Revision history for Perl extension App-Greple-subst

2.3101 2022-09-14T08:40:40Z

    - Update ms-amend.dict
    - Update test code

2.31 2022-09-12T10:04:00Z

    - File handling part has now spun off to Greple::update module.

2.3002 2022-04-04T09:27:00Z

    - Update ms-amend.dict

2.3001 2022-03-24T03:06:49Z

    - Remove 'pairwise' because it seems to have a bug causing core dump.

2.30 2021-12-16T02:09:00Z

    - Use --no-newline not to produce extra newline at file end.

2.2906 2021-11-01T02:51:39Z

    - Use /dev/fd always in --diff if its available.
      This is necessary to deal with msdoc or pdf files.

2.2905 2021-10-13T12:27:01Z

    - Skip stdin test if /dev/fd is not available.

2.2904 2021-09-28T16:40:57Z

    - Test -r /dev/fd/0 rather than -d /dev/fd.
    - Use tmpfile to keep data instead of pipe, only when the original file
      is not available.
    - Add test for reading from stdin with --diff option.
      Probably this test fails on systems w/o /dev/fd.

2.2903 2021-09-27T08:06:48Z

    - Search fd directory from /dev/fd and /proc/self/fd.

2.2902 2021-09-24T05:54:16Z

    - Elimiate Command::Runner because it does not work on WSL.

2.2901 2021-09-23T08:17:22Z

    - Support test env which does not install command in path.

2.29 2021-09-22T10:23:20Z

    - Support --stat-item dict=1 option to show dict name.
    - Add test cases.

2.28 2021-04-05T15:34:23Z

    - Update internal implementation to use App::Greple::Regions::filter_regions().

2.27 2021-03-24T09:03:14Z

    - Update microsoft pattern rule and dictionary.

2.26 2021-03-02T16:37:37Z

    - Update --stat-item option fields.

2.25 2021-03-02T04:23:38Z

    - Make --stat-item to take multiple parameters.
    - Update dictionaries.

2.24 2021-02-26T05:27:51Z

    - Add --stat-item option.
    - Rename option --ms to --microsoft.
    - Update ms-amend.dict
    - Apply rule to count 拗音 (contracted sound) as one.

2.23 2021-02-12T07:38:09Z

    - Update dictionary and options to make them more practical.

2.22 2021-02-04T06:47:11Z

    - Reduce to use S (stand-out) effect in dark mode.

2.21 2021-01-26T07:17:39Z

    - Update $stat{ng/ok} in callback function to produce precise data.

2.20 2021-01-22T03:10:14Z

    - Small cosmetic updates.

2.19 2020-07-06T16:03:05Z

    - Fixed behavior of overlapped pattern.

2.18 2020-07-06T03:59:15Z

    - Eliminate indirect object call.

2.17 2020-06-25T10:30:22Z

    - Introduce Microsoft localization style guide dictionary.

2.16 2020-06-19T08:32:56Z

    - Introduce --overwrite option.

2.15 2020-06-19T03:31:59Z

    - Update --replace/create mechanism to touch modified files only.

2.1403 2020-06-16T16:09:00Z

    - Use App::Greple 8.4002, otherwise --need 0 --all produces
      empty data when no match was found to required pattern.

2.1402 2020-06-04T07:16:39Z

    - Update to use required function pattern of Getopt::EX.
    - Improve combination algorithm and add sort capability.

2.1401 2020-05-07T09:50:32Z

    - Supress uninitialized warning in stat summary.

2.14 2020-05-07T07:07:39Z

    - Implement dynamic colormap generator.

2.13 2020-04-27T05:18:26Z

    - Use Getopt::EX::termcolor new interface.
    - Implement --dictdata option.

2.12 2020-04-16T07:01:31Z

    - Change to use Getopt::EX::termcolor.

2.11 2020-04-13T10:06:47Z

    - Refine dark-screen color and use -Mautocolor module.

2.10 2020-04-08T12:02:31Z

    - Update --check selection algorithm.
    - Improve output format.
    - Add --subst-color-dark for dark screen.

2.09 2020-03-19T09:48:31Z

    - Implement
    - Add share/jtf-style-guide-3.{pl,dict}

2.08 2020-03-06T00:43:45Z

    - Update jtca rule.
    - Add --ignore-space option.
    - Add --sccc2 option and dictionary.

2.07 2020-02-26T08:39:27Z

    - Example dictionary support: share/jtca-katakana-guide

2.06 2019-12-17T05:34:48Z

    - Fix bug of --check=none was not handled.
    - Document update.

2.05 2019-12-16T03:45:23Z

    - Detect overlapped patterns and ignore them.
    - Add --[no-]warn-{overlap,include} options.

2.04 2019-12-13T06:22:21Z

    - Upgrade statistics strategy.

2.03 2019-11-28T11:57:35Z

    - Change to use --no-regioncolor option.
    - Fix bug of pattern without replacement string.

2.02 2019-11-26T14:50:40Z

    - Use App::Greple::Pattern object.
    - Add --linefold option.

2.01 2019-11-22T01:20:09Z

    - Spin-off from App::Greple.

1.01 2019-11-26T02:34:42Z

    - original version