Revision history for Perl application 'greple'.
8.3304 2019-02-23T02:23:09Z
- Update for Getopt::EX 24bit color interface change.
8.3303 2019-02-14T02:14:50Z
- Fix bug of LINE/FILE format with --nocolor option.
- Accept \t in --format option.
8.3302 2019-01-21T09:43:00Z
- Introduce -dn option.
- Update -Mline module.
- Fix some bugs.
8.3301 2019-01-15T04:23:51Z
- Fix trivial bug to seach "\z" and misc udpate.
8.33 2019-01-14T07:46:39Z
- Introduce --border option with new algorithm.
Record separation strategy was completely reimplemented, and the
performance was significantly improved. Sometimes almost 100
times faster. This is due to the implementation of perl.
Indexing in the large text using internal multi-byte character
representation is terribly slow.
8.3206 2018-12-27T06:45:02Z
- Requires 'Getopt::EX', 'v1.13.1'
8.3205 2018-12-20T08:27:04Z
- Update to use Getopt::EX::Func::callable().
8.3204 2018-12-19T05:38:00Z
- Discard and use Getopt::EX::Numbers module.
8.3203 2018-12-18T07:42:00Z
- Bug fix in (again).
8.3202 2018-12-18T02:41:07Z
- Bug fix in
8.3201 2018-12-17T11:38:08Z
- Update lib/ and lib/
8.31 2018-10-14T03:01:31Z
- Update for Getopt::EX::Colormap color spec change.
8.30 2018-09-06T13:42:17Z
- Fix behavior of -c option.
- Introduce --matchcount option.
8.2901 2018-08-16T05:40:16Z
- Support https: as well as http:
8.29 2018-08-03T23:41:24Z
- Deprecate --seqcolor and introduce --colorindex option.
8.2801 2018-08-02T02:26:37Z
- Fix bug in
8.27 2018-07-22T15:30:44Z
- Introduce --seqcolor, --sc option.
8.26 2018-06-26T06:24:12Z
- Pass filename to filter functions.
8.2502 2018-06-25T08:24:14Z
- Decode utf8 file name from stdin.
8.2501 2018-06-24T06:41:36Z
- Print matched count when -c is used with -l option.
- Add -do for default debug info.
- Use -ml option with perldoc to print module path.
8.24 2018-06-10T02:20:36Z
- Update -Mdebug module.
- Implement --stat option in -Msubst module.
- Add no_ignore_case option to Getopt::Long.
- Modify -Mdig spec to accept multiple directories and find option.
- Option --dm with --uc prints hit count of patterns.
8.2306 2018-04-11T01:39:31Z
- Fixed bug in
Produced wrong result when required pattern matches,
and positive pattern does not match.
8.2305 2018-03-19T00:32:34Z
- Fixed bug in --face option handling.
8.2304 2018-03-18T15:23:23Z
- Better optimization for inadequate match.
8.2303 2018-03-14T04:30:52Z
- Fixed bug in zero-match optimization.
8.2302 2018-01-23T10:51:23Z
- Push current directory to @INC for test.
8.2301 2018-01-21T09:44:27Z
- Make --man option to work when found.
8.23 2018-01-20T09:37:11Z
- Implement --format option.
- Document update.
- Update to accept multiple directory.
8.2202 2018-01-18T10:45:36Z
- Fix the bug about look-behind pattern. (Fix #7)
- Fix wrong builtin lines in
- Simplify usage message.
8.2201 2017-12-22T01:45:21Z
- Change default effect for BLOCKEND.
- Fix --face option to handle E in background.
- Refine reverse_regions.t code.
8.22 2017-12-19T02:13:32Z
- Use W/WE color for BLOCKEND mark.
8.21_01 2017-12-18T08:49:26Z
- Require Getopt::EX 1.4.2
- Avoid to use /p modifier and ${^MATCH}.
- Use uniq() come with List::Util.
- Update reverse_regions and wrote test.
8.21 2017-12-17T04:51:32Z
- Handle beginning single empty line in paragraph mode. (Fixes #6)
- Wrote test code.
- Requires perl 5.014 (use s///r modifier, and package block)
- Not colorize function-colormap with -dc option. Fixes #5.
8.2 2017-12-04T09:07:04Z
- Fix to produce correct version number.
8.1 2017-11-30T16:50:38Z
- first CPAN release