Revision history for `ansifold' command.

1.1501 2022-08-09T02:33:39Z

    - Require Text::ANSI::Fold@2.1301 to fix a bug.

1.15 2022-07-04T01:13:31Z

    - Make --colrm option set --separate to empty.

1.14 2022-03-02T06:24:42Z

    - Introduce --prefix option.

1.13 2021-10-25T00:42:27Z

    - Move program body from script/ to lib/.
    - Improve test codes.

1.12 2021-10-23T02:01:07Z

    - Introduce --colrm option.
    - Fix -n not working bug.

1.1101 2021-09-09T04:37:08Z

    - Improve option validation.

1.11 2021-08-15T01:01:45Z

    - Make --padding option to take optional padchar value.

1.10 2021-08-07T06:21:29Z

    - Update help and version style.
    - Add --boundary=space option.

1.0902 2021-08-05T05:43:11Z

    - Adopt the latest version of Getopt::EX::Hashed.

1.0901 2021-08-01T14:07:13Z

    - Update to use new Getopt::EX::Hashed interface.

1.09 2021-07-29T13:36:29Z

    - Update to use Getopt::EX::Hashed.
    - Introduce --nonewline as an alias for -n.

1.0801 2021-04-26T08:13:50Z

    - Remove uninitialized variable error.
    - Add test code.

1.08 2021-04-07T14:18:48Z

    - Option --expand, -x takes optional tabstop width.
    - Update document a lot.

1.07 2021-03-23T14:39:32Z

    - Move to github actions.
    - Update document.

1.06 2021-03-15T10:29:11Z

    - Use --tabstyle option to set tab style.

1.05 2020-12-22T07:15:13Z

    - Change default width from 70 to 72.
    - Add tab expansion handling.
    - Final negative width now takes all the rest.
    - Final zero width is ignored but not otherwise.

1.04 2020-07-05T01:25:37Z

    - Eliminate indirect object call.

1.03 2020-06-09T08:20:13Z

    - Use Text::ANSI::Fold 1.06

1.02 2020-01-18T05:09:33Z

    - Fix bug of --smart option not declared.

1.01 2019-12-13T06:19:01Z

    - Implement --linebreak option.

0.04 2019-09-19T12:25:31Z

    - Require newer Text::ANSI::Fold to make --padding option
      works for empty line.

0.03 2018-12-21T15:54:32Z

    - Discard --truncate option and use Getopt::EX::Numbers module.
    - Introduce --separate, -n option.

0.02 2018-12-12T23:21:16Z

    - Add --truncate option.

0.01 2018-07-21T18:01:12Z

    - original version