Revision history for Perl extension Object::Container

0.03002 2009-07-29T12:23:30+09:00
     - fixed a bug throwing wrong error message when getting unregistered classes

0.03001 2009-07-16T19:54:28+09:00
     - pass $self to initializer

0.03 2009-07-16T16:05:25+09:00
     - added subclass interface

0.02001 2009-07-09T19:07:45+09:00
     - enable to get Object::Container via export function when it comes to no arguments.

0.02 2009-07-09T18:41:54+09:00
     - added feature to export singleton interface

0.01001 2009-05-01T10:27:33+09:00
     - fix japanese pod name section to avoid CPAN indexer

0.01 2009-04-30T16:52:37+09:00
     - initial version