08 Mon Jan 28 11:47:00 2008
       - removed 'use 5.00.08' from Makefile.PL, causing the make to fail with
         earlier versions of Perl       

0.09 Tue Jan 29 07:56:41 2008	 
      - fixed image urls so that they retain size info, which would be lost after re-saving
        of files
      - removed superfluous runs of  <align left> tags followed by DokuWiki line breaks, as in:
           <align left>

0.10 Thu Jan 31 2008
        -Revised indent.php (in fckg/syntax) to compensate for what may be a bug in IE, where
         it does not recognize the color attribute of the <indent> tag, so that the middle dots
         are printed to the screen.  Now we use middle dots in DokuWikiFCK, but convert them to &nbsp;
         in indent.php for putput to the screen.  The &nbsp; are converted back to middle dots for
         saving to the DokuWiki file.

	-Removed Term::ReadLine from Makefile.PL, after Perl Tests on freebsd reported 
         failures. Used <STDIN> instead.

        -Removed empty <indent> tags during postprocess (

        -Fixed image handling so that when image is fetched from root namespace a colon
         is prepended to the file name:  {{:root_image.gif}}
         Otherwise, when the image is accessed from a subdirectory of root, it is accessed
         as though the image is in the media directory for that subdirectory and so not found 

        -Fixed failure of FCKeditor fck_image.js to find namespace when openining DokuWiki
        mediamanager for uploading images.  Problem was with finding  'top' window.
        Added to fckeditor/fckconfig.js:
			FCK.getCurrentWikiNS = function () {
			 var ns = "";
			 if(top.getCurrentWikiNS) {
			     ns = top.getCurrentWikiNS();

			  return ns;
         top.getCurrentWikiNS is output by fckg/helper.php into main.php and returns 
         the current namespace.  

0.12 Mon Feb 4 2008
	 -Fixed image handling so that external (and possibly internal) images (starting
	  with http://) are handled output correctly.
	 -Continued to work on indent feature.  There is a difference between FireFox and IE
	  in the handlng of &nbsp; characters in the FCKeditor.  I believe this is now fixed
	  so that &nbsp; characters in both browsers work the same.
0.13 Sat Feb 9 2008
         -Added check-box to edit form to disable lock-timer by groups designated in Configuration Manager.
          The default setting is ANY (i.e. anyone has permission).  

0.15 Monday Feb 11 2008   
	-Added action/cache and re-worked syntax/indent.php. Addresses inconsistencies between
	 IE and Firefox in handling of space character (this is ongoing: see 0.10 and 0.12 above) 
        -Added DokuWiki header styles to fckeditor/editor/css/fck_editorarea.css

0.17 Thursday Feb 21 2008
        -Added plugin tool to FCK toolbar, which allows user to select syntax text for syntax 
         DokuWiki plugins so as to maintain their integrity -- keps them from disappearing, or
         getting corrupted, or having any text permanently written to the DokuWiki text file.
        -Added buttons which enable user to switch between DokuWiki Editor and FCKeditor and
         gives user choice of whether to backup the FCK file (with its exteneded syntax) and to
         start the DokuWiki editor with a clean file of the same name.
         -Fixed bug in _span_contents() which accidentally deleted the beginning of the text contents
          when more than one color tag was passed into the function's text node.
        -Cleaned up some syntactical issues in
		1. additional code for the the _indent function, which now insures that
            the entire parentage of indent tags is searched for background colors. 
            This assists the FireFox FCKeditor problem where the indent characters
            sometimes print as '?' or middle dots to the screen.
	       2. code in postprocess_output() to removed duplicate unused indent tags
               3. similar code in _span to handle color tags   

0.18  Sunday Feb 24 2008
      - Restored <br /> pattern to indent.php, which is used for tables where a <td> has more
        than one line in cell.
      -  Now return empty string from _plugin(), where the plugin element is passed through without
         a syntax pattern between the tags.

     Monday Feb 25 2008
      - Added code to postprocess_output() to handle URL's that have not been set using the FCK
        toolbar item for URL's. 
      - In _span_contents(): added code to escape regex for $current_text and code to add $current_text
        back to $text string where no font or color attributes have been set. $current_text 
        is any font or color information already formatted into FCK syntax when the string is passed
        in to _span_contents(). 
      - Added new function _formats() to deal with bold, underline, ins, and italic formats. It cleans up
        formatted text, makes sure its valid, i.e. that what is being formatted is in fact
        text (not non-text characters), and eliminates duplicate formatting markup. 

     Tuesday Feb 26 2008
      - Added facility to convert FCK extended syntax to native DokuWiki Syntax.       

0.20  Tuesday April 8 2008
      There have been various undocumented changes made to to fix anomolies and
      irregularities in the translation of FCKeditor the extended markup.  The lock timer
      has been hidden from the user and is now automatically disabled.  There have been improvements
      to image uploading and inserting from the FCK editor toolbar image tool. This includes
      an improved facility to create multliple userfile directories where there is more than
      one DW installation on a server. 

0.21 Thursday May 8 2008
     - Added facility for creating table header elements.  These are consistent with the standard
        DokWiki TH style.   

