package Getopt::EX::Func;

use v5.14;
use warnings;
use Carp;

use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT      = qw();
our @EXPORT_OK   = qw(parse_func callable);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [ @EXPORT_OK ] );

use Data::Dumper;

use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
sub callable {
    my $target = shift;
    blessed $target and $target->can('call');

sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $obj = bless [ @_ ], $class;

sub append {
    my $obj = shift;
    push @$obj, @_;

sub call {
    my $obj = shift;
    unshift @_, @$obj;
    my $name = shift;

    no strict 'refs';
    goto &$name;

sub closure {
    my $name = shift;
    my @argv = @_;
    sub {
	package main; # XXX
	no strict 'refs';
	unshift @_, @argv;
	goto &$name;

## sub { ... }
## funcname(arg1,arg2,arg3=val3)
## funcname=arg1,arg2,arg3=val3

my $paren_re = qr/( \( (?: [^()]++ | (?-1) )*+ \) )/x;

sub parse_func {
    my $opt = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {};
    local $_ = shift;
    my $noinline = $opt->{noinline};
    my $pointer = $opt->{pointer};
    my $caller = caller;

    my @func;

    if (not $noinline and /^sub\s*{/) {
	my $sub = eval $_;
	if ($@) {
	    warn "Error in function -- $_ --.\n";
	    die $@;
	croak "Unexpected result from eval.\n" if ref $sub ne 'CODE';
	@func = ($sub);
    elsif (m{^ &? (?<name> [\w:]+ ) (?<arg> $paren_re | =.* )? $}x) {
	my $name = $+{name};
	my $arg = $+{arg} // '';
	$arg =~ s/^ (?| \( (.*) \) | = (.*) ) $/$1/x;
	my $pkg = $opt->{PACKAGE} || $caller;
	$name =~ s/^/$pkg\::/ unless $name =~ /::/;
	@func = ($name, arg2kvlist($arg));
    else {
	return undef;

    __PACKAGE__->new( $pointer ? closure(@func) : @func );

## convert "key1,key2,key3=val3" to (key1=>1, key2=>1, key3=>"val3")
sub arg2kvlist {
    my @kv;
    for (@_) {
	while (/\G
	       (?<k> [\w:]+ )
	       (?: = (?<v> (?: [^,()]++ | ${paren_re} )*+ ) )?
	    ) {
	    push @kv, ( $+{k}, $+{v} // 1 );
	my $pos = pos() // 0;
	if ($pos != length) {
	    die "parse error in \"$_\".\n";


=head1 NAME

Getopt::EX::Func - Function call interface


  use Getopt::EX::Func qw(parse_func);

  my $func = parse_func(...);



This module provides the way to create function call object used in
L<Getopt::EX> module set.

If your script has B<--begin> option which tells the script to call
specific function at the beginning of execution.  You can do it like

    use Getopt::EX::Func qw(parse_func);

    GetOptions("begin:s" => $opt_begin);

    my $func = parse_func($opt_begin);


Then script can be invoked like this:

    % example -Mfoo --begin 'repeat(debug,msg=hello,count=2)'

In this example, function C<repeat> should be declared in module
C<foo> or in start up rc file such as F<~/.examplerc>.  Actual
function call is done in this way:

    repeat ( debug => 1, msg => 'hello', count => '2' );

As you can notice, arguments in the function call string is passed in
I<name> =E<gt> I<value> style.  Parameter without value (C<debug> in
this example) is assigned value 1.

Function itself can be implemented like this:

    our @EXPORT = qw(repeat);
    sub repeat {
	my %opt = @_;
	print Dumper \%opt if $opt{debug};
	for (1 .. $opt{count}) {
	    say $opt{msg};

It is also possible to declare the function in-line:

    % example -Mfoo --begin 'sub{ say "wahoo!!" }'

Function C<say> can be used because the function is executed under
C<use v5.14> context.