Release history for perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Manifest-Write
0.006 @ 2015-07-23 19:11 UTC
- Implemented validation of `source_providers` and `metainfo_providers` options.
- Implemented option `strict` which controls strictness of checks above.
- As usual, bunch of infrastructure changes.
0.005 @ 2015-07-15 20:47 UTC
- Added support for templates with non-standard names. e. g. `[=MyLocalPlugin]`.
- Word "built" is used instead of "generated" in `MANIFEST`. It is shorter, and has the same
lengths as "added", so text now looks much better.
- Changed detection of generated files. Now the plugin checks file class — if a file is of
`Dist::Zilla::File::OnDisk` class, it is considered as added file, otherwise — -generated-,
sorry, built.
- Code reorganized for better modularity. Now it is easier to hack the plugin through
0.004 @ 2015-07-09 14:23 UTC
- **Incompatible change:** `dist.ini` file options `source_provider` and `metainfo_provider`
are replaced with plural counterparts: `source_providers` and `metainfo_providers`. New
options allow users to specify multiple space-separated providers in one option. Multiple
options are also allowed, as before.
- Documentation improved.
- Bunch of infrastructure changes not visible to the module users: (a) test rewritten with
`Test::Routine`, (b) documentation generation reworked, (c) added special test for
synopsis, (d) added bunch of generated tests like POD spell checking.
0.003 @ 2015-07-06 13:31 UTC
- `Dist-Zilla` older than v5.023 causes runtime error because `_added_by` field was a string,
not arrayref. Now `` explicitly requires `Dist::Zilla::Role::File` v5.023 to avoid
this error.
- Build: `Test::PodSpelling` plugin used, few spelling errors found and fixed.
0.002 @ 2015-07-04
- `AutoPrereqs` `Dist-Zilla` plugin fails to detect some implicit prereqs in test script, it
may cause test failure. Code changed to make that hidden depencencies explicit.
0.001 @ 2015-07-03
- Initial revision