     Friday May 9 2008
     - Corrected Section 4 of README with respect to handling of path to /userfiles/ directory in
     situations where the userfiles directory is not found in the Document Root directory. 

0.22 Monday May 26 2008
    - Fixed url formatting for FCKeditor's smileys     
    - major upgrade to plugin tool
0.23 Saturday June 14 2008
    - Completed Table Formatting Tool   

0.24 Sunday June 29 2008
    - Tied the lock timer into DokuWiki's draft saving system

     Saturday Jul 5 2008
    -  Added Trim Tool To toolbar for removing extra spaces and extra paragraphs
    -  Made some changes to regexes for space-bar positioning in 
    Friday Jul 11 2008    
    - Completed Trim Tool
    - mediamanager.php:  removed filetype check and added css for #all div (body) so that colors recur
      on window reload 
    -Added a "Refresh" button to the editor,which will refresh a page after the timeout alert appears.

    Saturday Jul 12 2008
    - Added facility for embedding external images into editor by using the FCKeditor's Link tab of the 
     FCKeditor's media manager. 

    Tuesday Jul 14 2008
    - Fixed IE problem with unrecognized tags in both editor's handling of <indent> and <plugin> tags. 
    In plugintool/fckplugin.js the <plugin> tags are now put through the ProtectTags() function which
    re-casts <plugin . . > as <FCK:plugin . . .> and </plugin> as </FCK:plugin>.  The indent tag is
    handled by the DokuWiki action pugin indent.php, which converts <indent  to <FCK:indent and       
    </indent> to </FCK:indent>.  This insures that the tags are recognizedand in the editor are
    applied to the content they are supposed to enclose.  Otherwise they are separated from their
    content and appear as older siblings to their content rather than as containers and
    hence parents to their content.   

   Thursday Sep 4 2008
     - Many fixes since last entry, including handling of internal and external links, code blocks,
   blockquotes, and lists.

    - Most important change is splitting off of DokuWikiFCK from DokuWikiFCKN after the appearance of
    Firefox 3, which now implements the &nbsp; in the editor.  See README.  

   September 07 2008
   - modified image alignment to handle right-align and toolbar-set indents correctly 
   - fixed external url's to recognize underscore characters
   - fixed regex that distinguishes between horizontal rule and numbered list markup (dash), 
     so HR doesn't corrupt lists  
   - remove forced line-breaks from ends of table cells   

  08 Sep 2008
   - fckeditor/editor/plugins/tableformat/table.html 
	 fixed: failure to append new column to end of table
   - accommodated tables pasted from MS Word into FCKeditor by converting MS Word line-breaks to
     HTML breaks and deleting end-of-line MS Word breaks from cells

  09-12 Sep 2008
   -  fckg/helper:
      Changed auto-draft recovery mode so that when section editing is in effect, original text is
      restored to editor instead of draft text. Reason: Except for draft section the rest of the 
      document is saved as DW/FCK markup instead of HTML. Text is corrupted when restored to FCKeditor's
      editing space. 
  - fckg/action/meta:
    	 As above in function  insertFormElement()
   	 As above for recoveries which contain code blocks 
  - Fixed markup for links which contain font and color tags, so that the tags don't get inserted 
    into the name field of the DokuWiki link markup and corrupt the resulting output   


12-14 May 2009
	Fixed default attributes for based on new info from
	David Iberry, developeer of WikiConverter. Now html2wiki can be used
	from command line without raising error: Can't use string ('ANY') as a
	HASH ref 	

	Added facility to handle large files for OS'es that cannot handle them.
	(On systems where the shell cannot pass through large files, the files
	would be lost; here large files are now saved to a tmp file in save.php
	and reloaded for processing by dwfck in

	Added configuration options for handling large files. The 'big_files”
	config setting defaults to FALSE and must be set to TRUE in the
	configuation manager for large files facility to take effect. Options
	included to set the time-out value and the file size limit, above which
	the large file facility comes into play.

15 May 2009
	Disabled footnotes when converting from standard Dokuwiki
	markup to DokuWikiFCK, so as to prevent corruption of markup.

	Disabled FCK Preview mode when a big file is being edited, because the
	file doesn't appear in the preview window when the preview button is
	clicked--although it is not lost. 

26 July 2009
	--Added facility for selecting language dictionary using the FCKeditor's 'SpellerPages' facility, which
        is set in fckconfig.js and uses gnu's aspell
        --a new file was added, fckeditor/aspell.php, which serves as pop-up for selecting languages;
          this script automatically detects all available aspell dictionaries and is accessed
          via a new "Language" buttons on the editing page
30 July 2009
        Disabled the FCK_Preview Button on edit page. It is now hidden from view unless
        the user belongs to the group “fck_preview”.  Or to an administrator specified group
        set in the Configuration Manager.

1 Aug 2009
      Added line-break at end of tables for FireFox, so that cursor could be placed outside
      table structure; otherwise it was locked inside the table if table wasn't followed by text. 

