Release history for perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Manifest-Write

v0.9.6 @ 2016-12-03 22:41 UTC

    -   `exclude_files` option introduced.

    -   Directory with examples renamed from `ex/` to `eg/`.

v0.9.5 @ 2015-10-30 21:52 UTC

    -   Short license notice used in POD.

    -   Test fails with `ErrorLogger` v0.9.0. Test updated to work with this `ErrorLogger`. Back
        side is that tests now require `ErrorLogger` v0.9.0.

v0.9.4 @ 2015-10-12 23:30 UTC


    -   Distribution rebuilt with `Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-VDB` v0.9.0, which enables few
        more extra tests.


    -   A typo in link found by a new extra test. Fixed.

v0.9.3 @ 2015-10-07 08:03 UTC


    -   Version of required `Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::EOL` specified explicitly as 0.14 to
        avoid test failure due to different test file name: this version generates `eol.t`,
        previous versions generate `test-eol.t`.

v0.9.2 @ 2015-10-04 21:21 UTC


    -   Version of required `Dist::Zilla::Plugin::Test::NoTabs` specified explicitly as 0.09 to
        avoid test failure due to different test file name: this version generates author test,
        previous versions generate release test.

v0.9.1 @ 2015-10-03 08:39 UTC


    -   Cygwin has problem with backslashes. It silently converts backslashes to slashes, e. g.
        `file\name` becomes `file/name`, and file creation fails because directory `file/` does not
        exists. Tests modified to not use filenames with backslashes on Cygwin.

v0.9.0 @ 2015-10-02 20:00 UTC


    -   In previous versions of the plugin, the term "plugin name" was not used properly. Actually,
        sometimes it was used instead of "plugin moniker". "Plugin name" and "plugin moniker" terms
        are almost interchangeable in trivial cases, but in general case they are not.

    -   In this version, a section explaining these terms is added to the user manual. User manual,
        code and comments revisited to clarify what is meant or required in each case. If you find
        the documentation is still unclear, let me know.

    -   I discovered file history log maintained by `Dist::Zilla` is unreliable. Only the file
        adder (aka injector) is recorded properly, file mungers are guessed, see
        <>, and "File Mungers" in the user manual.
        Because of unreliable information, all the file mungers are stripped down from annotations,
        only file adders left. If you want to enable old behaviour, use `show_mungers` option.


    -   Options `source_providers` and `metainfo_providers` changed a bit. Now they interpret as
        delimiter any whitespace character (`\s`) not just plain space (` `).

    -   Options `source_provider` and `metainfo_provider` introduced. Each option treats its value
        as *one* plugin name. It allows to operate with plugin names containing spaces.

    -   Option `show_mungers` introduced. By default mungers are not shown because this information
        is unreliable.

    -   `CPANFile` plugin name is added to default metainfo providers.

    [Fixed Bugs]

    -   When the plugin adds itself to the list of metainfo providers, it adds plugin moniker (but
        should add plugin name).

    -   Plugins used in testing (e. g. `Test::Compile`) are not included into `Meta.JSON` as test
        requirements, it causes test failure.

    -   If filename includes hash character, filename in manifest is still written as-is. It may
        cause interpreting such a file as comment.


    -   From user point of view, this version is almost compatible with the previous (except very
        minor change in `source_providers` and `metainfo_providers`). However, in class interface
        there are incompatible changes. Some methods are renamed, some changed, so subclasses or
        other clients should be modified to work with the new version. (Frankly, I do not think
        someone uses it programmatically.)


    -   `example.t` test is too sensitive: it requires the manifest samples saved in `ex/`
        subdirectory, are generated with current version of the plugin, otherwise the test fails
        due to different files. The test fixed. Now change in the plugin version does not cause the
        test failure.

    -   Added a test routine (it is used in every test) to read generated manifest with
        `ExtUtils::Manifest::maniread` and verify read content. That actually means my manifest is
        tested on compatibility with `MakeMaker`.

    -   Examples are tested now, see `examples.t`.

v0.8.1 @ 2015-09-15 21:00 UTC

    -   Bunch of build infrastructure changes, not visible to end users.

    -   `ReadMe.pod` dropped.

    -   Version switched from old decimal style to new dotted-decimal style.

0.008 @ 2015-08-10 14:37 UTC

    -   Debug message improved. Old message was a caught exception and being printed with no
        explanation, was a bit frightening.

    -   Packaging bug fixed: `Utils::fill_in` trigged creation metadata too early, even before file
        gathering is complete. This breaks `MetaProvides::Package` plugin, and leads to empty
        `provides` metadata, so v0.007 was not properly indexed by CPAN.

0.007 @ 2015-08-09 17:57 UTC

    -   A test module now explicitly requires `Moose` v2.0800. Older `Moose` versions causes test

0.006 @ 2015-07-23 19:11 UTC

    -   Implemented validation of `source_providers` and `metainfo_providers` options.

    -   Implemented option `strict` which controls strictness of checks above.

    -   As usual, bunch of infrastructure changes.

0.005 @ 2015-07-15 20:47 UTC

    -   Added support for templates with non-standard names. e. g. `[=MyLocalPlugin]`.

    -   Word "built" is used instead of "generated" in `MANIFEST`. It is shorter, and has the same
        lengths as "added", so text now looks much better.

    -   Changed detection of generated files. Now the plugin checks file class — if a file is of
        `Dist::Zilla::File::OnDisk` class, it is considered as added file, otherwise — -generated-,
        sorry, built.

    -   Code reorganized for better modularity. Now it is easier to hack the plugin through

0.004 @ 2015-07-09 14:23 UTC

    -   **Incompatible change:** `dist.ini` file options `source_provider` and `metainfo_provider`
        are replaced with plural counterparts: `source_providers` and `metainfo_providers`. New
        options allow users to specify multiple space-separated providers in one option. Multiple
        options are also allowed, as before.

    -   Documentation improved.

    -   Bunch of infrastructure changes not visible to the module users: (a) test rewritten with
        `Test::Routine`, (b) documentation generation reworked, (c) added special test for
        synopsis, (d) added bunch of generated tests like POD spell checking.

0.003 @ 2015-07-06 13:31 UTC

    -   `Dist-Zilla` older than v5.023 causes runtime error because `_added_by` field was a string,
        not arrayref. Now `` explicitly requires `Dist::Zilla::Role::File` v5.023 to avoid
        this error.

    -   Build: `Test::PodSpelling` plugin used, few spelling errors found and fixed.

0.002 @ 2015-07-04

    -   `AutoPrereqs` `Dist-Zilla` plugin fails to detect some implicit prereqs in test script, it
        may cause test failure. Code changed to make that hidden dependencies explicit.

0.001 @ 2015-07-03

    -   Initial revision