Release history for perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaResources-Template.

0.003 @ 2015-07-22 13:18 UTC

    -   Bug found: `MetaResources::BUILDARGS` treats all the arguments as meta resources. So
        neither `delimiters`, nor `package` nor `prepend` argument has desired effect. Insted,
        they are treated as (invalid) meta resources. Problem fixed by adding own `BUILDARGS` wich
        hides `TextTemplate` arguments from parent `BUILDARGS`. But fix requires `TextTemplater`

0.002 @ 2015-07-15 10:42 UTC

    -   `TextTemplater` role used for better error reporting.
    -   Example added to distribution.
    -   Test fails on systems with `Dist::Zilla` older than v5.300039, because in older versions
        the license resource was a `Str` (now `ArrayRef[Str]`). Test fixed to work with both

0.001 @ 2015-07-09 18:08 UTC

    -   Initial release. Functionality is implemented; test is written; doc is in place.