3 Aug 2009
     Fixed widowed back-slash that occurs in FireFox when the paragrah-to-line break
    tool is used.
7 Aug 2009
  Added '.button.btn_source { display: none; }' to style.css, so that visitors without edit
  permission cannot use the 'Show Source' button, which poses a vulnerability by exposing
  the FCKeditor and the editing buttons.    
9 Aug 2009
  Added regex support to handle cases where an unmatched forward double slash would cause everything
  following to be treated as italics.  This happened when the user  might enter something like
             // comment
  It also happened because of a bug in the way url's were marked up.  

17 Aug 2009
  Revised Style -> Code definition
  Enabled use of HTML tags in Code Blocks
20 Aug 2009
  Installed feature that backs up FCK files when user switches over to standard DokuWiki
  editing mode 

  Fixed feature that disables appearance of FCKeditor toolbar when non user clicks on 
  "Show pagesource" button.  Security fix.  Only users can have access to toolbar.

25-28  Aug 2009
  Added function in action/edit.php to test if current file is fckg or native DW.  This prevents 
  syntax plugin classes (at moment code.php) from being called when file is native DW and so
  corrupting text.  Various checks are made.  But placed tag <fckg><fckg> at top of fckg
  file to identify it, from postprocess().  

1 Sep - 12 Sep 2009
  Converted over to FCKeditor 2.6
  Fiddled with Code blocks (see 25-28 Aug above).  Removed internal tag identifier identifying
  code block, since all files without <align>  tags are prefaced with <fckg> tag, as noted
  above (25-28 Aug).  The code.php syntax plugin still has code to remove the identifier when
  producing htm, for backward compatiblity. But any file which goes back through
  will automatically have the identifier dropped.
14 Sep 2009  
  Corrected bug in edit.php funtion fckg_edit_meta() which cause a return before scripts
  were loaded when there was no INFO['userinfo'] array, making the editor unworkable in
  an open wiki, where one does not have to be a user to make edits.

16 Sep 2009
   Added support for positioning of table--right, center, left.
17 Sep 2009

  Updated Javascript in edit.php, call back function repl_cb(), so that it accommodates
  urls in tables.
  Added <br /> to end of file as simple way to accommodate block elements (code,table)
  that come at end of file.
  Note: code blocks and tables at top of file also capture FCKeditor's cursor.  
18 Sep 2009
  Updated Javascript in edit.php, call back function repl_cb(), so that it accommodates
  urls in code blocks.
2 Oct 2009
  Fixed broken smiley image url, in _clean_url, by returning url with prepended {{,
  which got removed by the regex

 In _formats(), removed trim() of spaces on either side of formatted character sequences, 
 so that spacing  remains true to text; otherwise when adjacent space characters are selected,
 the  spaces are lost:  this is**bold**, instead of this is** bold**

01 Oct 2009
    Temporary fix to security in media and link tools, preventing any user access to toolbar
    who is not a registered user. In edit.php fckg_edit_meta:  returns if non-user, so that
    editor doesn't load.
03 Oct 2009
fixed security hole in media and link tools  
    1. Added new configuration options to conf/metadata.php: guest_toolbar and guest_media.
    These work in conjunction with two new toolbars are defined in fckconfig.js, DokuwikiNoGuest
    and DokuwikiGuest for non_registered users: 
      		guest_toolbar == 0:  DokuwikiNoGuest
      		guest_media == 1:    DokuwikiGuest
   2. Defined two new user types in registerOnLoad() of fckg/helper.php: visitor and user; the
   appropriate type is assigned to the FCKeditor's editorInstance in the Javascript function
   FCKeditor_OnComplete() which is written to the browser from registerOnLoad().  This makes
   the distinction between a visitor and a registered user available to FCKeditor, so that
   the upload facilities can be turned off for visitors in the link and media tools.  This
   required modifications to fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default:
            browser.html, frmcreatefolder.html, frmupload.html
   and to fckeditor/editor/dialog/
           fck_image/fck_image.js and fck_link/fck_link.js   
   3.  Added newline after image for conversion from DWFCK to DW in action/edit.php: 
     Also in conversion replaced newline with two newlines so that new paragraph is assured
04 Oct 2009
 Fixed bug in tables in edit.php Javascript function repl_cb(), which caused
 HTML brackets to output as &lt; and &gt; entities instead of being output as
 brackets, causing the bracket to p;rint to the screen.
05 Oct 2009
 Added Support for Samba Shares (fckeditor/dialog/fck_link.html,
06 0ct 2009
 Added fit window tool to toolbar

07 Oct 2009   
 Re-coded margin styles in table.php, which had been margin: left, right and center.
 Now left and right alignments get alignments from the align attribute while the
 margins get 12px on the side adjacent to the text that  wraps around table and the
 other margins are 6px.  The center align remains as both margin:center and align=center.
 Only IE accepts align=center when the margins are set to other values; the other browsers
 all shift to the left no matter what the align attribute is.
08 Oct 2009
 Fixed regex bug in which prevented tables with both table header and 
 table alignment from implementing alignment code,  in _table() function. Change:
         @cols = $row=~/[\|]/    to     @cols = $row=~/[\|\^]/