Release history for perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-VDB

v0.8.0 @ 2015-09-22 16:13 UTC

    -   `Changes` file is spell-checked before release.

    -   `spellcheck` option implemented. If option is empty, spell-checking is disabled.

    -   Changed relative order of `Templates` and `OurPkgVersion`. `Templates` now is the first
        file munger.

    -   `Manifest::Read` is used instead of `GatherFromManifest`.

    -   A test added on `dzil build`.

    -   Minor bug fixed: `VERSION` file should be read from/written to therott directory, not to
        the current directory.

    -   `ReadMe.pod` dropped.

    -   `copying` and `readme` options implemented. `COPYING` and `README` files are generated by
        the bundle. `doc/generic/` directory is not required now, all the POD files should be in
        `doc/`. If a POD file is missed, standard text taken from the bundle is used. Empty
        `copying` option disables generating `COPYING` file, empty `readme` disables `README`.

    -   `Test::DiagINC` plugin enabled.

    -   Bug in `PodWeaver` found: <>
        To workaround the bug, clients should keep `doc/copying.pod` file in source tree.

    -   Version switched from old decimal style to new dotted-decimal style.

0.007 @ 2015-08-15 10:54 UTC

    -   Previous release introduced bug: `PodWeaver` plugin worked before implemented `Templates`.
        Included POD sections (like `WHAT?` and `WHY?`) were not processed by `PodWeaver` and
        appeared in the very beginning, before `NAME`. Plugin ordering fixed.

    -   Whithin the bundle, `$dist->version` used instead of `$MY::version`, just in case — the
        latter can be (too) easily chnaged in a template.

    -   "Fake release" notion dropped, and `fake_release` option too. "Local release" notion
        introduced. Local release avoids external operations: `UploadToCPAN` and `hg push` pluging
        skipped in case of local release, `hg tag` adds local tag.

0.006 @ 2015-08-14 00:31 UTC

    -   Released distribution is installed.

    -   `templates` option implemented.

    -   `unwanted_modules` option implemented.

    -   `VERSION` file content is verified.

    -   Release archiving is implemented without `Archive` plugin. `Archive` is a good plugin, but
        it moves tarball while I want to copy it — probably I'll use it in future. (`Archive` also
        prunes content of archive directory, but I do not need it since I gather files explicitly
        listed in `MANIFEST`.)

0.005 @ 2015-08-11 20:08 UTC

    -   Minor problem found: next release version printed as "obj(0.007_01)". Version object
        stringified to avoid it.

    -   `Templates` plugin used to process `COPYING` and `README`.

    -   `Prereqs::AuthorDeps` adds dependency on `tools::GenerateHooks` which is not indexed by
        CPAN, it causes pre-release check failure. Added a workaround.

0.004 @ 2015-08-09 22:12 UTC

    -   All the implicitly used modules are explicitly used now to let `AutoPrereqs` detect them
        and add to the distribution metadata as requirements.

    -   `config_plugin` option added to `SurgicalPodWeaver` plugin, so all the `weaver.ini` files
        can be dropped now.

0.003 @ 2015-08-09 19:26 UTC

    -   `CheckChangesHasContent` plugin enabled.

    -   `fake_home` option added to `Test::Compile` configuration.

    -   `Prereqs::AuthorDeps` plugin enabled.

    -   `Perl::Version` module used to bump the version (instead of adding 0.000001).

0.002 @ 2015-08-08 17:03 UTC

    -   `fake_release` option introduced.

    -   `minimum_perl` option introduced.

    -   The bundle performs cleaning after release.

0.001 @ 2015-08-07 15:42 UTC

    -   Initial revision