Revision history for Perl extension App-week
1.0301 2022-08-29T07:07:09Z
- use Getopt::EX::Hashed new interface
1.03 2022-07-25T01:44:33Z
- Introduce -W option for week number.
1.0205 2022-06-12T00:05:15Z
- Skip test if cal command is not installed.
1.0204 2022-06-09T05:46:26Z
- Add "use utf8" in all modules.
- Document fix.
1.0203 2021-09-28T19:02:18Z
- The latest Getopt::EX::Hashed clones default data.
1.0202 2021-09-03T13:38:21Z
- Support Solaris style tab and short month name.
1.0201 2021-08-28T09:45:59Z
- Support tabified Solaris cal(1) output.
1.02 2021-08-25T11:22:21Z
- Use Getopt::EX::Hashed option validation.
- Add --para2020 option.
1.0101 2021-08-15T06:31:43Z
- Fix revived bug for remove-trailing-space-system.
1.01 2021-08-14T01:51:31Z
- Introduce Japanese era.
- Rename -Mteams to -Mnpb.
- Introduce -m# option.
- Introduce -p, -P option.
- Use Getopt::EX::Hashed for option handling.
0.13 2020-06-29T02:23:37Z
- requires 'Getopt::EX', 'v1.19.0';
0.12 2020-06-24T14:22:32Z
- Add default parameter to --theme option.
0.11 2020-06-22T23:59:48Z
- Introduce --i18n option.
- Add -Molympic module and implement Day-of-Week color.
0.10 2020-05-28T01:37:51Z
- Update
0.09 2020-05-14T17:37:05Z
- Update to use -Mtermcolor.
- Correct spelling.
0.08 2020-04-06T13:36:08Z
- Handle 'once' warnings on 5.28.0 on some Linux system.
- Update test for NetBSD style calendar.
0.07 2020-04-04T15:37:33Z
- Add --rgb24 option.
- Accept NetBSD style one-character month name.
0.06 2020-03-31T10:37:38Z
- Normalize month names off-to-left position.
- Skip test when cal command not found.
0.05 2020-03-31T01:40:15Z
- Probably some system remove trailing spaces.
- Fix the bug of $year < 1000.
0.04 2020-03-30T15:09:04Z
- Set LC_ALL to "C" as well as LANG in test code.
- Accept somewhat flexible cal(1) output.
0.03 2020-03-30T02:56:58Z
- Eliminate to use -h option.
0.02 2020-03-27T04:09:57Z
- Set default value of -Y to one.
- Add simple test code.
0.01 2020-03-24T12:13:33Z
- original version