Release history for perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-TextTemplater

0.003 @ 2015-07-22 12:56 UTC

    -   `BUILDARG` class method eliminated. It works bad in `MetaResources::Template`. `delimiters`
        option now is split by trigger the attribute.
    -   `delimiters` option checking added. It must include two whitespace-separated words.

0.002 @ 2015-07-18 18:38 UTC

    -   `delimiters` option implemented.
    -   Documentation improved.
    -   Version 0.005 of the `ErrorLogger` role is explicitly requested. It should fix test
        failures on few platforms.

0.001 @ 2015-07-14 21:52 UTC

    -   `fill_in_string` method is implemented.
    -   `package` and `prepend` options are implemented.
    -   Documentation is in place.
    -   Tests are in place too.