0.1.6 2010-07-12 Ulrich Kautz <uk@fortrabbit.de>
* Updated description to clearify the goal of this approach
* Updated M::D::LogParser::Core::PostfixParser docs for others as a background to implement other MTAs
* Removed Geo::IP from dependencies, test will be skipped if not installed.
* Added Net::DNSBL::Client as dependency in tests
* Implemented DSPAM via Net::LMTP (instead of command line client)
* Converted M::D::ContentFilter::Core::* to Moose::Role
* Implemented SpamAsssassin via Mail::SpamAssassin::Client
* Enabled train mode for CF without cmd_-methods (DSPAM, SpamAssassin)
0.1.5 2010-07-02 Ulrich Kautz <uk@fortrabbit.de>
* Association module passes mails which pass SPF
* Added policy module: Basic (re-implement postfix basic checks, such as reverse hostname and hostname fqdn checks.. but with weighting)
* Updated maintenance for M::D::Core::Stats
* Added uninstall and install methods to init script
* Added Mail::SPF, Email::Valid and Regexp::Common to PREREQ_PM
* Added new M::D::Policy::Basic module for weighted postfix basic checks
0.1.4 2010-06-30 Ulrich Kautz <uk@fortrabbit.de>
* Added the capability of printing SQL CREATE syntax via M::D::Core::DatabaseCreate module (server.pl .. --print-sql)
* Updated Moduel documentation with correct SQL syntax
* Updated tables.sql with current SQL (debian package)
* empty FROM is now allowed (bounce..)
* Reduced module "version" from 0.77 to 0.74, cause this is debian stable.
* Updated some content filter documentations
* Exclusions added (elide module per recipient/sender domain/address)
0.1.3 2010-06-25 Ulrich Kautz <uk@fortrabbit.de>
* Tests fixed (28, 31, 45 and 67): skip if certain modules are not there
* M::D::LogParser docu updated
* Cookbooks updated (added Hook explanation)
0.1.2 2010-06-23 Ulrich Kautz <uk@fortrabbit.de>
* forgot one last version ..
* update M::D::ContentFilter description
* update M::D::Policy description
* added M::D::ContentFilter::Cookbook module for introduction
* added M::D::Policy::Cookbook module for introduction
0.1.1 2010-06-23 Ulrich Kautz <uk@fortrabbit.de>
* Forgot some versions..
0.1.0 2010-06-21 Ulrich Kautz <uk@fortrabbit.de>
* Packed for CPAN
* Reset version to 0.1.0