2020-06-14 v0.202.1
Fix version number in main PM file
2020-06-14 v0.202.0 BREAKING CHANGE
Rename and add methods
- The names for `set_tag` and `set_baggage_item` have been changed to `add_...`
- Added plural versions for method related to `tags` and `baggage_items`
2020-06-14 v0.201.2
Fix minor issues from `OT::Constants`
2020-06-13 v0.201.1
Make `Test::OT::Interface` pinned
2020-06-13 v0.201.0
Fix return type for `get_active_scope`
2020-06-13 v0.200.0
Change to proper versioning
2020-06-08 v0.20
Use brand new Role::Declare (thanks Szymon)
Incorporate tests from independent `Test::OpenTracing::Interface`
Cleanup modules with `namespace::clean`
2020-05-06 v0.19
Fix return types for `get_active_scope`
Add more tests from `Test::OpenTracing::Interface`
2020-04-20 v0.18
Add 'dummy' `OpenTracing/` to satisfy StratoPAN
2020-04-19 v0.17
Add 'dummy' `OpenTracing/` to satisfy StratoPAN
2020-03-26 v0.16
set pinned version on `Role::MethodReturns`
2020-03-26 v0.15
Fixed al sorts off issues during PAUSE / MetaCPAN indexing
2020-03-25 v0.14
Renamed to "ContextReference"
2020-03-25 v0.13
improved indexing capabilities
2020-03-25 v0.12
- introduce `OpenTracing::Types` and simplify `OpenTracing::Interface`
- add `References` to create "casual span references"
- define `inject_context` and `extract_context`
- ensure we pass on all parameters, and fix those that did not
- make `child_of` and `references` mutual exclusive options
- add more than 150 tests
- update POD and README so everybody can read it
2020-01-29 v0.11
set 'default value' for type constraints `Maybe[SomeType]` with `undef`
2020-01-22 v0.10
fix version numbers in all files for better indexing at CPAN