Revision history for Perl extension Acme::ESP

1.002_006   2007-08-17
  - So much "envy"!

1.002_005   2007-08-17
  - Duh!  I can't believe I thought that!

1.002_004   2007-08-16
  - Reports of skepticism were opaque.

1.002_003   2007-08-16
  - Make my thoughts on platforms easier to read.
  - Mistakenly declared 5.9.5 dead to me.

1.002_002   2007-08-15
  - Declare that 5.9.3, 5.9.4 are dead to me.

1.002_001   2007-08-13
  - Don't give ourselves away on approach.
  - Don't be tripped up by lawful, evil alignment.
  - Support other shapes of thoughts.
  - Total test coverage.
  - Play Mr. Jekyll, where appropriate.

1.001_006   2007-08-12
  - A better theory.

1.001_005   2007-08-12
  - Test a theory.

1.001_004   2007-08-12
  - Allow for slower thoughts.
  - Resist even more forms of skepticism.

1.001_003   2007-08-10
  - Don't shout the main spell.
  - Note that 5.9.3, 5.9.4 are dead to me.
  - Overcome mild skepticism of some common environments.

1.001_002   2007-08-10
  - Better spell casting.

1.001_001   2007-08-10
  - Stole the idea from Max.