Revision history for Perl extension Text::MicroTemplate::Extended

0.07 2009-12-03T14:35:59+09:00
     - fix pod syntax (Reported by tokuhirom, and RT #51858)

0.06 2009-11-06T11:29:30+09:00
     - fix a bug that it's impossible to override file extension to ''

0.05 2009-08-13T00:55:23+09:00
     - added include method and macro.

0.04 2009-08-03T12:29:02+09:00
     - depends Text::MicroTemplate 0.07
       now 'render' method returns Text::MicroTemplate::EncodedString object.

0.03002 2009-07-25T15:23:59+09:00
     - fixed wrong line number at template error messages

0.03001 2009-07-24T19:16:11+09:00
     - fixed a bug cause an error when block is empty string like:
       <? block content => '' ?>

0.03 2009-07-24T19:05:00+09:00
     - added multiple block definition support

0.02002 2009-07-18T11:37:23+09:00
     - several document fixes

0.02001 2009-07-16T18:50:24+09:00
     - hide redefine warnings
     - fixes pod syntaxs

0.02 2009-07-13T18:11:31+09:00
     - added macro feature
     - re-implement template inheritance eval-less

0.01003 2009-07-10T16:04:53+09:00
     - fixed missing cache tests from previous version

0.01002 2009-07-09T21:04:18+09:00
     - fixed a bug multi-time execution block code in template inheritence (Taiyoh Tanaka)
     - fixed blocks bug connot use multi ? syntax without newline between these ? line.

0.01001 2009-06-29T16:12:13+09:00
     - added coderef support to template_args

0.01 2009-06-29T15:31:52+09:00
     - original version