Revision history for Perl extension AnyEvent::Gearman
0.07 2010-03-11T12:04:42+09:00
- added prefix support on AnyEvent::Gearman::Client
0.06 2009-11-19T19:49:33+09:00
- return on_fail event when unexpected connection error
0.05 2009-10-31T11:25:39+09:00
- run test both Mouse/Moose
- remove Data::UUID dependency its no longer necessary
- add melo to stopwords ;)
- fix wrong deep coercion (reported by miyagawa++)
0.04 2009-10-15T10:23:42+09:00
- melo++ did several fixes listed below
- added the add_task_bg() API for background jobs;
- a couple of fixes here and there:
- the usage gearman_worker('') or gearman_client('')
was failing with "modification of read-only value message";
- Added missing dependencies: Test::Base and others. I wonder why you use Test::Base though, I don't think its maintained anymore, and the latest Test::More with the done_testing() API do most of what I liked on Test::Base;
- fixed a bug in Worker where he would not grab a new job after being done with the first one;
- a bit of cleanups in the test directory;
0.03002 2009-09-15T14:33:50+09:00
- depends latest Test::TCP
0.03001 2009-09-07T12:06:50+09:00
- fix test worker perl path (Reported by Kentaro Kuribayashi)
0.03 2009-09-07T10:46:26+09:00
- remove isa constraints for 'Guard', it's not used when PP mode.
- add sleep in testcases for waiting server available
0.02 2009-09-03T18:25:40+09:00
- change task uuid default value to ''
- fix pod typos
0.01002 2009-09-03T10:19:58+09:00
- add a missing prereq
0.01001 2009-09-02T18:05:37+09:00
- fixed test's stupid END block (miyagawa++)
- depends latest AnyEvent (tokuhirom++)
0.01 2009-09-02T16:13:24+09:00
- original version